1 1990. Training needs assessment in Malaysia: Exercise held at Kuala Lampur and Kota Bharu from 13th October 1989. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI; Malaysia. Department of Irrigation and Drainage. xiii, 280p.
Training ; Irrigation ; Evaluation / Malaysia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G714 TRA Record No: H007341)
2 ABDOURAHMANE, A. T. 1995. Etude preparatoire de l'evaluation a Mi-Parcours du Projet IIMI-PMI-Niger: Rapport final - Etude realisee a la demande du Projet IIMI-PMI-Niger sous contrat en date du 18-10-1994. Niamey, Niger: IIMI. Project report. 75p.
Irrigation management ; Project appraisal ; Water management / Niger
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G212 ABD Record No: H005327)
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3 ABERNETHY, C. L.; BERTHERY, D. 1986. An Africa strategy for IIMI. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 64p.
Irrigation management ; Policy / Africa
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G100 ABE Record No: H002242)
4 ABERNETHY, C. L. 1990. Indicators of the performance of irrigation water distribution systems. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 22p.
Water distribution ; Performance evaluation ; Indicators ; Equity
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G000 ABE Record No: H007823)
5 ABERNETHY, C. L. 1994. Report on a visit to Burkina Faso, 2-18 March 1994. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 37p.
Performance evaluation ; Irrigation ; Sedimentation ; Reservoirs ; Institution building / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7 G226 ABE Record No: H015945)
6 ABERNETHY, C. L. 1994. Performance improvement strategies for small reservoir-based irrigation systems in Burkina Faso, 16-28 October 1994. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. Report of a visit to Burkina Faso. 46p.
Performance evaluation ; Performance indexes ; Cropping systems ; Intensive cropping ; Water supply ; Crop yield / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G226 ABE Record No: H015946)
7 ABERNETHY, C. L. (Ed.) 1996. The institutional framework for irrigation: Proceedings of a Workshop, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 1 to 5 November, 1993. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. vi, 128p.
Irrigation management ; Irrigated farming ; Water management ; Water law ; Legislation ; Soil management ; Farmer participation ; Institution building / Indonesia / Laos / Malaysia / Philippines / Thailand / Peru / Pakistan / Sri Lanka / South America / Australia / South Asia / South East Asia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G000 ABE Record No: H018372)
8 ABEYRATNE, S. 1990. Rehabilitation of small scale irrigation systems in Sri Lanka: State policy and practice in two systems. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xiv, 57p. (IIMI country paper - Sri Lanka no.6)
Irrigation ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Rehabilitation ; Policy ; Farmers' associations / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.7 G744 ABE Record No: H006559)
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The research for this study of two small irrigation systems was done in 1986-87. Shyamala Abeyratne was a Ph.D. candidate at Cornell University, and was supported by the International Irrigation Management Institute (11MI) as a Research Fellow during this period. The research itself was carried out under the supervision of Ed Martin, then an Agricultural Economist on the staff of IIMI. Ms. Abeyratne has already had considerable experience as a researcher into Sri Lankan irrigation management topics, primarily through her position as Research and Training Officer at the Agrarian Research and Training Institute. This experience included evaluations of some of the early rehabilitation projects under the Village Irrigation Rehabilitation Project (VIRP). This project, funded primarily by the World Bank and implemented by the Department of Agrarian Services, is intended to strengthen the capacity of the Department of Agrarian Services, and also to rehabilitate 1,200 "minor" systems, i.e., systems under 80 hectares (ha). As part of the rehabilitation project, improved water management practices and organizational innovations are also being introduced. The present study examines rather critically the implementation of the rehabilitation on two small systems, one a reservoir system, the other a diversion or "anicut" system; and it raises questions about the likely long- term impact on the productivity and sustainability of the system. The observations in this paper are consistent with those of researchers in other systems in Sri Lanka, and in other countries. But, as noted by one of the reviewers of this paper, two caveats should be kept in mind while reading this paper. First, the district in which the study was done is in no way "typical" of .the environment in which most minor irrig~tion is located in Sri Lanka. Most of the irrigation systems are located in the Dry Zone, whereas these systems are located in a zone that is intermediate
9 ABEYSEKERA, W. A. T. 1993. Rehabilitation of irrigation systems in Sri Lanka: A literature review. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xvi, 100p. (IIMI country paper; Sri Lanka - no.11)
Rehabilitation ; Irrigation systems ; Water management ; Tank irrigation ; Modernization ; Research ; Investment ; Farmer participation / Sri Lanka / Gal Oya Project / Uda Walawe
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.7 G744 ABE Record No: H012371)
The purpose of this literature review is to identify the lessons learnt from the implementation of these projects based on available literature, and the gaps that need to be filled by additional research. It brings out clearly a number of lessons learned, some of which have been incorporated in recent projects, and some not. Many of these lessons are applicable not only to Sri Lanka but more widely. The lessons include: the importance of involving farmers from the begining and using the improvment process to build farmer's organizations; the effectiveness of specially trained catalysts for organizing farmers; the imporatnce of addressing agricultural, technological, marketing, and other issues as well as irrigation problems; and the necessity to build in better monitoring and evaluation processes.
10 ABHAYARATNA, M. D. C.; VERMILLION, D.; JOHNSON, S.; PERRY, C. (Eds.) 1994. Farmer management of groundwater irrigation in Asia: Selected papers from a South Asian Regional Workshop on Groundwater Farmer-Managed Irrigation Systems and Sustainable Groundwater Management, held in Dhaka, Bangladesh from 18 to 21 May 1992. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. ix, 205p.
Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Groundwater management ; Conjunctive use ; Tube well irrigation ; Sustainability ; Social aspects ; Economic aspects ; Aquifers ; Agricultural development ; Small scale systems ; Case studies ; Surface irrigation ; Sprinkler irrigation ; Water users' associations / Asia / Bangladesh / China / India / Indonesia / Nepal / Philippines / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-SEA Call no: IIMI 631.7.6.3 G570 ABH Record No: H015148)
In this workshop the participants identified five priority areas of concern relative to sustainable management of groundwater irrigation by farmers:
1) aquifer drawdown; 2) FMIS groundwaterwater support services, 3) management problems under water-surplus conditions; 4) management problems under water-deficit conditions; 5) management problems in conjunctive use areas .
11 AFAQ, R. M.; STROSSER, P.; REHMAN, S. U.; HAKIM, A. H.; GARCES-RESTREPO, C. 1994. Final report on crop-based irrigation operations in the North West Frontier Province of Pakisatn. Vol.III: Data collection procedures and data sets. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. v, 130p.
Irrigation management ; Crop-based irrigation ; Data collection ; Watercourses ; Water supply ; Climate / Pakistan / North West Frontier Province
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.2 G730 GAR Record No: H016372)
Final report of the Technical Assistance Study TA-1481 PAK
12 AHLERS, R. (Ed.) 1999. Informe final de los estudios del IWMI en La Comarca Lagunera, Mexico. Mexico City, DF, Mexico: IIMI. Mexico Program. Compilation of IWMI research reporting papers. 15-17 January, Torre�n, Coahuila, Mexico. 87p.
/ Mexico
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G404 AHL Record No: H025320)
13 AHMAD, M.; ALI, B.; ALI, S.; ASLAM, M.; BABAR, Q. R.; HAIDER, M. S.; HUSSEIN, K.; IFTIKHAR, S.; IQBAL, A.; KHAN, M. A.; KUPER, M.; MEHMOOD, K.; PASHA, M. A.; RAMZAN, M.; RAZA, R. A.; RAZAQ, A.; RIAZ, A.; SAMAD, A.; SHAH, Q. A.; SHAUQ, G. R.; SKOGERBOE, G. 1995. Training course: Field Calibration of Irrigation Structures, Fordwah Canal, Fordwah Eastern Sadiqia Irrigation and Drainage Project, Bahawalnagar, 28 May to 6 June, 1995 - Technical report. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. 92p. + annex.
Irrigation canals ; Open channels ; Flow control ; Calibrations ; Discharges ; Measurement ; Measuring instruments ; Velocity ; Training courses / Pakistan / Sutlej River / Fordwah Canal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 AHM Record No: H019737)
14 AHMAD, MOBIN-UD -DIN; VAN WAIJJEN, E. G.; KUPER, M.; VISSER, S. 1998. Comparison of different tools to assess the water distribution in secondary canals with ungated outlets. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. vi, 68p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-52)
Irrigation canals ; Distributary canals ; Water distribution ; Models ; Equity ; Flow control ; Silt ; Discharges ; Weirs ; Flumes / Pakistan / Punjab / Fordwah Distributary / Masood Distributary
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 AHM Record No: H022924)
15 AHMAD, MOBIN-UD -DIN; CHEMIN, Y.; ASIF, S.; ALI, S. 1998. GIS metadata for an irrigation system - Volume I: Chishtian Sub-Division. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. 74p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-65.1)
GIS ; Satellite surveys ; Irrigation canals ; Distributary canals ; Watercourses ; Soil salinity ; Water table ; Tube wells ; Water quality / Pakistan / Chishtian Sub-Division
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 MOB Record No: H023382)
16 ALI, S.; CHEMIN, Y.; ASIF, S.; AHMAD, MOBIN-UD -DIN. 1998. GIS metadata for an irrigation system - Volume II: Selected watercourses within Chishtian Sub-Division. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. 56p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-65.2)
GIS ; Satellite surveys ; Irrigation canals ; Distributary canals ; Watercourses ; Water allocation ; Cropping systems ; Tube wells / Pakistan / Chishtian Sub-Division
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 MOB Record No: H023383)
17 ALURRALDE, J. C.; GANDARILLAS, C. A.; SKOGERBOE, G. V. 1998. Application of crop-based irrigation operations to Chasma Right Bank Canal. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. viii, 172p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-66)
Crop-based irrigation ; Irrigation operation ; Irrigation programs ; Irrigation canals ; Distributary canals ; Water requirements ; Drainage ; Water allocation ; Water delivery ; Irrigation scheduling / Pakistan / Chasma Right Bank Canal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 ALU Record No: H023615)
18 ALUWIHARE, P. B.; KIKUCHI, M. 1991. Irrigation investment trends in Sri Lanka: New construction and beyond. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xv, 89p.
Investment ; Water management ; Rehabilitation ; Rice / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.4 G744 ALU Record No: H009282)
19 ALVAREZ, C.; GARC�S-RESTREPO, C. 1966. Perfil de riego de la Republica de Colombia. [Irrigation profile of Colombia] Cali, Colombia: IIMI. Unpublished report. 62p.
Irrigation management / Colombia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 GG518 ALV Record No: H022355)
20 AMARASEKARA, N. 1991. Environmental impact assessment: Kirindi Oya Irrigation and Settlement Project (KOISP) Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 58p. + tables.
Environmental effects ; Water resources ; Irrigation systems ; Irrigation effects ; River basin development / Sri Lanka / Kirindi Oya
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G744 AMA Record No: H009777)
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The Kirindi Oya river basin development/degradation however has been planned in two different ways, namely, downstream, where the Kirindi Oya Irrigation and Settlement Project (KOISP) is located and the upper catchment where contemporary environmental degradation occurred. This review is based on that belief, inspite of limitations in data macro hydrological studies covering larger river basins would, at least, for reconnaissance purposes, prove equally useful as the more common micro catchment studies. Due to negligence and lack of knowledge of the importance of watershed management in the Kirindi Oya basin, there is considerable damage in downstream in the Kirindi Oya basin where the KOISP is operated. It is necessary, therefore, to consider contemporary environmental degradation in both downstream and watershed separately.
21 ANSARI, A. M.; SIAL, N. H.; URSANI, A. J.; SHABIR, G.; LAGHARI, M. G.; KHAYAL, M. N.; LASHARI, B.; BHATTI, M. A.; SKOGERBOE, G. V. 1997. Maintenance plans for irrigation facilities of pilot distributaries in Sindh, Pakistan: Volume two - Heran Distributary, Sanghar District. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. vi,75p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-40.2)
Irrigation management ; Maintenance ; Planning ; Irrigation canals ; Distributary canals ; Flow control ; Measurement ; Watercourses ; Rehabilitation / Pakistan / Sindh / Sanghar District / Heran Distributary
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G730 ANS Record No: H022620)
22 ASLAM, M. 1997. Salinity management alternatives for the Rechna Doab, Punjab, Pakistan: Volume five - Predicting future tubewell salinity discharges. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. v, 53p. (IIMI Pakistan report no.R-21.5)
Irrigation management ; Soil salinity ; Agricultural development ; Tube well irrigation ; Data collection ; Groundwater ; Water distribution ; Conjunctive use ; Models / Pakistan / Punjab / Rechna Doab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 ASL Record No: H009238)
23 ASLAM, M.; VAN DAM, J. C. 1998. Modelling soil salinity and sodicity processes in an unsaturated zone using LEACHM: A case study from the Chishtian Irrigation Sub-division. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. v, 86p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-50)
Irrigation management ; Soil salinity ; Sodic soils ; Simulation models ; Flow discharge ; Soil moisture ; Evapotranspiration ; Case studies / Pakistan / Chishtian Irrigation Sub-division
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 ASL Record No: H022542)
24 ASLAM, M. 1998. Waterlogging and salinity management in the Sindh Province, Pakistan. Supplement I-A. Improved water management practices for the rice-wheat cropping systems in Sindh Province, Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. ix, 96p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-70.1a)
Irrigation practices ; Rice ; Wheat ; Cropping systems ; Soil properties ; Fertilizers ; Water requirements ; Crop yield ; Water table ; Tillage ; Water use efficiency ; Irrigation efficiency ; Irrigation scheduling ; Drainage ; Effluents ; Water reuse ; Water management ; Farmer participation ; Water quality ; Salinity ; Sodic soils ; Paddy fields ; Water loss ; Waterlogging ; Water delivery ; Management Information Systems / Pakistan / Sindh Province
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 ASL Record No: H024976)
25 BADRUDDIN, M. 1993. An overview of irrigation in Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. 23p.
Irrigation management ; Groundwater potential ; River basin development / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7 G730 BAD Record No: H012516)
26 BADRUDDIN, M.; SKOGERBOE, G. V.; SHAFIQUE, M. S. (Eds.) 1996. Proceedings of the National Conference on Managing Irrigation for Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture in Pakistan, Islamabad, November 5-7, 1996. Volume I - Inauguration and deliberations. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan. National Program. 73p.
Irrigation management ; Sustainable agriculture ; Environmental effects ; Irrigation canals ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Water distribution ; Irrigation efficiency ; Drainage ; Hydrology ; Water reuse ; Tube wells ; Soil salinity ; Water table ; Waterlogging ; Groundwater management ; Irrigated farming ; Institution building / Pakistan / Indus Basin
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7 G730 BAD Record No: H020180)
27 BADRUDDIN, M.; SKOGERBOE, G. V.; SHAFIQUE, M. S. (Eds.) 1996. Proceedings of the National Conference on Managing Irrigation for Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture in Pakistan, Islamabad, November 5-7, 1996. Volume II - Papers on the theme, managing canal operations. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan. National Program. 63p.
Irrigation management ; Water distribution ; Irrigation canals ; Canal regulation techniques ; Flow control ; Information systems ; Decision support tools ; Performance evaluation ; Distributary canals ; Water delivery ; Simulation ; Salinity control ; Water allocation ; Irrigation scheduling ; Equity ; Indicators ; Irrigated farming / Pakistan / Indus Basin / South-East Punjab / Fordwah Branch Canal / Chishtian Sub-Division / Sutlej River / Gujjiani / Malik Subdivision / Eastern Sadiqia Canal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7 G730 BAD Record No: H020184)
28 BADRUDDIN, M.; SKOGERBOE, G. V.; SHAFIQUE, M. S. (Eds.) 1996. Proceedings of the National Conference on Managing Irrigation for Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture in Pakistan, Islamabad, November 5-7, 1996. Volume III - Papers on the theme, Water management below the Mogha. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan. National Program. 104p.
Water allocation ; Water distribution ; Watercourses ; Irrigation water ; Irrigation canals ; Waterlogging ; Salinity ; Water use ; Decision making ; Surface drainage ; Irrigation design ; Irrigation requirements ; Sprinkler irrigation ; Wheat ; Surface irrigation ; Irrigation scheduling ; Cotton ; Crop yield ; Soil reclamation ; Sodic soils ; Soil salinity ; Conjunctive use ; Groundwater ; Surface water ; Flow measurement ; Irrigation practices ; Monitoring ; Evaluation ; Farmer participation ; Farmers' attitudes / Pakistan / Indus Basin / Dera Ghazi Khan / Chishtian Sub-Division / Fordwah Branch Canal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7 G730 BAD Record No: H020188)
29 BADRUDDIN, M.; SKOGERBOE, G. V.; SHAFIQUE, M. S. (Eds.) 1996. Proceedings of the National Conference on Managing Irrigation for Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture in Pakistan, Islamabad, November 5-7, 1996. Volume IV - Papers on the theme, environmental management of irrigated lands. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan. National Program. 218p.
Irrigation management ; Soil salinity ; Sodic soils ; Soil degradation ; Soil reclamation ; GIS ; Agricultural production ; Salinity control ; Irrigated farming ; Sustainable agriculture / Pakistan / Punjab / Chishtian Sub-Division / Rechna Doab / Lower Chenab Canal System
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7 G730 BAD Record No: H020194)
30 BADRUDDIN, M.; SKOGERBOE, G. V.; SHAFIQUE, M. S. (Eds.) 1996. Proceedings of the National Conference on Managing Irrigation for Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture in Pakistan, Islamabad, November 5-7, 1996. Volume V - Papers on the theme, institutional development. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan. National Program. 72p.
Irrigated farming ; Social organization ; Water users' associations ; Farmers' associations ; Institution building ; Water resource management ; Operations ; Maintenance ; Policy ; Irrigation management ; Participatory management / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7 G730 BAD Record No: H020203)
31 BANDARAGODA, D. J.; FIRDOUSI, G. R. 1992. Institutional factors affecting irrigation performance in Pakistan: Research and policy priorities. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. vii, 81p. (IIMI country paper - Pakistan no.4)
Irrigation management ; Performance evaluation ; Institutions ; Poverty ; Legislation / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 BAN Record No: H010849)
The strong irrigation tradition has sustained the broad based community community interest in irrigation. The result is a very complex institutional milieu in which a set of formally established irrigation rules and organizations exists side by side with an intricate set of social institutions. The two sets act like a dual system often in conflict with each other. The authors, while analyzing the present institutional barriers, have highlighted the importance of irrigation rules and procedures in the institutional framework.
32 BANDARAGODA, D. J.; BADRUDDIN, M. 1992. Moving towards demand-based operations in modernized irrigation systems in Pakistan. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xiv, 42p. (IIMI country paper - Pakistan, no.5)
Irrigation management ; Crops ; Water requirements ; Irrigated farming ; Intensive cropping ; Crop-based irrigation ; Modernization ; Water demand / Pakistan / North West Frontier Province
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 BAN Record No: H011923)
33 BANDARAGODA, D. J. 1993. The role of research-supported irrigation policy in sustainable irrigated agriculture: An interpretive precis of the case of Pakistan. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xiv, 68p. (IIMI country paper - Pakistan, no.6)
Irrigation management ; Research ; Policy ; Privatization ; Sustainable agriculture ; Irrigated farming ; Performance ; Institutions ; Groundwater ; Tube wells ; Water allocation / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G635 BAN Record No: H013468)
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34 BANDARAGODA, D. J.; SAEED UR REHMAN. 1994. Institutional perspectives of land reclamation operations in Punjab: A case study of the Lower Chenab Canal (East) Circle Area. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xv, 60p. (IIMI working paper - Pakistan; no.28)
Land reclamation ; Soil salinity ; Irrigated sites ; Irrigation canals ; Irrigation water ; Institutions ; Legal aspects ; Irrigation scheduling ; Water availability ; Irrigated farming ; Case studies / Pakistan / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G730 BAN Record No: H014383)
The Directorate of Land Reclamation (DLR), which was set up in 1945, is a special unit of Punjab's Irrigation and Power Department for undertaking research and field operations to combat the problem of salinity. Approaching the end of five decades of existence, the directorate is yet to demonstrate its effectiveness in its assigned task; its inability to fully cope with the conditions of a fast changing irrigation environment makes this rather an illusive goal. In the selection of lands for reclamation, the Directorate is heavily dependent on the visual salinity survey (Thur Girdawari) carried out every year by the Irrigation Department's field staff. This visual survey appears to be a quick and cost-effective method of assessing surface salinity, but its exclusive use as the criterion for selection of affected land is a questionable approach. According to original departmental procedure, reclamation activities were confined to only two of the five classes of soil identified by the visual salinity survey, but the current practice of including all the types of salt-affected soils in reclamation operations has made the selection process more subjective. Surprisingly, the DLR is not using its existing laboratory facilities optimally to better identify the salt-affected lands. Soil testing in visually identified lands could also help define the reclamation operations more scientifically in addition to improving the selection methods being used. While formal procedure requires the Directorate to communicate to farmers the details of planned reclamation schemes, farmer awareness of the reclamation program seems to be poor and only a few farmers in the study area readily acknowledge agency assistance in obtaining relevant information. In practice, the proposals for reclamation schemes are often initiated by some influential farmers. It is a requirement that the amount of water made available for reclamation be over and above the design supply of a given distributary, and special reclamation outlets can be given from a distributary only on the basis that its tail will not suffer. However, the study shows no evidence to show that extra water was made available during the operation of reclamation outlets; further, tail-end shortages were observed in all the distributaries under the study. In a context where the tendency is to give scant consideration to irrigation rules and procedures, it is unlikely that the Directorate of Land Reclamation in its present form and status will succeed in implementing an extensive program of reclamation operations. For the Directorate to be effective in its legitimate functions and to make it an operationally viable and socially acceptable organizational unit, adequate policy and institutional support seem to be necessary.
35 BANDARAGODA, D. J.; SAEED UR REHMAN. 1995. Warabandi in Pakistan's canal irrigation systems: Widening gap between theory and practice. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xx, 89p. (IIMI country paper, Pakistan no.7)
Irrigation scheduling ; Irrigation systems ; Irrigation canals ; Privatization ; Water rights ; Social aspects ; Economic aspects ; Watercourses ; Water supply ; Equity ; Water distribution ; Water users' associations / Pakistan / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 BAN Record No: H017571)
36 BANDARAGODA, D. J.; MEHMOOD UL HASSAN; MIRZA, Z. I.; CHEEMA, M. A.; WAHEED-UZ-ZAMAN. 1997. Organizing water users for distributary management: Preliminary results from a pilot study in the Hakra 4-R distributary of the Eastern Sadiqia Canal System of Pakistan's Punjab Province. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. vi, 100p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-25)
Irrigation canals ; Distributary canals ; Water users' associations ; Social organization ; Villages / Pakistan / Punjab / Eastern Sadiqia Canal System / Hakra
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 BAN Record No: H020288)
37 BANDARAGODA, D. J.; MEMON, Y. 1997. Moving towards participatory irrigation management. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. v, 100p. (IIMI Pakistan report no.R-26)
Irrigation management ; Participatory management ; Irrigation programs ; Irrigation canals ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Planning ; Training ; Social organization ; Water rights ; Tenancy ; Land ownership ; Farmers' attitudes ; Water users' associations ; Water users ; Gender / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 BAN Record No: H020513)
Phase II Report - Pilot Project for Farmer-Managed Irrigated Agriculture Under the Left Bank Outfall Drain, Stage I Project, Pakistan
38 BANDARAGODA, D. J.; SKOGERBOE, G. V.; MEMON, Y. 1997. Prospects for farmer-managed irrigated agriculture in the Sindh Province of Pakistan - Final report. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. v, 135p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-42)
Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Irrigation management ; Water resource management ; Social organization ; Irrigation canals ; Distributary canals ; Water distribution ; Equity ; Water users' associations ; Legal aspects ; Legislation ; Organizational development ; Farm income ; Analysis ; Infrastructure ; Expenditure ; Costs ; Drainage / Pakistan / Sindh Province
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 BAN Record No: H022625)
39 BASNET, K. 1992. Beyond the Chadar and Chardiwari: Women in the irrigated areas of Punjab. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. iii, 30p.
Peasant workers ; Livestock ; Rural women ; Irrigation / Pakistan / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7088042 G730 BAS Record No: H010623)
40 BAUME, J. P.; SALLY, H.; MALATERRE, P. O.; REY, J. 1993. Development and field-installation of a mathematical simulation model in support of irrigation canal management. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xiv, 89p.
Mathematical models ; Simulation models ; Flow ; Hydraulics ; Irrigation canals ; Decision making ; Research / Sri Lanka / Kirindi Oya
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G744 BAU Record No: H012203)
The management of a manually operated irrigation canal with a number of control structures presents a special set of challenges to the system manager, who is often confronted with the problem of identifying and implementing a coordinated operational strategy to meet water delivery targets in the absence of adequate and reliable information on how the system is functioning. The development of a microcomputer-based mathematical flow simulation model of the Kirindi Oya Right Bank Main Canal is the first phase in IIMI's efforts to provide canal managers with an innovative decision-support tool to help them meet these challenges. This research project was also the beginning of a fruitful, mutually rewarding and lasting relationship between the International Irrigation Management Institute (11MI) and the Centre National du Machinisme Agricole, du Genie Rural, des Eaux et. des Forets (CEMAGREF). This research paper, co-authored by staff members of both institutions, is yet another outcome of this excellent, collaborative relationship.
41 BAUTISTA, H. B. 1987. Experiences with organizing irrigators associations: A case study from the Magat River Irrigation Project in the Philippines. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 40p. (IIMI case study no.1)
Irrigation programs ; Water users' associations ; Institutional constraints / Philippines
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI CS No.1 Record No: H001899)
The National Irrigation Administration has become well known in recent years for its innovative experimental programs for promoting farmer participation through strong farmer organizations. IIMI's first case study documents the experience of an irrigation management official, the author of this report, in an effort to organize irrigators associations (IAs) on the nearly half of the Magat River Multi-purpose Project area in a few short years. Most of these are now effective and active organizations. This experience is a valuable source of lessons and ideas for agency officials concerned with developing water-user associations on other systems.
42 BELAUD, G.; KHAN, A. H.; NABI, G. 1998. Sediment behavior of Sangro Distributary, Mirpurkhas Sub-division, Sindh: Field report. Lahore, Pakistan; Montpellier, cedex, France: IIMI. Pakistan National Program; Cemagref. 69p. (IIMI-Pakistan report no.R-53)
Irrigation canals ; Distributary canals ; Sedimentation ; Analysis ; Pumps ; Velocity / Pakistan / Sangro Distributary
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 BEL Record No: H022541)
43 BERKOUT, N. M.; YASMEEN, F.; MAQSOOD, R.; KALWIJ, I. M. 1997. Farmers' use of basin, furrow and bed-and-furrow irrigation systems and the possibilities for traditional farmers to adopt the bed-and furrow irrigation method. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. xiii, 98p. (Report no.R-33)
Irrigation management ; Furrow irrigation ; Basin irrigation ; Farmers ; Irrigation systems / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 BER Record No: H009243)
44 BERTRANOU, A.; SCHULZE, E. 1993. Guia para un programa del IIMI en America Latina. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xi, 80p.
Irrigation management ; Economic aspects ; Privatization / Latin America / Mexico / Brazil / Argentina / Chile / Peru / Cuba / Ecuador / Colombia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G302 BER Record No: H013400)
45 BERTRANOU, A.; SCHULZE, E. 1993. Guia para un programa del IIMI en America Latina: Informe de consultoria. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xi, 80p.
Irrigation management ; Economic aspects ; Agricultural production ; Water users' associations ; Privatization / Latin America / Mexico / Brazil / Argentina / Chile / Peru / Ecuador / Colombia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G000 BER Record No: H006078)
46 BHATTI, M. A.; CHEEMA, M. A.; SKOGERBOE, G. V. 1999. Maintenance and operational activities in the command areas of Shahpur and Mirwal small dams. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Programme. vii, 92p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-78)
Dam construction ; Design ; Reservoirs ; Irrigation systems ; Social organization ; Farmers' associations ; Operations ; Maintenance ; Training ; Water measurement ; Water lifting ; Irrigation scheduling ; Irrigation management ; Participatory management / Pakistan / Shahpur Small Dam / Mirwal Small Dam
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 BHA Record No: H024893)
47 BHATTI, M. A.; SOOMRO, A. R.; PIRZADO, P. A.; MUNGRIO, M. A.; REHMAN, G. 1998. Waterlogging and salinity management in the Sindh Province, Pakistan. Volume I, Supplement I.B. Farmer's perspectives on Warah Branch Canal operations. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. v, 54p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-70.1b)
Irrigation canals ; Flow control ; Canal regulation techniques ; Maintenance ; Farmers' attitudes ; Cropping systems ; Soils ; Villages ; Farm size ; Water distribution ; Equity ; Irrigation water ; Water rates ; Drainage ; Water table ; Rice ; Wheat ; Land use / Pakistan / Sindh Province / Warah Branch Canal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 BHA Record No: H024977)
48 BHUIYAN, S.; WOODHEAD, T.; MIRANDA, S. M.; MURRAY RUST, H.; PARKER, D.; VALERA, A.; MAGLIANO, A. 1989. Problems of irrigation management for rice-based farming systems: Progress report on the Rockfeller Foundation funded IIMI-IRRI collaborative project. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 50p.
Farming systems ; Rice ; Irrigation management ; Research projects ; Aid / Bangladesh / Indonesia / Philippines
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.2 G000 BHU Record No: H006794)
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49 BIGGAR, J. W. 1996. Regional salinity-sodicity issues in Punjab, Pakistan: Consultancy report. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. ii, 26p. (IIMI-Pakistan consultancy report C-2)
Salinity ; Sodic soils ; Soil management ; Irrigation management ; Salt balance ; Tube wells ; Canals ; Infiltration / Pakistan / Fordwah Eastern Sadiqia / Rechna Doab / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-PAK Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 BIG Record No: H007996)
50 BOS, M. G.; CHAMBOULEYRON, J. L. (Eds.) 1999. Parametros de desempeno de la agricultura de riego de Mendoza, Argentina. Mexico, D.F., Mexico: IIMI. xix, 111p. (IWMI, serie Latinoamericana, no.5)
Irrigation management ; Performance indexes ; Water use ; Economic evaluation ; Economic aspects ; Social aspects ; Irrigation operation ; Irrigation canals ; Horticulture ; Operating costs ; Production costs / Argentina / Mendoza
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G510 BOS Record No: H024574)
51 BREWER, J.; HAQ, K. A. (Eds.) 1996. Summaries of reviews of literature related to irrigated agriculture in Sri Lanka. Volume III. Colombo, Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka. Irrigation Department. IRMU; IIMI. vi, 71p.
Irrigated farming ; Agricultural research ; Documentation ; Bibliographies / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7 G744 BRE Record No: H019761)
52 BUKHARI, N. H.; HAFEEZ, M. M.; SHAFIQUE, M. S.; SKOGERBOE, G. V. 1998. Development and use of rectangular channels with a single current meter measurement for recording farm water deliveries. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. vi, 30p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-74)
Open channels ; Design ; Water delivery ; Flow measurement ; Measuring instruments ; Maintenance ; Velocity ; Weirs ; Watercourses / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 BUK Record No: H024732)
53 BUKHARI, N. H.; HAFEEZ, M. M.; SHAFIQUE, M. S.; SKOGERBOE, G. V. 1998. Development and use of rectangular channels with a single current meter measurement for recording farm water deliveries (annexes) Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. pp.31-88. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-74)
Open channels ; Calibrations ; Measuring instruments ; Flow measurement ; Velocity / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 BUK Record No: H024733)
54 BULANKULAME, S. 1986. Social aspects of water management during the Maha season 1985/86 in Dewahuwa and Mahaweli H-2 Block 305 - Precept and practice. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 28p. (IIMI working paper 1)
Water management ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Cropping systems ; Water distribution ; Irrigation programs ; Settlement / Sri Lanka / Mahaweli Project
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 86-38 Record No: H002356)
The International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI) began research projects in Dewahuwa Tank and Mahaweli 11-2 during the Yala season (May-Aug.) of 1985. The research focussed initially on agricultural economics (e.g., farmers' use of agricultural inputs and returns from different crops) and on irrigation engineering (water distribution and flow rates). In the second season (Maha 1985/86) of research a social science component was added to address issues of farmers' management decisions and the institutional arrangements by which farmers and agency officials operate and maintain the irrigation works. This report summarizes the research results of the social science component for the Maha season, from October 1985 to April 1986.
55 BUTT, R.; MUNIR, N.; BHATTI, M. I.; ALMAS, A. S.; REHMAN, G.; HAMID, A.; SOOMRO, T.; HUSSAIN, A.; TABASSUM, M.; YOUSAF, K. 1998. Waterlogging and salinity management in the Sindh Province, Pakistan. Volume one, Supplement I-D. Drainage in the LBOD Project: Impact assessment. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. ix, 109p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-70.1D)
Drainage ; Tube wells ; Climate ; Soils ; Groundwater ; Water quality ; Monitoring ; Evaluation ; Water table ; Soil texture ; Soil salinity ; Land use ; Waterlogging / Pakistan / Sindh Province / Lower Indus Basin / Nawabshah / Sanghar / Mirpurkhas
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 BUT Record No: H024979)
56 CGIAR; IIMI. 1998? Enhancing the productivity of water in agriculture in an environment of growing scarcity and competition: A proposal. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 24p.
Water management ; Water demand ; Irrigation water ; Productivity ; River basins ; Food security ; Training
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7 G000 CGI Record No: H022213)
57 CHAMBERS, R.; CARRUTHERS, I. 1986. Rapid appraisal to improve canal irrigation performance: Experience and options. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 18 p.
Rapid methods ; Canals ; Institutions ; Irrigation management ; Planning ; Rural development ; Performance evaluation
(Location: IWMI-India Call no: IIMI RP No. 3 Record No: H001897)
Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) refers to field evaluation techniques which attempt to optimize cost effectiveness and timely completion of reports. While there is a sizeable literature on RRA techniques in general, little work has been done to apply these techniques to canal irrigation. This paper investigates and reports such applications.
58 CHAMBERS, R. 1999. Managing canal irrigation: Potential for the poor. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 34p. (IIMI reprint 4)
Poverty ; Irrigation canals ; Rural development ; Productivity ; Food production ; Irrigation programs ; Employment ; Income ; Migrant labor ; Living standards ; Waterlogging ; Water delivery ; Crop yield / South Asia / Pakistan / Bangladesh / India / Nepal / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G570 CHA Record No: H024569)
59 CHANNABASAVANNA, A. S. 1995. Impact of water management on land preparation and paddy sowing in Mahaweli System H, Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 26p.
Water management ; Irrigation management ; Tillage ; Paddy fields ; Rice ; Water distribution ; Equity ; Farmers' associations ; Farmers' attitudes ; Diagnostic techniques / Sri Lanka / Mahaweli Project
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G744 CHA Record No: H017838)
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Unpublished report of a study carried out at IIMI, Sri Lanka, from 1 October to 31 December 1995.
60 CHEEMA, M. A.; MIRZA, Z. I.; UL HASSAN, M.; BANDARAGODA, D. J. 1997. Socio-economic baseline survey for a pilot project on water users organizations in the Hakra 4-R Distributary Command Area, Punjab. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. viii, 108p. (Report no.R-37)
Water users' associations ; Irrigation systems ; Water requirements ; Crops ; Irrigation canals ; Water distribution ; Performance ; Equity ; Institution building ; Cotton ; Wheat ; Rice ; Sugarcane ; Intensive cropping ; Water rates ; User charges ; Farm income ; Livestock ; Farming systems / Pakistan / Punjab / Fordwah Eastern Sadiqia (South) Project
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 CHE Record No: H009246)
61 CHEEMA, M. A.; BANDARAGODA, D. J. 1997. Baseline survey for farmers organizations of Mirwal and Shahpur small dams, Punjab, Pakistan. Lahore. Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. viii, 86p. (Report no.R-38)
Irrigation management ; Dams ; Farmers' associations ; Surveys ; Community participation ; Water management ; Performance evaluation ; Institution building ; Agronomy ; Cropping systems ; Farm income ; Water supply ; Land levelling / Pakistan / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 CHE Record No: H009250)
62 CHEEMA, M. A.; BANDARAGODA, D. J. 1998. Social organization for improved system management and sustainable irrigated agriculture in small dams: An action research program - Yearly progress report (1 April 1997 to 31st March 1998) Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. Yearly progress report on DFID-Funded Action Research Project. ii, 31p.
Irrigation management ; Participatory management ; Irrigated farming ; Sustainability ; Dams ; Irrigation canals ; Small scale systems ; Social organization ; Farmers' associations ; Training ; Farmer-agency interactions / Pakistan / Mirwal Dam / Shahpur Dam
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 CHE Record No: H026863)
63 CHEGOU, M. 1994. Diagnostic approfondi du systeme de production rizicole de l'amenagement de Saga (version provisoire) Niamey, Niger: IIMI. 89p. + annexes.
Irrigation management ; Rice ; Agricultural production ; Rehabilitation ; Agronomy / Niger
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G212 CHE Record No: H005368)
64 CHRISTEN, E.; VAN MEERVELD, I. 2000. Institutional arrangements in the Shepparton Irrigation Region, Victoria, Australia. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. v, 64p. (IIMI Pakistan report no.R-99)
Water management ; Conjunctive use ; Groundwater ; Surface water ; Environmental sustainability ; Land use ; Irrigation practices ; Water table ; Water use ; Water quality ; Water costs ; Economic aspects ; Legislation ; Organizations ; Institutions ; Catchment areas ; Water allocation ; Water transfer ; Local government ; Farmers' associations ; River basins ; Soil salinity ; Salinity control ; Subsurface drainage ; Social participation / Australia / Victoria / Shepparton Irrigation Region / Murray Darling Basin
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G922 CHR Record No: H026313)
65 CONDOM, N. 1995. Setting up a database for analyzing the relationship between various irrigation related variables and soil salinity. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. 35p. + annexes. (IIMI-Pakistan student reports no.4)
Soil salinity ; Soil classification ; Irrigation practices ; Databases ; Data collection ; Data processing / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 CON Record No: H018070)
66 CONDOM, N. 1997. Salinisation, alkalinisation and sodification on irrigated areas in Pakistan: Characterisation of the geochemical and physical processes and the impact of irrigation water on these processes by the use of hydro-geochemical model. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan. National Program. v, 108p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-22)
Soil salinity ; Alkalinity ; Sodic soils ; Soil degradation ; Irrigation water ; Irrigation effects ; Water quality ; Models ; Simulation / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 CON Record No: H020222)
67 COWELL, R. L. 1988. The IIMI style manual. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. iii, 30p.
Documentation ; Technical writing ; Standards ; Irrigation management ; Computers ; English language
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 686.2 G000 COW Record No: H012376)
68 DADI, B. F. M. (Ed.) 1994. Proceedings du seminaire sur Relations Genre et le Management de l'Irrigation, Tenu . Niamey, Niger, le 06 Janvier 1994. Niamey, Niger: IIMI. 44p.
Irrigation management ; Hydrology ; Irrigated farming ; Gender / Burkina Faso / Niger
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7088042 G212 DAD Record No: H015706)
69 DAYARATNE, M. H. S. 1991. A review of alternative strategies for improving farmer-managed irrigation systems in Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. x, 91p. (IIMI country paper - Sri Lanka; no.7)
Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Tank irrigation ; Rehabilitation ; Non-governmental organizations ; Governmental interrelations ; Rural development ; Farmer participation ; Farmer-agency interactions / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G744 DAY Record No: H007991)
The present study is an outcome of research carried out by the author under the Farmer-Managed Irrigation Systems (FMIS) Program of IIMI. The study was based mostly on available literature, and partly on the author's experience in the small-scale irrigation sector under the District Integrated Rural Development Programs (Hambantota and Badulla) of the Ministry of Plan Implementation and under the FMIS theme of IIMI in the North Central Province. The study reviewed three government strategies and two nongovernment strategies which have been implemented as assistance programs to improve and enhance the small irrigation sector during the last two decades. It was also based largely on the research findings and presentations made at workshops on specific subjects conducted by IIMI and the Agricultural Research and Training Institute (ARTI).
70 DAYARATNE, M. H. S.; MORAGODA, R. 1991. An assessment of the village tank rehabilitation program of the Freedom From Hunger Campaign Board in Anuradhapura District. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 38p. (IIMI working paper no.20)
Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Tank irrigation ; Rehabilitation ; Farmers' associations ; Settlement / Sri Lanka / Anuradhapura / Tanthirimale
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.7 G744 DAY Record No: H008447)
The Village Tank Rehabilitation Program of the National Freedom From Hunger Campaign (FFHC) Board is assessed in this paper as a parallel study to the Anuradhapura Dry-Zone Agriculture Project (ADZAP) which was carried out by the International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI) in 1988. Following a nongovernmental approach, the FFHC Board has implemented tank rehabilitation programs in several districts in the island. The Thanthirimale cluster in Anuradhapura District is the largest tank rehabilitation project implemented by the Board. In this study, the Board's program in Thanthirimale was assessed through a sample survey, following a similar survey methodology used to assess the Tank Rehabilitation Program of ADZAP
71 DE FRAITURE, C.; RUBIANO, J.; ALVAREZ, C. 2000. Uso real y potencial del agua en la cuenca del rio Cabuyal, Colombia. Mexico City, DF, Mexico: IIMI. Mexico Program. xvi, 56p. (IWMI serie Latinoamericana no.12)
Water use ; Water management ; Climate ; Hydrology ; Irrigated farming ; Conflict ; Subsurface water ; Water balance ; Precipitation ; Computer models ; Evapotranspiration ; Simulation models ; Pumping ; Afforestation / Colombia / Cabuyal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G518 DEF Record No: H026122)
72 DE JONG, I. H. 1989. Fair and unfair: A study into the bethma system in two Sri Lankan village irrigation systems. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v, 30p. (IIMI working paper no.15)
Irrigated farming ; Irrigation systems ; Land ; Privatization ; Crop production ; Tank irrigation ; Farmer-agency interactions / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI WP No.15 Record No: H005908)
73 DE KLEIN, C. H.; WAHAJ, R. 1998. Institutional and physical determinants of water management performance at the tertiary level: The Dynamics of watercourse maintenance in the Pakistan Punjab. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. vii, 79p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-56)
Watercourses ; Maintenance ; Irrigation programs ; Irrigation canals ; Irrigation management ; Participatory management ; Farmer participation ; Farmers' associations ; Labor ; Leadership / Pakistan / Punjab / Fordwah Eastern Sadiqia Irrigation Project
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 DEK Record No: H022927)
74 DE KLEIN, C. H. 1998. A gender analysis of casual hired labor in irrigated agriculture in the Pakistan Punjab. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. 20p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-67)
Gender ; Women ; Female labor ; Agricultural manpower ; Irrigated farming ; Cotton ; Wheat ; Salinity ; Waterlogging / Pakistan / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 KLE Record No: H023616)
75 DONNELLY, M. J.; BIRLEY, M. H.; KONRADSEN, F. 1997. An investigation of the relationship between depth to groundwater and malaria prevalence, Punjab, Pakistan. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. ix, 39p. (IIMI working paper no.40)
Groundwater ; Malaria ; Disease vectors ; Waterborne diseases ; Land use ; Public health ; Farmers ; Institutions ; Infrastructure ; Maps ; Statistics ; Rice / Pakistan / Punjab / Bahawal Nagar
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 DON Record No: H020245)
76 DURING, A. 1997. An evaluation of outlet calibration methods: A contribution to the study on collective action for water management below the outlet, Hakra 6-R Distributary. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan. National Program. 39p. (IIMI Pakistan report no.R-32)
Irrigation management ; Water management ; Measurement ; Calibrations ; Watercourses ; Distributary canals ; Irrigation canals ; Discharges ; Irrigation design ; Flow / Pakistan / Hakra
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 DUR Record No: H021298)
77 EJAZ, M. S. 1998. Waterlogging and salinity management in the Sindh Province, Pakistan. Volume one, Supplement I.C. Drainage in the LBOD Project: Operational concerns and quality of pumped effluent. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. 33p. + annexes. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-70.1c)
River basin development ; Irrigation programs ; Subsurface drainage ; Effluents ; Drains ; Operations ; Maintenance ; Tube wells ; Groundwater ; Water quality ; Salinity ; Simulation models ; Geology ; Irrigation canals ; Climate ; Water balance ; Aquifers ; Recharge ; Evapotranspiration / Pakistan / Sindh Province / Lower Indus Basin / Rohri Canal / Jamrao Canal / Sukkur / Hyderabad / Nawabshah
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 EJA Record No: H024978)
78 EKANAYAKE, R.; NAVARATNE, W. M. U.; GROENFELDT, D. 1990. A rapid-assessment survey of the irrigation component of the Anuradhapura Dry-Zone Agricultural Project (ADZAP) Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. vi, 43p. (IIMI working paper no.16)
Irrigation ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Surveys ; Tank irrigation ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Settlement ; Policy / Sri Lanka / Anuradhapura
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI WP No.16 Record No: H006328)
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The International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI) in cooperation with the Department of Agrarian Services (DAS) conducted a study of 31 ADZAP tank schemes, focusing on the irrigation component of the project. The study was conducted during June-September 1988, and forms part of the Institute's ongoing research to document alternative strategies for assisting the minor irrigation sector. This report provides an overview of the study and its findings.
79 EKANAYAKE, R.; GROENFELDT, D. 1990. Organizational aspects of improved irrigation management: An experiment in Dewahuwa Tank, Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. vi, 37p. (IIMI working paper no.17)
Irrigation management ; Organizations ; Tank irrigation ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Water allocation ; Rotation ; Diversification ; Crops / Sri Lanka / Dewahuwa
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI WP No.17 Record No: H006329)
This report is one of several IIMI publications addressing the issue of irrigation management to promote diversified crops during the dry season. As Sri Lanka approaches self-sufficiency in rice production, a target already achieved by some other countries in the region, there is little logic in growing rice using land and water resources which could support higher- value non-rice crops, using less water. Thus, one of the incentives in improving irrigation management is to find ways of stretching water further during the dry season in water-deficit systems, when rice is relatively more expensive to grow than during the wet season, and when other crops which can be grown only during the dry season (when there is less danger of water-logging) offer the farmer and the country a comparative advantage.
80 FARLEY, P. J. 1994. Privatization of irrigation schemes in New Zealand. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v, 14p. (Short report series on locally managed irrigation no.2)
Privatization ; Irrigation programs ; Water rights ; Government managed irrigation systems ; Local government ; Legislation ; Performance / New Zealand
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G935 FAR Record No: H014112)
81 FERNANDO, K. N. A. 1994. IIMI style guide. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. vii, 48p.
Documentation ; Style manuals ; Communication
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 651.74 G000 FER Record No: H014289)
82 FRANCA, Z. P.; MUTHUKUMARANA, P. 1992. Performance improvement and sustainability of irrigation systems under the Irrigation System Management Project: Report on the Workshop for Technical Assistants (Department of Irrigation), Colombo, 2-8 September 1992. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 90p.
Irrigation management ; Performance evaluation ; Training ; Sustainability ; Institution building / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G000 FRA Record No: H011910)
83 FRANCA, Z. P. 1994. Irrigation management training for institutional development: A case study from Malaysia. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xxxii, 244p. (IIMI case study no.4)
Irrigation management ; Training ; Strategy planning ; Research ; Human resources ; Institution building / Malaysia
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G714 FRA Record No: H014942)
84 GANEWATTE, P. 1996. Water users organization program in IIMI's pilot projects in the Punjab and Sindh Provinces, Pakistan: Consultancy report. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan. Consultancy report. iii, 63p. (Report no.C-6)
Water users' associations ; Participatory management ; Social organization ; Costs ; Legal aspects / Pakistan / Punjab / Sindh
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 GAN Record No: H009185)
85 GARCES, C.; HABIB, Z.; STROSSER, P.; BANDARAGODA, D. J.; AFAQ, R. M.; RAHMAN, S. U.; KHAN, A. H. 1994. Final report on crop-based irrigation operations in the North West Frontier Province of Pakisatn. Vol.II: Research approach and interpretation. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. vii, 119p.
Irrigation management ; Crop-based irrigation ; Research ; Irrigation canals ; Water demand ; Performance evaluation ; Agricultural production / Pakistan / North West Frontier Province
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.2 G730 GAR Record No: H016371)
Final report of the Technical Assistance Study TA-1481 PAK
86 GARCES, C.; BANDARAGODA, D. J.; STROSSER, P. 1994. Final report on crop-based irrigation operations in the North West Frontier Province of Pakisatn. Vol.I: Synthesis of findings and recommendataions. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. xv, 41p.
Irrigation management ; Crop-based irrigation / Pakistan / North West Frontier Province
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.2 G730 GAR Record No: H015703)
87 GARCES, C. 1996. Proyecto de fortalecimiento institutional sobre manejo del recurso agua en la Region Andina. [Project on Institutional Strengthening for Water Management in the Andean Region] Cali, Colombia: IIMI. Six-month progress report, No.2 ( 28 September 1995 - March 1996) 9 p. + 7 annexes.
Institution building ; Irrigation management ; Water management ; Project appraisal / Andean region / Colombia / Ecuador / Peru
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G505 GAR Record No: H019016)
88 GARCES-RESTREPO, C.; BANDARAGODA, J. 1991. Inception report on the Technical Assistance study (T.A. No. 1481-PAK): Crop based irrigation operations in the NWFP. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. 46p. + annexes.
Irrigation systems ; Irrigation practices ; Cropping systems ; Water requirements / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 GAR Record No: H010582)
89 GARCES-RESTREPO, C.; BANDARAGODA, J.; STROSSER, P. 1992. Progress report no.1: RABI 91/92 on the Technical Assistance Study, T. A No.1481-PAK - Crop-based irrigation operations in the NWFP. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. ii, 38p.
Crop yield ; Irrigation operation ; Water requirements ; Performance evaluation / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.2 G730 GAR Record No: H010610)
90 GARCES-RESTREPO, C.; BANDARAGODA, J.; STROSSER, P. 1992. Crop-based irrigation operations in the NWFP: Progress report no.2, Kharif 92 on the Technical Assistance Study, T.A. No.1481-PAK. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan. iv, 74p.
Irrigation operation ; Cropping systems ; Irrigation canals ; Water users' associations ; Institutions / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 GAR Record No: H011889)
91 GARCIA-BETANCOURT, G. 1994. The emergence of FEDERRIEGO: The Colombian Federation of Irrigation Districts. La transferencia en Colombia: El Papel de la Federacion Colombiana de Distritos de Riego (FEDERRIRGO) Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v, 13p. (Short report series on locally managed irrigation, no.8)
Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Privatization ; Farmers' associations ; Irrigation management ; Legal aspects / Colombia
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G518 GAR Record No: H016293)
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92 GARIN, P.; KUPER, M.; LABBE, F.; STROSSER, P. 1998. Evaluation of the integrated approach developed in the context of the IIMI- Cemagref collaboration in Pakistan: Lessons from a series of workshops and seminars for researchers, policy makers and irrigation system managers. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program; Cemagref. i, 72p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-54)
Irrigation management ; Research methods ; Policy / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G730 GAR Record No: H022925)
93 GAZMURI, S. R. 1994. Chilean water policy. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v, 9p. (Short report series on locally managed irrigation no.3)
Water policy ; Water rights ; Legislation ; Water users' associations / Chile
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G516 GAZ Record No: H014113)
94 GEIJER, J. C. M. A.; SVENDSEN, M.; VERMILLION, D. L. 1996. Transferring irrigation management responsibility in Asia: Results of a workshop - FAO/IIMI Expert Consultation on Irrigation Management Transfer in Asia, Bangkok and Chiang Mai, 25-29 September 1995. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. vii, 20p. (Short report series on locally managed irrigation no.13)
Irrigation management ; Privatization ; Farmer participation ; Irrigated farming / Asia / Indonesia / China / Turkey / Vietnam
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G570 GEI Record No: H018429)
95 GILL, M. A.; MUSHTAQ, K. 1998. Case study on Agriculture Department of Punjab Province. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. vii, 126p. (IIMI-Pakistan consultancy report no.C-10)
Institution building ; History ; Agricultural extension ; Farmers' associations ; Cost recovery ; Irrigation management ; Participatory management ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Performance evaluation ; Development projects ; Water users' associations ; Watercourses ; Case studies / Pakistan / Punjab Province
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 GIL Record No: H023178)
96 GONZALES, L. S. 1993. Management turnover of a Pump Irrigation System in the Philippines: The farmers' way. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xvi, 89p. (IIMI country paper- Philippines, no.2)
Irrigation management ; Irrigation systems ; Privatization ; Farmers' associations ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Farmer participation ; Case studies / Philippines
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G732 GON Record No: H011975)
Case study about the implementation of the Farmer Irrigators' Organizing Project in a pump irrigation system in The Philippines employing several selected and well-trained farmers in organizing co-farmers.
97 GOSSELINK, P.; HAMID, A.; HOEBERICHTS, A.; ISHAQ, M.; KHAN, R.; REHMAN, S.-UR; RIAZ, K.; STROSSER, P.; WAHAJ, R.; WAHEED, UZ-Z. 1995. How do water users perceive the quality of their irrigation services?: Report on a Training Course in the Use of Participatory Rural Appraisal for Irrigation Management Research, December 1994. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. 70p. (IIMI-Pakistan training report T-1)
Irrigation management ; Water users ; Water supply ; Irrigation operation ; Performance ; Participatory rural appraisal ; Training / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 GOS Record No: H016617)
98 GOSSELINK, P.; STROSSER, P. 1995. Participatory rural appraisal for irrigation management research: Lessons from IIMI's experience. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xii, 67p. (IIMI working paper no.38)
Irrigation management ; Participatory management ; Participatory rural appraisal ; Research methods ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Watersheds ; Performance indexes ; Water users ; Case studies / Sri Lanka / Nepal / Pakistan / Kenya
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G000 GOS Record No: H018115)
The increasing international awareness about the strengths of participatory approaches and methods for research and development has led international development banks, NGOs, donors and research and training institutes to adopt Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and other participatory approaches to implement new projects and programs. At IIMI, PRA approaches and methods have also'been incorporated in a number of research activities. The present Working Paper explores the opportunities of PRA in irrigation management research through an analysis of selected case studies in which IIMI attempted to practice the PRA approach.
99 GOSSELINK, P.; GUIJT, I.; THOMPSON, J. 1995. Livelihood strategies and performance indicators: Understanding irrigation from water-users' perspectives: A Collaborative Research Project of the International Irrigation Management Institute, and the International Institute for Environment and Development. Colombo, Sri Lanka; London, UK: IIMI; IIED. ii, 24p.
Water users ; Participatory rural appraisal ; Farmer participation ; Performance indexes ; Irrigation management ; Gender ; Social aspects ; Health ; Research methods ; Research projects / Burkina Faso / Nepal / Pakistan / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G000 GOS Record No: H018557)
100 GOSSELINK, P.; THOMPSON, J. 1997. Application of participatory rural appraisal methods for action research on water management. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v, 29p. (Short report series on locally managed irrigation, no.18)
Irrigation management ; Water management ; Participatory rural appraisal ; Water users ; Salinity ; Sodic soils ; Watershed management ; Farmers' associations ; Water users' associations ; Developing countries / Sri Lanka / Pakistan / India / Kenya / Estonia / Zimbabwe
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G000 GOS Record No: H021069)
This report summarizes recent experiences with the application of PRA methods in the fields of irrigation and water management in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, India, Kenya, Estonia, and Zimbabwe. Methods of group dynamics, sampling, semi-structured interviewing and dialogue, visualization and diagramming are explained, with examples. The authors attempt to clarify some confusion about PRA that exists, and offer several recommendations about how it can be used-not as a replacement but as a complement to other conventional methods of appraisal-to en-hance processes of research and development in the fields of irrigation and water management in developing areas.
101 GROENFELDT, D.; MOOCK, J. L. (Eds.) 1989. Social science perspectives on managing agricultural technology. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xv, 222p.
Technology ; Agricultural research ; Resource management ; Farmer participation ; Evaluation
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G000 GRO Record No: H005730)
Experiences of 15 social science research fellows who recount their roles in particular research projects at the International Agricultural Research Centers they were appointed . In addition to highlighting the contributions social scientists can make in the field of agricultural research, their papers offer a candid look at the kinds of work in which the Centers currently are engaged.
102 GROENFELDT, D. (Comp.) 1989. Guidelines for rapid assessment of minor irrigation systems in Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v, 36p. (IIMI working paper no.14)
Small scale systems ; Irrigation ; Monitoring ; Evaluation ; Project appraisal ; Rapid methods / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI WP No.14 Record No: H005743)
This paper presents a set of guidelines for rapid evaluation of an irrigation system, developed by IIMI staff in cooperation with staff from the Regional Development Division and Badulla District office of the Integrated Development Projects. A one-day workshop on rapid assessment methodologies suitable for minor (small-scale) irrigation systems in Sri Lanka was held at IIMI Headquarters in August 1988. Representatives who participated in ongoing projects to improve minor irrigation systems were from the three Sri Lankan agencies, the Irrigation Department, the Department of Agrarian Services, and the Regional Development Division of the Ministry of Plan Implementation, which oversees the district-level Integrated Rural Development Projects.
103 GROENFELDT, D. J.; ALWIS, J.; PERERA, J. 1988. Strategies for improving minor irrigation systems in Sri Lanka. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 40p. (IIMI working paper no.6)
Irrigation systems ; Small scale systems ; Research / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI-WP No. 6 Record No: H003402)
Proceedings of a Workshop sponsored jointly by ARTI and IIMI, 11-12 December 1987.
104 GUNADASA, A. M. S. S. 1989. The Kimbulwana Oya Irrigation Scheme: An approach to improved system management. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xiii, 42p. (IIMI case study no.2)
Irrigation efficiency ; Rehabilitation ; Water distribution ; Farmers' attitudes ; Case studies ; Farmers' associations ; Farmer participation ; Farmer-agency interactions / Sri Lanka / Kimbulwana Oya
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI CS No.2 Record No: H005694)
This case study describes the problems which existed in the scheme prior to its rehabilitation in 1979 and the associated irrigation management innovations introduced by the author, who was assigned as a technical assistant by the Irrigation Department that year. Some of the management innovations included the provision of a simplified form of technical guidance to farmers and maintenance of the system through a Water Issue Board. By gaining the confidence of the farmers and the various line agencies working in the area, the author was able to introduce a systematic rotational distribution of water, advance the cultivation calendar, and increase cropping intensity. He was also able to motivate the farmers to take over the responsibility for the maintenance of the system from the government, and to continue to improve the physical and operational condition of the system.
105 HABIB, Z.; PONGPUT, K.; SKOGERBOE, G. V. 1996. Unsteady flow simulation of the designed Pehur High Level Canal and proposed remodelling of Machai and Maira branch canals, North West Frontier Province, Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. Report submitted to Irrigation Department, North West Frontier Province, Government of Pakistan. xii, 149p. (Report no.R-20)
Irrigation management ; Drainage ; Hydraulic structures ; Flow ; Indicators ; Models ; Canals ; Simulation ; Sedimentation / Pakistan / Indus River / North West Frontier Province
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 HAB Record No: H009210)
106 HABIB, Z.; KUPER, M. 1998. Performance assessment of the water regulation and distribution system in the Chishtian Sub-division at the main and secondary canal levels. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. ix, 113p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-59)
Performance evaluation ; Large-scale systems ; Water distribution ; Water allocation ; Equity ; Irrigation canals ; Distributary canals ; Flow control ; Indicators ; Irrigation scheduling ; Monitoring ; Evaluation / Pakistan / Chishtian Sub-division / Fordwah Branch
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G730 HAB Record No: H022929)
107 HAQ, K. A. 1994. The Sudan Gezira Rehabilitation Project Technical assistance to Sudan Gezira Board: Final report, October 1994. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 90p.
Irrigation management ; Rehabilitation ; Climate ; Soils ; Water distribution ; Crop production ; Drainage ; Agriculture / Sudan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.7 G146 HAQ Record No: H016011)
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108 HAQ, K. A.; REY, J.; SAKTHIVADIVEL, R.; SAMARASEKERA, B. M. S. (Eds.) 1994. Use of computer-operated models as decision-support tools in operation and management of irrigation systems: Sri Lankan experience - Proceedings of the Workshop on the Use of Computer-Operated Models as Decision-Support Tools in Operation and Management of Irrigation Systems held in Galgamuwa, Sri Lanka from 15 to 16 July 1993. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xi, 44p.
Water management ; Computer techniques ; Computer models ; Decision support tools ; Calibrations ; Hydraulics ; Flow measurement ; Performance ; Irrigation systems ; Irrigation programs / Sri Lanka / Gal Oya Project / Kirindi Oya / Polonnaruwa / Uda Walawe / Hakwatuna Oya / Magalwewa Scheme / Kantale
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G744 HAQ Record No: H015118)
Proceedings of a workshop which was organized with the objective of reviewing and comparing experiences in the application of computerized decision support tools to improve the performance of water management in irrigation systems of Sri Lanka.
109 HAQ, K. A.; SAMARASEKERA, B. M. S. (Eds.) 1995. Farmer Participation in Planning, Design and Rehabilitation of NIRP Schemes: Current status and needed improvements - Proceedings of a workshop held in Colombo on 14 October 1994. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI; Sri Lanka. Irrigation Department. IRMU. vii, 48p.
Maintenance ; Sustainability ; Operations ; Irrigation systems ; Farmers' associations ; Irrigation management ; Decision making ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Farmer participation ; Irrigation design ; Rehabilitation / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G744 HAQ Record No: H018049)
It is becoming increasingly evident that to maintain the sustainability of irrigation schemes, effective farmer participation in operation and maitenace is essential. The consultation workshop was held to discuss the NIRP's planned strategy for farmer participation, the actual level of participation and to identify measures that NIRP should take in order to further strengthen farmer participation.
110 HAQ, K. A.; WIJAYARATNE, C. M.; SAMARASEKERA, B. M. S. (Eds.) 1995. Summaries of papers presented at Irrigation Research Management Unit seminar series during 1994. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v, 20p.
Irrigation management ; Environment ; Income generation ; Settlement ; Privatization ; Water resources development ; Irrigation systems ; Tank irrigation ; Water users' associations ; Training ; Rehabilitation ; Farmer participation ; Surface water ; Conjunctive use / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G744 HAQ Record No: H016787)
The Irrigation Research Management Unit (IRMU) was established in mid-1992 in the Irrigation Department, Sri Lanka. The main objective of it is to identify research needs, conduct and coordinate research and disseminate research results to improve efficiency, productivity and profitability of irrigated agriculture. As part of its technology transfer program, the IRMU initiated a series of monthly seminars. During the year of 1994, eleven such seminars were held. The seminars covered the following program areas of IRMU and their distribution was as follows: Assessing and Improving Performance of Irrigation Systems-3, Local Management of Irrigation ofSystems-3, Operational Management of Water Delivery and Disposal-1, Crop Diversification-1, and Environmental Studies-3. Professionals and researchers from national and international agencies as well as free lance consultants dealing with irrigated agriculture and irrigation management participated as resource persons. Speakers came from the Department of Agriculture, the University of Peradeniya, the Irrigation Department, the Irrigation Research Management Unit, the Open University of Sri Lanka, the Field Crop Research and Development Institute-Maha Iluppallama, the International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO/RAPA). IIMI was involved in three presentations (two on IRMU's work), the faculty members of the University of Peradeniya gave two presentations, the Irrigation Department, the Open University of Sri Lanka, the Field Crop Research and Development Institute, the Department of Agriculture, the FAO/RAPA and an independent consultant gave one presentation each. In addition to serving as a strong component of the technology transfer program, these seminars also provide essential inputs in strengthening IRMU's research program. These seminars, in general were well received, which was evident from the wide participation of different institutions and agencies. This publication contains summaries of the eleven seminars presented during the year 1994
111 HAQ, K. A.; NANDARATNA, S. M. K. B. (Eds.) 1996. Beneficiary-centered management of irrigation systems: Retrospection on recent endeavors: Proceedings of the workshop held at the Irrigation Department, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 25th May 1995. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. SLNP; Sri Lanka. Irrigation Department. IRMU. ix, 81p.
Irrigation systems ; Farmer participation ; Rehabilitation ; Farmers' associations ; Privatization ; Operations ; Maintenance ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Participatory management ; Sustainability / Sri Lanka / Gal Oya Project / Polonnaruwa
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G744 HAQ Record No: H019127)
IN 1978, THE United States Agency for International Development (USAID) decided to assist the Government of Sri Lanka in improving the management of water in major irrigation projects in the dry zone. It was understood that this required building an adequate knowledge-base and new institutional capacities both of which take time but neither of which can be purchased 'off the shelf.' USAID and the Government of Sri Lanka recognized that a successful effort to improve water management could well take 20 years, but it would have to begin in a focused, concrete way, in a pioneering project that would begin to build up in-country knowledge and institutional capacity. In 1979, the government and USAID selected the Left Bank of the Gal Oya Irrigation System for rehabilitation. This planned change program was officially called the Gal Oya Rehabilitation and Water Management Project. The Irrigation Department (10) was appointed by the government as the project implementing agency. Technical assistance was to be obtained from the PRC Engineering consultants Inc., a U.S. engineering firm. Through a Letter of Understanding, the 10 was further assisted by the Agrarian Research and Training Institute (ARTI), which dealt with the socioeconomic components of the project. ARTI was assisted in this regard by the Rural Development Committee of Cornell University, USA. The project initially spanned 44 months (August 1979 to march 1984). The project life was subsequently extended by 21 months, until December 31,1985 as it needed more time to reach its assigned targets. With this policy objective, the Farmer Organization Program was included as one of the components of this major water management and rehabilitation project. The project assigned the establishment of farmer organizations (FOs) and the promotion of farmers' participation in these associations to ARTI. The main objective of this paper is to describe how these FOs evolved. The paper stresses that there was a cyclical trend of Fa evolution. It describes how FOs began and flourished at the initial stage of the project and the socio-administrative-climate that provided a conducive environment to such growth. Then it examines the crises and dynamics of the program's decline during its latter part.
112 HAQ, K. A.; SAMARASEKERA, B. M. S. (Eds.) 1996. Summaries of papers presented at the IRMU seminar series. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. SLNP; Sri Lanka, Irrigation Department. IRMU. v, 23p.
Irrigation management ; Tank irrigation ; Flow control ; Cropping systems ; Rice ; Participatory management ; Natural resources ; Maintenance ; Rehabilitation ; Women in development ; Legislation ; Water management ; Participatory rural appraisal ; Project planning ; Irrigation design ; Standards ; GIS / Sri Lanka / Canada / Indonesia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G744 HAQ Record No: H019133)
113 HASSAN, M. U.; HAMID, A.; BANDARAGODA, D. J. 1998. Transition from local level management to state regulation: Formalization of water allocation rules in Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. v, 57p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-60)
Water allocation ; Irrigation scheduling ; Water distribution ; Water availability ; Social organization ; Farmers' attitudes ; Watercourses ; Decision making ; Equity ; Legislation ; Institutional constraints / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 HAS Record No: H023028)
114 HEIM, F.; ABERNETHY, C. L. (Eds.) 1994. Irrigated agriculture in Southeast Asia beyond 2000: Proceedings of a Workshop held at Langkawi, Malaysia, 5 to 9 October 1992. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI; DSE. xi, 135p.
Water management ; Irrigated farming ; Institution building ; Technology ; Training ; Policy ; Research ; Education ; Social aspects ; Economic aspects ; Sustainability ; Priority setting / South East Asia / Indonesia / Malaysia / Philippines / Thailand
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G800 HEI Record No: H015262)
115 IIMI. 1986. Technical assistance for irrigation management for diversified crops in the Philippines: A proposal to the Asian Development Bank. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 25p.
Irrigated farming ; Crop production ; Water management ; Agronomy / Philippines
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI Record No: H002352)
116 IIMI. 1987. Training for irrigation management in Sri Lanka: An appraisal of current activities and suggestions for their enhancement - Main report. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 32 p. (IIMI pub. 87-06)
Irrigation management ; Institutions ; Training ; Project appraisal / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 87-06 Record No: H001986)
This main report presents the findings of a review of present resources and activities in training for irrigation management in Sri Lanka. A strategy is offered to enhance what is being done already, and to prepare irrigation staff to adapt to new technical situations that can be expected in the imminent future. Annexes are published in a separate volume
117 IIMI. 1987. The charter and founding documents. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 29 p. (IIMI pub. 86-35)
Research ; Institutions ; Legislation ; Organizations
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI-341.232 G000 IIM Record No: H002241)
118 IIMI. 1986. Study on irrigation management for crop diversification (TA 654 Philippines): Final report. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 148p.
Water use ; Cropping systems ; Rice ; Economic aspects / Philippines
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI-631.7.8 G732 IIM Record No: H002247)
119 IIMI. 1986. Interim report on the technical assistance study (TA 654 PHI) on irrigation management for crop diversification (Philippines) Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 136 p.
Diversification ; Cropping systems ; Irrigation management ; Economic aspects ; Social aspects ; Institutional constraints / Philippines
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI Record No: H002760)
120 IIMI. 1993. IIMI policy on publications. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 7p.
Irrigation management ; Research institutes ; Policy ; Management planning
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G000 IIMI Record No: H012717)
121 IIMI. 1986. Participatory management in Sri Lanka's irrigation schemes. Digana Village via Kandy, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 195p. (IIMI pub 86-20)
Irrigation management ; Farmer participation ; Small scale systems / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-PAK Call no: IIMI-631.7.3 G744 IIM Record No: H001712)
Several forms of participatory management are either experimented with, in use, or have been in use in Sri Lanka by various agencies (government, semi-government, and voluntary). An overview of village irrigation systems in Sri Lanka, with reference to ongoing irrigation development efforts and particular irrigation management needs is presented, as well as priority research issues relevant to small-scale irrigation systems.
122 IIMI; JOINT WHO/FAO/UNEP PANEL OF EXPERTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT FOR VECTOR CONTROL. 1986. Proceedings of the Workshop on Irrigation and Vector-Borne Disease Transmission. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. iii, 66p. (IIMI pub 86-02)
Disease vectors ; Irrigation management ; Environmental control ; Health ; Malaria / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-PAK Call no: IIMI-631.7.5 G000 IIM Record No: H001900)
Vector-borne diseases continue to be one of the predominant public health problems in Sri Lanka and other developing countries. Diseases such as malaria and filariasis pose an undeniable threat to the success of water resource development, and the role of preventive or mitigating measures is discussed as a priority in the planning, implementation, and management of irrigation projects.
123 IIMI. 1988. Inception report: Efficient Irrigation Management and System Transfer Project : Technical assistance agrement No. 937 -INO, Government of Indonesia - IIMI - ADB. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 72p.
Irrigation management ; Technical aid ; Research projects ; Investment / Indonesia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G750 IIM Record No: H003843)
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124 IIMI. 1988. Second progress report for study on irrigation management for diversified crops (TA No. 859 Philippines) Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 59 p.
Irrigation management ; Diversification ; Crops ; Tertiary level irrigation ; Primary level irrigation ; Economic aspects ; Irrigation efficiency ; Irrigation practices / Philippines
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI-631.7.8 G732 IIM Record No: H003338)
125 IIMI. 1988. Irrigation management in Nepal: Research papers from a National Seminar, Bharatpur, Nepal, 4-6 June 1987. Kathmandu, Nepal: IIMI. 137p. (IIMI pub 88-07)
Irrigation management ; Research ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Case studies ; Farmer participation ; Government managed irrigation systems ; Methodology ; Resource management ; Water allocation ; Water rights ; Property / Nepal
(Location: IWMI-PAK Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G726 IIM Record No: H002003)
Numerous field studies related to irrigation management have been conducted in Nepal since the last national seminar on irrigation issues in 1983. The relationship between organizational structure and resource mobilization was the topic of several. Another examined changes in organization and resource mobilization as property relationships and water rights changed when systems expanded and allowed new members. Concern for improving intervention strategies to existing farmer-managed irrigation systems has stimulated work on finding methods for quickly collecting data for identification and assessment of systems where substantial gains can be made by giving assistance. Numerous case studies have expanded the information available on management of operation and maintenance in both farmer- and agency-managed systems. These seminar papers report the findings of eleven of the studies.
126 IIMI. 1989. Research network on irrigation management for diversified cropping in rice-based systems: Proceedings of the Organizational Planning Workshop held at the Asian Institute of Technology Bangkok, Thailand 30 November- 3 December 1988. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. x, 148p.
Irrigation management ; Cropping systems ; Diversification ; Rice ; Policy ; Research ; Decision making ; Networks / Sri Lanka / Bangladesh / Malaysia / India / Indonesia / Nepal / Philippines / Thailand / Korea Republic
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.2 G000 IIM Record No: H005911)
This book constitutes the proceedings of an organizational and planning workshop for a research network on irrigation management for diversified cropping in rice-based system held in late 1988 in Bangkok. The workshop participants agreed to establish research network involving eight humid Tropical Asian countries in which irrigated rice is the main crop during the wet season.
127 IIMI. 1990. Irrigation management in Latin America: Present situation, problem areas and areas of potential improvement. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xi, 96p.
Irrigation management ; Water potential ; Irrigation systems ; Social aspects ; Economic aspects ; Water users' associations / Latin America
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7 G302 IIM Record No: H006313)
128 IIMI. 1989. Study on irrigation systems rehabilitation and improved operations and management: Final report for ADB Regional Technical Assistance 5273. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 3 vols.
Irrigation systems ; Rehabilitation ; Irrigation management ; Decision making ; Planning ; Canals ; Economic aspects ; Irrigation design ; Rice ; Water conveyance / Sri Lanka / Philippines / Korea Republic / Indonesia / Mahaweli Project / Kalankuttiya / Rajangana / Kirindi Oya
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.7 G000 IIM Record No: H005430)
Vol. 1 - Activity A: Rehabilitation and improvement for management; Vol 2 - Activity B: Dry season irrigation management for rice based systems; Vol. 3 - Activity C: Financing the cost of irrigation.
129 IIMI. 1990. Irrigation management and crop diversification (Sri Lanka). Vol. 1- Synthesis of findings and recommendations Kirindi Oya and Uda Walawe Projects - Vol. 2 - Kirindi Oya Project - Vol. 3 - Uda Walawe Project. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 51p.;186p.
Irrigation management ; Crop production ; Diversification ; Settlement ; Rehabilitation ; Institutions ; Performance ; Design ; Evaluation / Sri Lanka / Kirindi Oya / Uda Walawe
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G744 IIM Record No: H005907)
This study of Irrigation Management and Crop Diversification is being carried out under a Technical Assistance Agreement (T.A. No.846-SRI) dated 27 November 1987, between the Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (GOSL), the International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The study is being implemented by IIMI in the Kirindi Oya and Uda Walawe projects in southern Sri Lanka in close collaboration with the agencies in charge of development and management of these projects. It addresses, through field-level research, priority issues of importance and relevance of the two projects in the processes of irrigation system management, with particular attention given to the requirements of crop diversification.
130 IIMI. 1989. Efficient irrigation management and system turnover (TA 937-INO-Indonesia) Final Report. Vol. 1 - Summary and recommendations; Vol. 2 - Efficient irrigation management; Vol. 3 - Small scale irrigation turnover program. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. vi,81p.; vi,251p.; ii, 152p.
Irrigation efficiency ; Irrigation management ; Government managed irrigation systems ; Investment policy ; Cost recovery / Indonesia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G662 IIM Record No: H006083)
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131 IIMI. 1990. Final report of the Technical Assistance study (TA 846 SRI) irrigation management and crop diversification (Sri Lanka) Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 65p.; 257p.; 258p.
Crops ; Diversification ; Water resources development ; Cropping systems ; Crop production ; Rehabilitation ; Design / Sri Lanka / Kirindi Oya / Uda Walawe
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.2 G744 IIM Record No: H006289)
Vol. 1 - Synthesis of findings and recommendations Kirindi Oya and Uda Walawe projects; Vol. 2 - Kirindi Oya Project; Vol. 3 - Uda Walawe Project
132 IIMI. 1995. Technical course on Field Calibration of Irrigation Structures: Fordwah Eastern Sadiqia Irrigation and Drainage Project, Bahawalnagar, 28 May to 6 June, 1995: Technical report. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. 85p. + annexes.
Irrigation engineering ; Training ; Calibrations ; Optimization ; Agricultural production ; Measurement ; Irrigation canals ; Flow discharge ; Open channels ; Construction ; Velocity / Pakistan / Punjab / Fordwah
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 IIM Record No: H010043)
133 IIMI. 1990. Resource mobilization for sustainable management: Proceedings of a Workshop on Major Irrigation Schemes in Sri Lanka held at Kandy, Sri Lanka 22-24 February 1990. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. ix, 227p.
Farmers' associations ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Resource management ; Policy ; Agriculture ; Sustainability / Sri Lanka / Mahaweli Project
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G744 IIM Record No: H006922)
Papers focusing on institutional reform that is seen as a prerequisite to effective mobilization of sufficient resources for sustainable management of major irrigation schemes. They analyze the impediments to high performance system management within the irrigation management agencies and the direction in which reforms must go to bring improvements and identify broader policy issues and recommendations that are very important to the whole change process underway.
134 IIMI. 1987. Irrigation management in West Africa: Prospects and proposals for a research and professional development program. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v.p.
Irrigation management ; Development ; Research priorities / West Africa / Burkina Faso / Mali / Senegal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G190 IIM Record No: H006934)
135 IIMI. 1991. Irrigation management and crop diversification (Sri Lanka): Inception report on the Phase II Technical Assistance Study T. A. 1480 SRI. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 148p.
Irrigation systems ; Irrigation management ; Diversification ; Cropping systems / Sri Lanka / Kirindi Oya / Walawe
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G744 IIM Record No: H009002)
136 IIMI. 1990. Completed impact assessment questionnaires on Technical Assistance grants to IIMI funded by the Asian Development Bank 1985-89. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 44p.
Evaluation ; Aid ; Irrigation ; Crops ; Diversification ; Financing / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 337.1 G000 IIM Record No: H009521)
137 IIMI. 1992. Seventh progress report on managing irrigation system to minimize waterlogging and salinity problems. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. 18p.
Irrigation management ; Waterlogging ; Salinity control / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.2 G730 IIM Record No: H010718)
138 IIMI. 1992. Final report submitted to the Department of Irrigation and USAID Mission to Nepal, Agriculture and Rural Development Office. Vol.1- Increasing water user participation in irrigation management. Phase 1- Field testing alternative approaches, Main report; Vol.II - Institutional development; Vol.III - Main canal management in Banganga Irrigation Systems ; Vol.IV - Administrative linkages analysis of Banganga Irrigation System, Kapilabastu District, Nepal. Kathmandu, Nepal: IIMI. 4 vols. viii, 48p.; 37p. + annexe; 35p.;18p.
Water users' associations ; Farmers' associations ; Farmer participation ; Irrigation management ; Irrigation canals ; Water distribution ; Participatory management / Nepal / Banganga Irrigation System / Kapilabastu
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G726 IIM Record No: H010851)
139 IIMI. 1993. Bilan synth�se des travaux: 1991-1993. [Irrigation management project, Burkina Faso: Mid-Term synthesis report] Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Projet d'appui Institutionnel au Ministere de l'eau pour la Recherche- D�veloppement en Management de l'irrigation au Burkina Faso. (Project No.F/BUF/DN-AI/DMI/90/3) vii, 248p. + annexes.
Irrigation management ; Development projects ; Research institutes / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G226 IIMI Record No: H013104)
140 IIMI. 1994. Gender issues and irrigation management: First annual progress report for 1993/1994. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v.p.
Gender relations ; Irrigation management ; Development projects ; Irrigation programs ; Participatory management ; Farmers' associations ; Households ; Women in development ; Case studies / Nepal / Niger / Sri Lanka / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G000 IIM Record No: H014943)
141 IIMI. 1994. Final report: Program on Farmer-Managed Irrigation Systems and Support Services. Phase II. Vol.5 - Self assessment of performance of farmer-managed irrigation in Bicol, Philippines. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. Report submitted to IFAD and BMZ in October 1994. xi, 55p.
Performance evaluation ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Water management ; Indicators / Philippines / Bicol
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.6.2 G732 IIM Record No: H015865)
Report submitted to the IFAD and BMZ, October 1994.
142 IIMI. 1994. Final report: Program on Farmer-Managed Irrigation Systems and Support Services. Phase II. Vol.6 - Farmer-managed groundwater irrigation within the Eastern Gandak Irrigation System in Bihar, India. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. Report submitted to IFAD and BMZ in October 1994. xv, 131p.
Performance evaluation ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Water management ; Indicators ; Groundwater management ; Canal irrigation ; Tube wells ; Pumping ; Water market ; Decision making / India / Bihar
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.6.2 G635 IIM Record No: H015866)
Report submitted to the IFAD and BMZ, October 1994.
143 IIMI. 1994. Final report: Program on Farmer-Managed Irrigation Systems and Support Services. Phase II. Vol.7 - Lift irrigation in West Africa: Challenges for sustainable local management. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. Report submitted to IFAD and BMZ in October 1994. vii, 51p.
Performance evaluation ; Low lift irrigation ; Water management ; Indicators ; Groundwater ; Economic aspects ; Policy ; Case studies ; Sustainability ; Local management ; Agriculture / West Africa / Burkina Faso / Cameroon / Chad / Gambia / Mali / Mauritania / Niger / Nigeria / Senegal / Bicol
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.6.2 G100 IIM Record No: H015867)
(File size: 1.50 MB)
144 IIMI. 1994. Third quarter progress report. Kirindi Oya Irrigation and Settlement Project: Project impact evaluation study. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. i, 11p.
Irrigation management ; Land management ; Settlement ; Crop production ; Forestry ; Environment ; Cost benefit analysis ; Social aspects ; Economic aspects ; Evaluation ; Operations ; Maintenance ; Livestock / Sri Lanka / Kirindi Oya
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G744 IIM Record No: H015711)
145 IIMI. 1994. Second quarter progress report. Kirindi Oya Irrigation and Settlement Project: Project impact evaluation study. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. i, 47p.
Irrigation management ; Land management ; Settlement ; Crop production ; Forestry ; Environment ; Cost benefit analysis ; Social aspects ; Economic aspects ; Evaluation ; Operations ; Maintenance ; Livestock ; Institution building ; Agriculture / Sri Lanka / Kirindi Oya
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G744 IIM Record No: H015710)
146 IIMI. 1994. First quarter progress report. Kirindi Oya Irrigation and Settlement Project: Project impact evaluation study. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. ii, 26p.
Irrigation management ; Land management ; Settlement ; Crop production ; Forestry ; Environment ; Cost benefit analysis ; Social aspects ; Economic aspects ; Evaluation ; Operations ; Maintenance ; Livestock ; Institution building ; Agriculture / Sri Lanka / Kirindi Oya
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G744 IIM Record No: H015709)
147 IIMI. 1994. Kirindi Oya Irrigation and Settlement Project: Project impact evaluation study: Draft final report. Vol.I: Main report. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xvi, 118p.
Irrigation management ; Land management ; Settlement ; Crop production ; Forestry ; Environment ; Cost benefit analysis ; Social aspects ; Economic aspects ; Evaluation ; Operations ; Maintenance ; Livestock ; Institution building ; Agriculture / Sri Lanka / Kirindi Oya
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G744 IIM Record No: H015708)
148 IIMI. 1994. Privatization and self management of irrigation in developing countries: Annual progress report for 1994. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. Submitted to GTZ by the Local Management Program, IIMI. vi, 159p.
Irrigation management ; Privatization ; Local management ; Case studies / USA / China / Colombia / Sudan / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G000 IIM Record No: H015704)
149 IIMI. 1994. Implementation of joint management in Nigeria - Report on IIMI-Nigeria Phase II Program: Final report. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 77p.
Irrigation programs ; Irrigation systems ; Water management ; Irrigated farming ; Social aspects ; River basin development ; Water users' associations ; Strategy planning ; Farmer-agency interactions / Nigeria
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G214 IIM Record No: H016107)
150 IIMI. 1995. Kirindi Oya Irrigation Settlement Project: Project impact evaluation study. Vol.I: Main report (final) Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xxiii, 118p.
Irrigation programs ; Project appraisal ; Project management ; Cost benefit analysis ; River basins ; Land development ; Settlement ; Land use ; Irrigation systems ; Reservoirs ; Farmers' attitudes ; Land use ; Economic aspects ; Social aspects ; Living conditions ; Public health ; Education ; Nutrition ; Transport ; Households ; Crop production ; Rice ; Farm economics ; Agricultural extension ; Livestock ; Forestry ; Environment ; Ecology ; Salinity ; Irrigation systems ; Erosion ; Institution building ; Farmers' associations / Sri Lanka / Kirindi Oya
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G744 IIM Record No: H017073)
The KOISP Project Impact Evaluation Study was a collaborative research effort between the International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI) and the Agrarian Research and Institute (ARTI) with the former having the overall responsibility. The two institutes shared responsibility of hiring and fielding the research team. Consultants Ruhunu University have also been engaged by IIMI through a research contract. The broad objective of the project was to attempt to assess the overall effects of the interventions as implemented under the KOISP. More specifically, the objectives of the were to i) identify and measure KOISP outputs and trends; (ii) to measure the benefits and evaluate the impacts of the project and (iii) to conduct a cost-benefit of the KOISP.
151 IIMI. 1995. Kirindi Oya Irrigation Settlement Project: Project impact evaluation study. Vol.II: Annexes (final report) Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xviii, 355p.
Irrigation programs ; Irrigation systems ; River basins ; Reservoirs ; Operations ; Maintenance ; Land development ; Settlement ; Land use ; Economic aspects ; Social aspects ; Living conditions ; Public health ; Education ; Nutrition ; Transport ; Crop production ; Rice ; Farm economics ; Agricultural extension ; Livestock ; Forestry ; Environment ; Ecology ; Salinity ; Institution building ; Farmers' associations ; Cost benefit analysis / Sri Lanka / Kirindi Oya / Lunugamvehera
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G744 IIM Record No: H017074)
152 IIMI. 1995. Satellite remote sensing for improving irrigation system performance: A report based on technical analyses of the Bhadra Project. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 26p.
Irrigation ; Water management ; Irrigation programs ; Cropping systems ; Agricultural production ; Waterlogging ; Salinity ; Monitoring ; Evaluation ; Remote sensing ; Satellite surveys ; Reservoirs ; GIS ; Rice / India / Bhadra River / Karnataka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 621.3678 G635 IIM Record No: H017551)
153 IIMI. 1995. A national water services cost sharing program: Proposed mechanisms and phasing for implementation. Cairo, Egypt: IIMI. Unpublished report, no.5, prepared by IIMI, for the study "Strengthening irrigation management in Egypt" iv, 18p.
Water costs ; Irrigation water ; Water supply ; User charges ; Cost recovery / Egypt
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.4 G232 IIM Record No: H017839)
(File size: 0.87 MB)
154 IIMI. 1984. IIMI Pakistan, Design team report. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v.p. + appendices.
Research institutes ; Irrigation management ; Training ; Information systems / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-PAK Call no: IIMI 631.7 G730 IIM Record No: H018067)
155 IIMI. 1997? IIMI aper�u g�n�ral. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 10p.
Irrigation management ; Research institutes
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G000 IIM Record No: H019763)
156 IIMI. 1997. Cascade reports with specific recommendations for minor tanks. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. Report on the project "Identification of Hydrologically Endowed Small Tanks for Rehabilitation and Agrowell Development Potential in the Cascades of Anuradhapura District, North Central Province, Sri Lanka" 82p.
Rehabilitation ; Tank irrigation ; Surveys / Sri Lanka / Anuradhapura District / Padawiya / Kebithigollewa / Medawachchiya / Nuwaragam Palatha / Maha Wilachchiya / Mihintale / Rambewa / Kahatagasdigiliya / Horowpathana / Galenbindunuwewa / Thirappane / Palugaswewa / Palagala
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.7 G744 IIM Record No: H021245)
(File size: 1.09 MB)
157 IIMI. 1997. Cascade reports with specific recommendations for medium tanks. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. Report on the project "Identification of Hydrologically Endowed Small Tanks for Rehabilitation and Agrowell Development Potential in the Cascades of Anuradhapura District, North Central Province, Sri Lanka" 44p.
Rehabilitation ; Tank irrigation ; Surveys / Sri Lanka / Anuradhapura / Kebithigollewa / Medawachchiya / Nuwaragam Palatha / Maha Wilachchiya / Mihintale / Rambewa / Kahatagasdigiliya / Horowpathana / Galenbindunuwewa / Thirappane / Palugaswewa
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.7 G744 IIM Record No: H021246)
158 IIMI. 1997. Cascade reports with specific recommendations for micro tanks. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. Report on the project "Identification of Hydrologically Endowed Small Tanks for Rehabilitation and Agrowell Development Potential in the Cascades of Anuradhapura District, North Central Province, Sri Lanka" 240p.
Rehabilitation ; Tank irrigation ; Surveys / Sri Lanka / Anuradhapura / Padawiya / Kebithigollewa / Medawachchiya / Nuwaragam Palatha / Maha Wilachchiya / Rajanganaya / Mihintale / Rambewa / Kahatagasdigiliya / Horowpathana / Galenbindunuwewa / Thirappane / Palugaswewa / Palagala
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.7 G744 IIM Record No: H021247)
(File size: 4.43 MB)
159 IIMI. 1997. Cascade reports with specific recommendations - Volume II: Master report - Tanks in priority order of endowment. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. Report on the project "Identification of Hydrologically Endowed Small Tanks for Rehabilitation and Agrowell Development Potential in the Cascades of Anuradhapura District, North Central Province, Sri Lanka" 304p.
Rehabilitation ; Tank irrigation ; Farmer participation ; Surveys / Sri Lanka / Anuradhapura / Padawiya / Kebithigollewa / Medawachchiya / Nuwaragam Palatha / Maha Wilachchiya / Rajanganaya / Mihintale / Rambewa / Kahatagasdigiliya / Horowpathana / Galenbindunuwewa / Thirappane / Palugaswewa / Palagala
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.7 G744 IIM Record No: H021249)
160 IIMI. 1997. Map coordinates of tanks in selected cascades. Volume IV. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. Report on the project "Identification of Hydrologically Endowed Small Tanks for Rehabilitation and Agrowell Development Potential in the Cascades of Anuradhapura District, North Central Province, Sri Lanka" 63p.
Rehabilitation ; Tanks ; Maps ; Surveys / Sri Lanka / Anuradhapura / Padawiya / Kebithigollewa / Medawachchiya / Nuwaragam Palatha / Maha Wilachchiya / Rajanganaya / Mihintale / Rambewa / Kahatagasdigiliya / Horowpathana / Galenbindunuwewa / Thirappane / Palugaswewa / Palagala
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.7 G744 IIM Record No: H021251)
(File size: 2.02 MB)
161 IIMI. 1992. Study on cost effective irrigation modernization strategies for the 1990s - Final report. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. Sri Lanka Field Operations. 114p. + annexes.
Irrigation management ; Irrigation programs ; Project appraisal ; Modernization ; Rehabilitation ; Costs ; Economic aspects ; Women ; Social aspects ; Institutions ; Legislation ; Water management ; Farmer participation / Sri Lanka / Mahavilachchiya Scheme / Mahakanadarawa Scheme / Gal Oya Project / Rajangana Scheme / Huruluwewa Scheme / Kaudulla Scheme / Minneriya Scheme / Mahaweli Project / Minipe
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.7 G744 IIM Record No: H021616)
162 IIMI; HECTOR KOBBEKADUWA AGRARIAN RESEARCH AND TRAINING INSTITUTE. 1997. Monitoring and evaluation of the participatory irrigation system management policy. Main report - Volume I; Monitoring and evaluation of the participatory irrigation system management policy: Progress and impact of participatory irrigation system management. Volume II; Monitoring and evaluation of the participatory irrigation system management policy: Systems for monitoring and evaluation of participatory irrigation system management. Volume III. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI; ARTI. 3 v.; 305p.
Irrigation management ; Participatory management ; Policy ; Monitoring ; Evaluation ; Surveys ; Farmer participation ; Farmers' associations ; Legal aspects ; Legislation ; Land tenure ; Privatization ; Farm income ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Crop production ; Sustainability ; Benefits ; Costs ; Women in development ; Open channels ; Gates ; Operations ; Water distribution ; Maintenance ; Institutions ; Organizations ; Government managed irrigation systems ; Maintenance costs ; Expenditure ; Performance indexes / Sri Lanka / Mahaweli / Kaltota / Anuradhapura
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G744 IIM Record No: H021659)
163 IIMI; PAKISTAN. MINISTRY OF FOOD, AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK. SOIL SURVEY OF PAKISTAN. 1998. Semi-detailed soil survey of Chishtian Irrigation Sub-division. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program; Soil Survey of Pakistan. v, 88p. (Report no.R-45)
Soil surveys ; Climate ; Hydrology ; Soil properties ; Infiltration ; Soil salinity ; Sodic soils / Pakistan / Chishtian Irrigation Sub-division
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.4 G730 IIM Record No: H022445)
164 IIMI; CEMAGREF. 1998. Integis: A tool for an integrated analysis of irrigation system management. Lahore, Pakistan; Montpellier cedex, France: IIMI. Pakistan National Program; Cemagref. 4p.
Irrigation management ; Irrigation programs ; Irrigation canals ; Operations ; Computer models ; Computer software / Pakistan / Chishtian Sub-division
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 IIM Record No: H022430)
165 IIMI; CEMAGREF. 1998. An integrated approach: Assessing the potential impact of policy and management changes on irrigation system performance. Lahore, Pakistan; Montpellier cedex, France: IIMI. Pakistan National Program; Cemagref. 6p.
Irrigation Management ; Irrigation programs ; Performance evaluation ; Policy / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G730 IIM Record No: H022431)
166 IIMI; CEMAGREF. 1998. Salinity and sodicity management in Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan; Montpellier cedex, France: IIMI. Pakistan National Program; Cemagref. 6p.
Irrigation management ; Salinity control ; Sodic soils ; Policy ; Research methods / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 IIM Record No: H022433)
167 IIMI; CEMAGREF. 1998. Water markets in Pakistan: Technical feasibility and potential impact on irrigation system performance. Lahore, Pakistan; Montpellier cedex, France: IIMI. Pakistan National Program; Cemagref. 6p.
Water market ; Performance ; Irrigation water ; Surface water ; Water allocation ; Policy ; Research methods / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.4 G730 IIM Record No: H022434)
168 IIMI; UNIVERSITY OF PERADENIYA; ANTI-MALARIA CAMPAIGN. 1998. Malaria transmission and control in Huruluwewa, Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 8p.
Malaria ; Waterborne diseases ; Disease vectors ; Control methods ; Public health ; Rain / Sri Lanka / Huruluwewa
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G744 IIM Record No: H023130)
169 IIMI. 1998. Multiple uses and water quality: Report submitted to the Council of Agriculture and the Agricultural Engineering Research Center of the Republic of China. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. vii, 39p.
Irrigation programs ; Water use ; Irrigation canals ; Irrigation water ; Water quality ; Health ; Social aspects ; Livestock ; Fisheries ; Institutions ; Case studies / Sri Lanka / Pakistan / Mexico / Kirindi Oya / Punjab / Hakra
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G744 IIM Record No: H023450)
170 IIMI. 2000. Research contribution to the World Water Vision. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 26p.
Water management ; Groundwater ; Water scarcity ; Water storage ; Water supply ; Water demand ; Productivity ; Poverty ; Gender ; Forecasting
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 333.91 G000 IIM Record No: H025884)
(File size: 0.38 MB)
A summary of IWMI's research contribution to the Vision process. Topics include: global water scarcity, the productivity of water, water storage, groundwater, and poverty, gender and water.
171 IIMI. 1987. IIMI annual report 1986. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. ii, 52p.
Research institutes ; Irrigation management ; Planning ; Policy ; Financial planning ; Developing countries
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7 G000 IIM Record No: H038227)
(File size: 3.47 MB)
172 IIMI. 1989. IIMI annual report 1988; Annual report 1988, International Irrigation Management Institute. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. vi, 58p.
Research institutes ; Irrigation management ; Planning ; Policy ; Financing ; Developing countries
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7 G000 IIM Record No: H038229)
(File size: 4.38 MB)
173 IIMI. 1990. IIMI annual report 1989; Annual report 1989, International Irrigation Management Institute. Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka: IIMI. iv, 44p.
Research institutes ; Irrigation management ; Research projects ; Financing ; Developing countries
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7 G000 IIM Record No: H038230)
(File size: 3.42 MB)
174 IIMI. 1991. IIMI annual report 1990; Annual report 1990, International Irrigation Management Institute. Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka: IIMI. iv, 56p.
Research institutes ; Irrigation management ; Research projects ; Financing ; Developing countries
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7 G000 IIM Record No: H038231)
(File size: 3.96 MB)
175 IIMI. 1995. IIMI annual report 1994; Annual report 1994, International Irrigation Management Institute. Pelawatte, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 95p.
Research institutes ; Irrigation management ; Policy ; Financing
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7 G000 IIM Record No: H038235)
(File size: 6.83 MB)
176 IIMI. 1996. IIMI annual report 1995; Annual report 1995, International Irrigation Management Institute. Pelawatte, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 51p.
Research institutes ; Irrigation management ; Agricultural research
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7 G000 IIM Record No: H038236)
(File size: 2.91 MB)
177 IIMI. 1998. IIMI annual report 1997; Annual report 1997, International Irrigation Management Institute. Pelawatte, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 55p.
Research institutes ; Irrigation management ; Irrigated farming ; Research projects ; Financial resources
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7 G000 IIM Record No: H038238)
(File size: 3.36 MB)
178 IIMI. BURKINA FASO. 1995. Projet management de l'irrigation au Burkina Faso: Rapport d'activit�s anne� 4:1994/95 (Mai 1995) [Activity report, year 4:1994/95, IIMI, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, May 1995] Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. 78p. + 2 annexes.
Irrigation management ; Research institutes ; Project appraisal / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G226 IIM Record No: H009194)
179 IIMI. BURKINA FASO. 1996. M�thodologie d'�valuation des performance et de diagnostic des syst�mes irrigu�s. [Methodology for performance assessment and diagnosis of irrigation schemes] Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. xvi, 118p.
Performance evaluation ; Irrigation management ; Diagnostic techniques ; Irrigation systems ; Indicators ; Water management ; Reservoirs ; Operations / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G226 IIM Record No: H009196)
Report, Projet d'appui institutionnel au Ministere de l'eau pour la recherche-developpement en management de l'irrigation au Burkina Faso. Projet no.F/BUF/DIN-AI/DMI/90/3
180 IIMI. BURKINA FASO. 1997. Rapport d'ach�vement du Projet Management de l'Irrigation au Burkina Faso. [Project completion report of the Burkina Faso irrigation management project] Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. 16p. + 8 annexes.
Irrigation management ; Project appraisal / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G226 IIM Record No: H009231)
181 IIMI. BURKINA FASO. 1996. Rapport final: Tome 2 - Formation et information-communication. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. ii, 61p. + annexes.
Irrigation management ; Communication ; Information services ; Conferences ; Simulation models ; Precipitation ; Evaporation ; Evapotranspiration ; Hydrology ; Rice ; Percolation ; Irrigation requirements ; Analysis ; Performance evaluation / Africa / Burkina Faso / Niger
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G226 IIM Record No: H021364)
182 IIMI. BURKINA FASO; MINISTERE DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT ET DE L'EAU (MEE) 1996. Voyage d'etudes effectue au Mali du 21 au 30 Octobre 1996. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. ii, 37p.
Irrigation management ; Irrigation programs ; Financing ; Project management ; Organizational development / Mali / Niger
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G208 IIM Record No: H021368)
Report, Project management de l'irrigation au Burkina Faso (PMI-BF)
183 IIMI. BURKINA FASO. 1996. Tome 1: Appendice I - Rapport sectoriel agronomique. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. 170p.
Irrigation management ; Irrigation programs ; Rice ; Climate ; Soil properties ; Fertilizers ; Irrigated farming ; Percolation ; Evapotranspiration ; Project management ; Analysis ; Performance evaluation / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G226 IIM Record No: H021369)
Report, Projet d'appui institutionnel au Ministere del'environnement et de l'eau pour la recherche-developpement en management de l'irrigation au Burkina Faso. Project no.F/BUF/DN-AI/DMI/90/3
184 IIMI. BURKINA FASO. 1996. Tome 1: Appendice II - Rapport sectoriel hydraulique. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. ix, 100p. + annexes.
Irrigation management ; Irrigation programs ; Hydraulics / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G226 IIM Record No: H021370)
Report, Projet d'appui institutionnel au Ministere del'environnement et de l'eau pour la recherche-developpement en management de l'irrigation au Burkina Faso. Project no.F/BUF/DN-AI/DMI/90/3
185 IIMI. BURKINA FASO. 1996. Tome 1: Appendice III - Rapport sectoriel socio-economique. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. viii, 160p. + annexes.
Irrigation management ; Irrigation programs ; social aspects ; Economic aspects ; Agricultural economics ; Irrigated farming ; Women / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G226 IIM Record No: H021371)
Report, Projet d'appui institutionnel au Ministere del'environnement et de l'eau pour la recherche-developpement en management de l'irrigation au Burkina Faso. Project no.F/BUF/DN-AI/DMI/90/3
186 IIMI. BURKINA FASO; SALLY, H.; KE�TA, A.; OUATTARA. 1997. Analyse-diagnostic et performances de 5 p�rim�tres irrigu�s autour de barrages au Burkina Faso: Rapport final - Tome 1 du Projet Management de l'Irrigation. [Analysis-diagnosis and performance of five reservoir-based irrigation schemes in Burkina Faso: Final report - Volume 1 of the Burkina Faso irrigation management project] Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. xiii, 253p. + 6 annexes.
Agronomy ; Diagnostic techniques ; Water management ; Hydraulics ; Indicators ; Irrigation management ; Maintenance ; Performance evaluation ; Social aspects ; Economic aspects ; Project appraisal / Burkina Faso / Dakiri / Gorgo / Itenga / Mogt�do / Savili
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G226 IIM Record No: H009252)
Synthesis report of the research results obtained under the Burkina Faso Irrigation Management Project between 1991-1997. The report has been designed to be a self-contained volume that could be read and understood without reference to any other document.
187 IIMI. BURKINA FASO. 1997. Formation et information-communication. Rapport final - Tome 2. [Training and information dissemination: Final report - Volume 2 of the Burkina Faso irrigation management project] Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. iv, 62p.
Communication ; Information ; Training ; Irrigation management / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G226 IIM Record No: H009253)
Synthesis report of the training and information dissemination activities carried out by the Burkina Faso Irrigation Management Project.
188 IIMI. BURKINA FASO. 1996. Analyse-diagnostic et performances de 5 p�rim�tres irrigu�s autour de barrages au Burkina Faso: Rapport final - Tome 1 du Projet Management de l'Irrigation. Appendice 1: Rapport sectoriel agronomique. [Analysis-diagnosis and performance of five reservoir-based irrigation schemes in Burkina Faso: Final report - Volume 1 of the Burkina Faso irrigation management project. Appendix I: Agronomy sector report] Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. 123p. + 14 annexes.
Agronomy ; Diagnostic techniques ; Water management ; Hydraulics ; Climate ; Irrigation management ; Performance evaluation ; Economic aspects ; Project appraisal / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G226 IIM Record No: H009254)
Synthesis report of the research results obtained under the Burkina Faso Irrigation Management Project between 1991-1997. This volume deals with agronomy.
189 IIMI. BURKINA FASO. 1996. Analyse-diagnostic et performances de 5 p�rim�tres irrigu�s autour de barrages au Burkina Faso: Rapport final - Tome 1 du Projet Management de l'Irrigation. Appendice II: Rapport sectoriel hydraulique. [Analysis-diagnosis and performance of five reservoir-based irrigation schemes in Burkina Faso: Final report - Volume 1 of the Burkina Faso irrigation management project. Appendix II: Hydraulics sector report] Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. vii, 101p. + 5 annexes.
Diagnostic techniques ; Water management ; Hydraulics ; Climate ; Irrigation management ; Performance evaluation ; Project appraisal / Burkina Faso / Dakiri / Gorgo / Itenga / Mogtedo / Savili
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G226 IIM Record No: H009255)
Synthesis report of the research results obtained under the Burkina Faso Irrigation Management Project between 1991-1997. This volume deals with hydraulics.
190 IIMI. BURKINA FASO. 1996. Analyse-diagnostic et performances de 5 p�rim�tres irrigu�s autour de barrages au Burkina Faso: Rapport final - Tome 1 du Projet Management de l'Irrigation. Appendice III: Rapport sectoriel socio-economique. [Analysis-diagnosis and performance of five reservoir-based irrigation schemes in Burkina Faso: Final report - Volume 1 of the Burkina Faso irrigation management project. Appendix III: Socio-economic sector report] Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. ix, 160p. + 6 annexes.
Diagnostic techniques ; Water management ; Social aspects ; Economic aspects ; Irrigation management ; Performance evaluation ; Project appraisal / Burkina Faso / Dakiri / Gorgo / Itenga / Mogtedo / Savili
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G226 IIM Record No: H009256)
Synthesis report of the research results obtained under the Burkina Faso Irrigation Management Project between 1991-1997. This volume deals with the socio-economic aspects.
191 IIMI. IRMU. 1993. National Irrigation Rehabilitation Project: Technical assistance to the Irrigation Research Management Unit. Quarterly report no.2, January to March 1993. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. IRMU. 42p.
Irrigation management ; Rehabilitation ; Irrigation programs / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.7 G744 IIM Record No: H016196)
192 IIMI. LIBRARY AND DOCUMENTATION SERVICE. 1987. IMIN data input manual: Irrigation Management Information Network. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. iii, 83 p. (IIMI pub 86-36)
Information science ; Information services ; Computer techniques ; Data storage and retrieval ; Data processing ; Networks
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI-001.64404 G000 IIM Record No: H003181)
193 IIMI. LIBRARY AND DOCUMENTATION SERVICE. 1987. IMIN keyword thesaurus: Irrigation Management Information Network. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. iii, 36 p. (IIMI pub 86-13)
Information services ; Thesauri ; Irrigation management ; Networks
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI-025.49 G000 IIM Record No: H003182)
194 IIMI. LIBRARY AND DOCUMENTATION SERVICE. 1992. Irrigation Management Information Network (IMIN) Keyword thesaurus. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v, 49p.
Irrigation management ; Thesauri ; Information services ; Networks
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 025.49 G000 IIM Record No: H011967)
195 IIMI. NEPAL. 1994. Final report: Program on Farmer-Managed Irrigation Systems and Support Services. Phase II. Vol.3 - Irrigation resource inventory: A methodology and decision support tool for assisting farmer-managed irrigation systems. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. Report submitted to the IFAD and BMZ, October 1994, collaboratively prepared by the Irrigation Management Systems Study Group, Hydro-Engineering Services, NepalConsult (P) Ltd., and IIMI-Nepal. xv, 192p.
Performance evaluation ; Water resources ; Decision making ; Land management ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Resource management ; Water rights ; Conflict / Nepal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.6.2 G100 IIM Record No: H016008)
196 IIMI. NIGER. 1997. Les conditions d'une gestion paysanne des amenagements hydro-agricoles en Afrique de l'ouest: Actes du Seminaire International de Niamey, 24 au 28 Septembre 1996Rapport d'ach�vement du Projet Management de l'Irrigation au Burkina Faso. Niamey, Niger: IIMI. 264p.
Irrigation management ; Project appraisal ; Hydrology ; Privatization ; Rehabilitation / Niger / West Africa / Senegal / Mali / Nigeria / Burkina Faso / Madagascar
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G212 IIM Record No: H009232)
197 IIMI. PAKISTAN. 1990. Irrigation system performance in farmer managed irrigation systems in Hunza-Gojal - Final report submitted to Aga Khan Foundation. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. 16p. + annexes.
Performance evaluation ; Irrigation systems ; Farmer managed irrigation systems / Pakistan / Gilgit
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G730 IIM Record No: H009951)
198 IIMI. PAKISTAN. 1993. Managing irrigation systems to minimize waterlogging and salinity problems: IIMI - Pakistan eighth progress report. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. v.p.
Irrigation management ; Waterlogging ; Salinity ; GIS / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-PAK Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G730 IIM Record No: H011971)
199 IIMI. PAKISTAN. 1994. Tenth progress report on managing irrigation systems to minimize waterlogging and salinity problems. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. 51p.
Waterlogging ; Salinity control ; Irrigation management ; Farmers' associations ; Water quality ; Tube wells ; Irrigation scheduling ; GIS ; Land reclamation ; Databases / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 IIM Record No: H014220)
200 IIMI. PAKISTAN. 1994. Semi-annual report on work related to managing irrigation for environmentally sustainable agriculture in Pakistan (January 1994 - June 1994) Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan. vi, 20p.
Environmental sustainability ; Irrigation management ; Agriculture / Pakistan / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-PAK Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G730 IIM Record No: H015863)
201 IIMI. PAKISTAN. 1996. Training Course on Field Calibration of Irrigation Outlets, Hakra 4-R and Sirajwah Distributaries, Fordwah Eastern Sadiqia Irrigation and Drainage Project, Haroonabad, 22 October to 1 November 1995: Technical report. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. iii, 163p. (IIMI-Pakistan training reports T-4)
Water management ; Training ; Water measurement ; Hydraulics ; Flow ; Irrigation / Pakistan / Fordwah Eastern Sadiqia / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 IIM Record No: H009153)
202 IIMI. PAKISTAN NATIONAL PROGRAM. 1996. Social organization for improved system management and sustainable irrigated agriculture in small dams: An action research program. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. Inception report. iv, 50p. (Report no.P-5)
Irrigation management ; Participatory management ; Irrigated farming ; Sustainability ; Dams ; Small scale systems ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Water users ; Irrigation operation ; Maintenance ; Research institutes ; Water users' associations ; Social organization ; Agricultural research / Pakistan / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 IIM Record No: H019732)
203 IIMI. PAKISTAN NATIONAL PROGRAM. 1997. Summary of research activities: Research reporting day, November 6, 1997. Lahore Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. Unpublished summaries of research activities carried out at IIMI Pakistan National Program, Lahore, Pakistan. 44p.
Irrigation management ; Research projects ; Irrigated farming / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G730 IIM Record No: H021782)
204 IIMI. PAKISTAN NATIONAL PROGRAM. 1998. Consultative Workshop on Gender, Poverty and Water Program, 18 May 1998, IIMI Pakistan, Lahore. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. Report of Proceedings. 19p.
Women in development ; Gender ; Poverty ; Water resources ; Irrigation programs ; Participatory management ; Rural women ; Water quality ; Health ; Water users' associations / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7088042 G730 IIM Record No: H022592)
205 IIMI. PAKISTAN NATIONAL PROGRAM; CEMAGREF. 1998. Des m�thodes et outils pour une gestion durable des p�rim�tres irrigu�s: La collaboration IIMI-Cemagref au Pakistan. [Methodologies and tools to ensure the sustainability of irrigated agriculture: The IIMI-CEMAGREF collaboration in Pakistan] Lahore, Pakistan; Montpellier cedex, France: IIMI. Pakistan National Program; CEMAGREF. 8p.
Irrigated farming ; Sustainability ; Irrigation management ; Agricultural research ; Decision support tools ; Irrigation canals ; Simulation models ; Water market ; Remote sensing ; GIS / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7 G730 IIM Record No: H023209)
206 IIMI. SCOR. 1998. Nayakathwaya ha mudal paripalana pilibanda govi niyojithayan sandaha vu puhunu patamalawa, 1998 Juli 23-26, Mahailluppallama. [Training course for farmer representatives in leadership and finance management, Mahailluppallama, Sri Lanka, 23-26 July 1998] Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. SLNP. 54p.
Leadership ; Farmers' associations ; Agricultural extension ; Training ; Economic aspects ; Cooperatives ; Accounting / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 630.715 G744 IIM Record No: H023727)
207 IIMI. SLFO. 1992. Proposed GOSL/USAID Project for Shared Control of Natural Resources (SCOR) Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 52p.
Natural resources ; Development policy ; Environmental policy / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 574.5 G744 IIM Record No: H011827)
(File size: 4.43 MB)
Draft Project paper (For review at the National Workshop held at the Airport Garden Hotel, Seeduwa on 7/8 August 1992)
208 IIMI. SLFO; SRI LANKA. IRRIGATION DEPARTMENT. IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT DIVISION; SRI LANKA. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. 1992. Technical Assistance Study (T.A.1480 SRI). Irrigation Management and Crop Diversification (Sri Lanka) - Phase II: Seasonal report - Kirindi Oya, Maha 1991/92. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. SLFO. iii, 83p.
Irrigation management ; Tertiary level irrigation ; Institution building ; Crops ; Diversification ; Economic aspects / Sri Lanka / Kirindi Oya
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.6.2 G744 IIM Record No: H012410)
209 IIMI. SLFO; MAHAWELI ECONOMIC AGENCY. 1992. Technical Assistance Study (T.A.1480 SRI). Irrigation Management and Crop Diversification (Sri Lanka) - Phase II: Seasonal report - Uda Walawe, Maha 1991/92. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. SLFO. iv, 60p.
Irrigation management ; Tertiary level irrigation ; Flow ; Water requirements ; Operations ; Tillage ; Crops ; Rehabilitation ; Diversification / Sri Lanka / Uda Walawe
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.6.2 G744 IIM Record No: H012411)
210 IIMI. SLFO. 1993. Study on monitoring and evaluation or participatory irrigation system management: Inception report (revised) Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. vii, 79p.
Participatory management ; Irrigation management ; Privatization ; Farmers' associations ; Farmer participation ; Evaluation ; Monitoring / Sri Lanka / Mahaweli Project
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G744 IIM Record No: H015028)
Revised and expanded version of the Inception Report for the Study on Monitoring and Evaluation of the Participatory Irrigation System Policy (TA 1705 SRI), December 1992
211 IIMI. SLFO. 1993. Progress of participatory management: Reconnaissance results. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xiii, 52p.
Participatory management ; Irrigation management ; Farmers' associations ; Farmer participation ; Evaluation ; Monitoring / Sri Lanka / Mahaweli Project
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G744 IIM Record No: H015029)
Monitoring and Evaluation of the Participatory Irrigation System Management (TA 1705 SRI), October 1993
212 IIMI. SLFO. 1994. Shared Control of Natural Resources (SCOR) - Progress report. 1st quarter. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. SLFO. 40p.
Natural resources ; Indicators / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G744 IIM Record No: H020851)
213 IIMI. SLFO. 1994. Shared Control of Natural Resources (SCOR) - Progress report. 2nd quarter. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. SLFO. 53p.
Natural resources ; Performance evaluation ; Indicators / Sri Lanka / Huruluwewa / Nilwala
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G744 IIM Record No: H020852)
214 IIMI. SLFO. 1994. Shared Control of Natural Resources (SCOR) - Progress report. 3rd quarter. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. SLFO. 60p.
Natural resources ; Performance ; Indicators ; Watershed management / Sri Lanka / Mahameegaswewa / Nilwala / Huruluwewa
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G744 IIM Record No: H020853)
215 IIMI. SLFO; SRI LANKA. IRRIGATION DEPARTMENT. IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT DIVISION; SRI LANKA. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE; SRI LANKA. LAND COMMISSIONER'S DEPARTMENT. 1995. Final report on the Technical Assistance Study (T.A.1480 SRI) Phase II: Irrigation management and crop diversification. Vol. II - Kirindi Oya Project. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xiv, 313p.
Irrigation management ; Crops ; Diversification ; Economic aspects ; Organizational development ; Institution building ; Water balance ; Salinity ; Maintenance ; Tertiary level irrigation ; Channels ; Land management / Sri Lanka / Kirindi Oya
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.6.2 G744 IIM Record No: H008029)
216 IIMI. SLFO. 1994. National Irrigation Rehabilitation Project. Technical assistance to the Irrigation Research Management Unit, contract no.669/91/73000/102/141-01: Annual report 1994. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. vi, 51p.
Irrigation management ; Rehabilitation ; Training ; Technology transfer ; Organizations / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.7 G744 IIM Record No: H012874)
(File size: 2.75 MB)
217 IIMI. SLFO; SRI LANKA. IRRIGATION DEPARTMENT. IRMU. 1995. Completion report on the training program on rapid appraisal of irrigation systems for rehabilitation and modernization. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 43p.
Training courses ; Rapid rural appraisal ; Tank irrigation ; Project appraisal ; Rehabilitation ; Modernization ; Irrigation management ; Irrigated farming ; Farm management ; Farmers' associations / Sri Lanka / Mahasiyambalangamuwa
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G744 IIM Record No: H017967)
218 IIMI. SLFO; IMPSA. 1991. Future directions for irrigation investment in Sri Lanka: Recommendations of a National Workshop, Colombo, 24-25 January 1991. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. SLFO. 15p.
Irrigation management ; Investment / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.4 G744 IIM Record No: H022164)
219 IIMI. SLNP. 1995. National Irrigation Rehabilitation Project. Technical assistance to the Irrigation Research Management Unit, contract no.669/91/73000/102/141-01: Annual report 1995. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. SLNP. vi, 59p.
Irrigation management ; Rehabilitation ; Agricultural research ; Farmer participation ; Farmers' associations ; Women in development ; Tanks ; Irrigation programs ; Irrigation canals ; Training ; Technology transfer ; Research institutes / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.7 G744 IIM Record No: H019762)
220 IMBULANA, K. A. U. S.; MERREY, D. J. 1995. Impact of management interventions on the performance of five irrigation schemes in Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xiv, 76p. (IIMI working paper no.35)
Irrigation programs ; Performance evaluation ; Irrigation management ; Intervention ; Irrigation systems ; Monitoring ; Performance indexes ; History ; Farmers' associations ; Farmer participation ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Communication ; Organizations ; Water potential ; Rice ; Crop yield ; Water supply ; Land productivity ; Rain ; Data collection / Sri Lanka / Dewahuwa / Mapakada / Parakrama Samudra / Rajangane / Ridiyagama
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G744 IMB Record No: H017609)
This working paper is the outcome of a data collection process initiated under the advice of Dr. Shigeo Yashima of the International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI). The objective of this data collection process was to make a preliminary assessment of irrigation performance in Sri Lanka using irrigation systems with different backgrounds to identify areas for further research.
221 IQBAL, A. 1996. Hydraulic characteristics of Chishtian Sub-division, Fordwah Canal Division. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. IIMI Pakistan report. ixi, 180p. (Report no.R-16)
Irrigation management ; Hydraulics ; Channel improvement ; Drainage ; Flow discharge ; Water distribution ; Seepage ; Operations ; Maintenance / Pakistan / Fordwah Eastern Sadiqia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 IQB Record No: H009193)
222 ITAKURA, J.; ABERNETHY, C. L. 1993. Water management in a tank cascade irrigation system in Sri Lanka: First seasonal report of TARC-IIMI Joint Project 1991/1992 Maha Season. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. ix, 47p. (Working paper no.24)
Water management ; Tank irrigation ; Small scale systems ; Irrigation management ; Crop-based irrigation ; Water balance ; Water conveyance / Sri Lanka / Thirappane
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G744 ITA Record No: H013356)
IRRIGATION Management Institute (IIMI) and the Tropical Agriculture Research Center (TARC), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan, initiated a collaborative study in August 1991. This joint study is focused on small-scale tank irrigation systems which are spread over the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka, and is conducted with the assistance of Sri Lanka's Department of Agrarian Services.
223 ITAKURA, J. 1995. Water balance model for planning rehabilitation of a tank cascade irrigation system in Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 62p. (IIMI working paper no.37)
Irrigation management ; Irrigation systems ; Water balance ; Simulation models ; Rehabilitation ; Agricultural production ; Watershed management ; Reservoirs ; Tank irrigation / Sri Lanka / Thirappane / Nachchaduwa
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.7 G744 ITA Record No: H018427)
Since time immemorial, people in South Asia have collected rainfall runoff in small storage reservoirs (called tanks) for later use in agricultural production, for domestic use and watering of livestock. A unique feature of the tanks in Sri Lanka is that often several of the tanks are linked together through a canal. The resulting cascade of tanks should then be managed as one system. The Thirappane cascade, which is the topic of this study, falls within the catchment area of a much bigger reservoir, Nachchaduwa. The latter was built around 900 AD, and restored in 1906, when many of the tanks still in use now were surveyed and restored to use. Cascade management, however, was not always carried out properly and restoration work not done, that the skills to do so were lost. The management of these interconnected tanks presents many interesting questions, the answers to which hitherto have not been fully explored. The effectiveness of storage-based irrigation systems was such that over time more and more people were attracted to the command areas of the tanks and many of the systems became unsustainable due to overcrowding. The objective of this study was a limited one, i.e., to explore through simple water balance modelling several improved management options for a particular set of tanks in the Thirappane Cascade and to examine how the tank cascade can be stabilized through structural modifications. The water balance model developed for this purpose has deliberately been kept simple, requiring only data that can be easily collected in the field.
224 JEHANGIR, W. A.; ALI, N. 1997. Salinity management alternatives for the Rechna Doab, Punjab, Pakistan: Volume six - Resource use and productivity potential in the irrigated agriculture. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. vii, 91p. (IIMI Pakistan report no.R-21.6)
Irrigation management ; Soil salinity ; Agricultural development ; Irrigated farming ; Land tenure ; Resources management ; Wheat ; Rice ; Cotton ; Sugarcane ; Crop production ; Intensive cropping ; Costs ; Farm size ; Models / Pakistan / Punjab / Rechna Doab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 JEH Record No: H009239)
225 JEHANGIR, W. A.; MUDASSER, M.; MAHMOOD-UL-HASSAN; ALI, A. 1998. Multiple uses of irrigation water in the Hakra 6-R, Distributary Command Area, Punjab, Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. vi, 54p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-61)
Irrigation canals ; Distributary canals ; Water allocation ; Water use ; Households ; Livestock ; Water quality ; Water pollution ; Waterborne diseases ; Health ; Water rates ; Women ; Gender ; Fish farming / Pakistan / Punjab / Haroonabad / Tehsil / Hakra 6-R Distributary
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7 G730 JEH Record No: H023176)
226 JEHANGIR, W. A.; ALI, N. 1998. Waterlogging and salinity management in the Sindh Province, Pakistan. Volume two. The farming system: Potential for investment and returns in Sindh, Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. ix, 149p. + (3 1/2") diskette. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-70.2)
Farming systems ; Land use ; Farm size ; Fertilizers ; Productivity ; Wheat ; Cotton ; Rice ; Sugarcane ; Production costs ; Irrigation water ; Groundwater ; Water quality ; Irrigation practices ; Drainage ; Water table ; Land tenure ; Cropping systems ; Mechanization ; Economic aspects ; Models / Pakistan / Sindh Province / Lower Indus Basin
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 JEH Record No: H024980)
227 JOHNSON, R. 1989. Private tube well development in Pakistan's Punjab: Review of past public programs/policies and relevant research. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. ix, 24p. (IIMI country paper - Pakistan no.1)
Tube well irrigation ; Agricultural production ; Economic aspects ; Environmental effects ; Equity ; Governmental interrelations ; Policy ; Research / Pakistan / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.6 G730 JOH Record No: H005719)
Although Pakistan's surface irrigation development has a long history, it is only about 30 years ago that the development of groundwater resources was begun. During the past decade, government policy has been reoriented towards private, instead of public, tube well development in fresh groundwater areas. This paper examines the policies that have effected tube well development, and reviews past literature on the subject.
228 JOHNSON, S. H.; VERMILLION, D. L.; SVENDSEN, M.; XINYUAN, W.; XIYING, Z.; XUESEN, M. 1996. Management reform and performance changes in two irrigation districts in the North China Plain. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. In Vermillion, D. L. (Ed.), The privatization and self-management of irrigation: Final report submitted to the Deutsche Gesellschaft f?r Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH by IIMI. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. pp.63-93; 34p. (Short report series on locally managed irrigation no.16)
Irrigation management ; Water law ; Policy ; Reservoirs ; Water rates ; Economic aspects ; Water management / China / Hebei Province / Nanyao / Bayi
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G000 VER, IIMI 631.7.3 G G592 JOH Record No: H018487)
229 JOHNSON, S. H. III; REISS, P. 1993. Can farmers afford to use the wells after turnover? A study of pump irrigation turnover in Indonesia. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. iv, 21p. (Short report series on irrigation management transfer no.1)
Privatization ; Farmer participation ; Wells ; Pumps ; Irrigation management ; Policy / Indonesia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G662 JOH Record No: H012365)
230 JORDANS, E. H.; ZWARTEVEEN, M. Z. 1997. A well of one's own: Gender analysis of an irrigation program in Bangladesh. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xix, 100p. (IIMI country paper, Bangladesh no.1)
Irrigation management ; Groundwater irrigation ; Gender differences ; Women in development ; Poverty ; Households ; Agricultural production ; Privatization / Asia / Bangladesh
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G584 JOR Record No: H020806)
A Well of One�s Own
231 JUNGELING, I. 1990. Improving management of small-scale irrigation systems: A possible field of assistance for nongovernment organizations? Experiences from Hambantota District, Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xvi, 63p. (IIMI country paper - Sri Lanka no.5)
Irrigation management ; Small scale systems ; Non-governmental organizations ; Social participation ; Governmental interrelations ; Water users ; Farmer agency interactions ; Tank irrigation / Sri Lanka / Hambantota
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G744 JUN Record No: H006321)
Experiences from Hambantota District tank settlement project, Sri Lanka where the author did research on the contributions of a non-governmental organization in improving small-scale irrigation systems.
232 KAHLOWN, M. A.; IQBAL, M.; SKOGERBOE, G. V.; REHMAN, S-UR. 1998. Waterlogging, salinity and crop yield relationships. Lahore, Pakistan: WAPDA. Mona Reclamation Experimental Project; IIMI. Pakistan National Program. xiii, 99p. (MREP report no.233 / IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-73)
Waterlogging ; Soil salinity ; Irrigated farming ; Fertilizers ; Water table ; Water quality ; Soil degradation ; Irrigation practices ; Economic analysis ; Farm income ; Production costs ; Cost benefit analysis ; Sodic soils ; Cotton ; Wheat ; Sugarcane ; Rice ; Subsurface drainage ; Crop production ; Crop yield / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 KAH Record No: H024605)
233 KALWIJ, I. M. 1997. Surface irrigation methods and practices: Field evaluation of the irrigation processes for selected basin irrigation systems during Rabi 1995- 96 season, Punjab, Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan. National Program. vi, 129p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-24)
Surface irrigation ; Irrigation practices ; Field tests ; Irrigation systems ; Watercourses ; Open channels ; Discharges ; Seepage loss ; Infiltration ; Sensitivity analysis ; Soil moisture ; Basin irrigation ; Performance evaluation / Pakistan / Fordwah-Eastern Sadiqia Irrigation System
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G730 KAL Record No: H020221)
234 KALWIJ, I. M. 1997. Assessing the field irrigation performance and alternative management options for basin surface irrigation systems through hydrodynamic modelling. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. ix, 96p. (Report no.R-35)
Performance evaluation ; Irrigation systems ; Irrigation management ; Basin irrigation ; Surface irrigation ; Simulation models ; Irrigation practices ; Flow ; Calibration ; Efficiency / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 KAL Record No: H009242)
235 KANNAN, N. 1995. Water users association in XIth Branch Canal Periyar Vaigai Project: Farmers experience. Ahmedabad, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIM; IIMI. 18p. (Status of irrigation management transfer in India)
Water users' associations ; Farmer participation ; Irrigation management ; Privatization ; Irrigation canals ; Water distribution ; Tank irrigation ; Wells / India / Tamil Nadu / Periyar Vaigai
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 KAN Record No: H019435)
236 KE�TA, A. 1994. DIG V1.1: Logiciel de calcul de d�bits et de volumes d'eau � partir de mesures chronologiques de hauteurs d'eau sur les orifices et les d�versoirs. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. iv, 53p.
Computer software ; Water distribution ; Flow discharge ; Weirs ; Water measurement ; Reservoirs / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G226 KEI Record No: H014519)
The efforts of IIMI/PMI-BF to assess irrigation water use from small reservoirs in Burkina Faso led to the development of a software called DIG. This program, written in Quick Basic 4.5, is a simple data processing tool which respects the international norm CUA (Common User Access) that greatly facilitates learning new software. The version 1.1 of DIG, presented in this paper, allows the calculation of discharges and volumes of water from chronological measurements of water depths over rectangular orifices and weirs. The results are generated either as "elementary volumes" (i.e. function of the chronological structure of input data), or any other time step e.g. daily, 2 days, 5 days... All the input data and the output results can be easily printed. Furthermore, it is possible to export the results towards spreadsheet software like Quattro Pro or Lotus 123 for producing graphics or performing other calculations.
237 KELLER, B.; JAIMES, G. 1998. Water balance in Dhoro Naro Minor Command Area Sindh, Pakistan: Technical report. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. xi, 67p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-58)
Water balance ; Water table ; Monitoring ; Groundwater ; Recharge ; Discharges ; Mathematical models ; Measurement ; Flumes ; Pumping ; Tube wells ; Aquifers ; Computer software ; Irrigation management ; Precipitation ; Evapotranspiration ; Drainage ; Seepage loss ; Soil moisture / Pakistan / Sindh / Dhoro Naro Minor Command Area / Nawabshah Sub-project
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1.1 G730 KEL Record No: H022928)
A combined dissertation in rural engineering for M.Sc degrees in the Institute for Land Improvement and Water Management of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland.
238 KHAN, A. H.; MAJID, A.; HUSSEIN, M. H.; VANDER VELDE, E. J. 1994. Farmer-managed irrigation systems in Chitral. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xv, 57p. (Working paper no.29)
Irrigation systems ; Water management ; Water supply ; Water rights ; Water scarcity ; Canals ; Case studies ; Irrigated farming ; Crop production ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Rapid rural appraisal / Pakistan / Chitral
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 KHA Record No: H014763)
Study of three traditional farmer-developed and -managed irrigation systems in the Chitral region of Pakistan which adds to the existing inventory of information available about indigenous irrigation institutions , technologies, performance, and development needs .
239 KHAN, A. H. 1996. Managing irrigation for environmentally sustainable agriculture in Pakistan: Decision support systems - Sindh: Operational management at the main system level for Mirpurkhas Sub-Division, Jamrao Canal Division, Mirpurkhas, Sindh. Hyderabad, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. Inception report. iv, 56p. (Report no.P-4)
Irrigation management ; Environmental sustainability ; Decision support tools ; Management Information Systems ; Sedimentation ; Irrigation canals ; Distributary canals ; Flow control ; Irrigation operation ; Maintenance / Pakistan / Sindh / Mirpurkhas / Nara Canal / Jamrao Canal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 KHA Record No: H019733)
240 KHAN, A. H.; SIDDIQUI, R.; JALBANI, Z. H.; KHOWAJA, M. A.; KHOKHAR, W. H.; MEMON, M. H.; LASHARI, B.; SKOGERBOE, G. V. 1998. Physical characteristics and operational performance of Mirpurkhas Sub-Division, Jamrao Canal Division, Nara Circle, Sindh Province, Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. vi, 83p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-64)
Irrigation programs ; Irrigation canals ; Canal regulation techniques ; Flow control ; Operations ; Performance evaluation ; History ; Distributary canals ; Calibrations ; Gates ; Discharges ; Measurement ; Hydraulics ; Water allocation ; Water lifting ; Water distribution ; Equity / Pakistan / Sindh Province / Nara Circle / Jamrao Canal / Mirpurkhas Distributary / Doso Dharoro Distributary / Kahu Visro Minor / Kahu Minor / Sanro Distributary / Bareji Distributary / Lakhakhi Distributary / Bhittaro Minor / Sangro Distributary / Daulatpur Minor / Bellaro Minor
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 KHA Record No: H023447)
241 KHAN, M. H. 1996. Development of sediment transport technology in Pakistan: An annotated bibliography. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan. iv, 120p. (IIMI Pakistan report no.R-11)
Irrigation canals ; Sedimentary materials ; Open channels ; Design criteria ; Hydraulics ; Silt / Pakistan / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 KHA Record No: H019465)
242 KHANZADA, M. N.; KHATRI, M.; HAIDER, S. D. 1997. Preliminary business plan for Bareji Distributary. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. ix, 143p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-41.2)
Irrigation management ; Irrigation canals ; Distributary canals ; Social aspects ; Economic aspects ; Crops ; Water distribution ; Equity ; Water users' associations ; Farmers' associations ; Drainage ; Water table ; Groundwater ; Water quality ; Expenditure ; Farm income ; Analysis ; Data collection ; Waterlogging ; Salinity ; Infrastructure ; Maintenance ; Costs / Pakistan / Bareji Distributary
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.4 G730 KHA Record No: H022623)
243 KIELEN, N. 1996. Farmers' perceptions on salinity and sodicity: A case study into farmers' knowledge of salinity and sodicity, and their strategies and practices to deal with salinity and sodicity in their farm systems. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. vi, 65p.
Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Salinity ; Sodic soils ; Sustainable agriculture ; Farmers' attitudes ; Case studies ; Water quality / Pakistan / Punjab / Chishtian Sub-Division
(Location: IWMI-PAK Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 KIE Record No: H009051)
244 KIELEN, N. C. 1996. Farmers' ability to cope with salinity and sodicity: Farmers' perceptions, strategies and practices for dealing with salinity and sodicity in their farming systems. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. vii, 78p. (IIMI Pakistan research report no.R-6)
Soil salinity ; Sodic soils ; Farming systems ; Farmers' attitudes ; Soil properties ; Soil classification ; Soil management ; Irrigation water ; Water quality / Pakistan / Punjab / Chishtian Sub-Division / Fordwah / Azim
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 KIE Record No: H019243)
245 KIELEN, N. C.; ASLAM, M.; KHAN, R.; KUPER, M. 1996. Salinity and sodicity effects on soils and crops in the Chishtian Sub-division: Documentation of a restitution process. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. 42p. (IIMI Pakistan research report no.R-7)
Salinity ; Sodic soils ; Soil properties ; Groundwater ; Water table ; Crop production ; Tube wells ; Water quality ; Soil reclamation / Pakistan / Chishtian Sub-Division / Fordwah / Azim
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 KIE Record No: H019244)
246 KIJNE, J. W. 1989. Irrigation management in relation to waterlogging and salinity: Precise for a research agenda in Pakistan. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. vii, 13p. (IIMI country paper - Pakistan no.2)
Waterlogging ; Salinity ; Water management ; Agricultural production ; Water balance ; Water transfer ; Research / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G570 KIJ Record No: H005718)
This paper presents an overview of the current state of knowledge on the relations between irrigation management in Pakistan and the incidence of waterlogging and salinity. It is emphasized that management research should focus on the whole system, including surface and ground water resources. The paper also highlights key management questions that need to be addressed such as salt and water balance and water loss from canals, water courses and field channels.
247 KIKUCHI, M.; ALUWIHARE, P. B. 1990. Fertilizer response functions of rice in Sri Lanka: Estimation and some applications. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 15p. + annex.
Fertilizers ; Rice ; Agricultural production / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.81 G744 KIK Record No: H006935)
248 KLOEZEN, W. H.; SAMAD, M. 1995. Synthesis of issues discussed at the International Conference on Irrigation Management Transfer, Wuhan, China, 20-24 September 1994. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v, 20p. (Short report series on locally managed irrigation, no.12)
Irrigation management ; Irrigation systems ; Maintenance ; Irrigation design ; Farmer participation ; Local management ; Operations ; Privatization ; Legal aspects ; Policy ; Rehabilitation ; Financing
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G000 KLO Record No: H016922)
249 KLOEZEN, W. H.; GARC�S-RESTREPO, C.; JOHNSON, S. H. III. 1997. Impact assessment of irrigation management transfer in the Alto Rio Lerma Irrigation District, Mexico. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v, 33p. (Research report 15)
Irrigation management ; Privatization ; Assessment ; Economic aspects ; Legal aspects ; Data collection ; Water rights ; Water allocation ; Water distribution ; Groundwater ; Financing ; Maintenance ; Operations ; Agricultural production ; Water users' associations ; Farmer participation / Mexico / Alto Rio Lerma Irrigation District
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G404 KLO Record No: H022010)
Tests the hypothesis that, in general, irrigation management transfer has positive impacts on operation performance, managerial accountability, O&M budgeting and expenditures, costs of water to farmers, and agricultural and economic productivity in the Alto Rio Lerma Irrigation District in Mexico. Evaluates the potential of the Mexican IMT process as a model for other countries.
250 KONRADSEN, F.; VAN DER HOEK, W. (Eds.) 1998. Health and irrigation: Proceedings of the Copenhagen Workshop on Health and Irrigation held in Eigtved's Pakhus, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Asiatisk Plads 2, DK, 1448 Copenhagen, Denmark, 18-20 August 1997. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xii, 32p.
Health ; Water resources development ; Environmental effects ; Social change ; Irrigation systems ; Disease vectors ; Waterborne diseases ; Domestic water ; Water use ; Malaria ; Schistosomiasis ; Ecology ; Rice ; Water management ; Case studies / Sri Lanka / Africa / West Africa / Senegal / Senegal River / Kirindi Oya
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G000 KON Record No: H022051)
251 KORGO, A. S. B. 1996. Sull zaab a tuuma puge na-kendr bangr sebre: Pipi Sebre: Ko-waandem tik-to n paam pang sulla song-n-meng sebre, sulla tuum faa siglg puge, sulla neba wum-taab puge, la sulla goosneer mi-tiir noy bang-n-tu-puge. [Manual on the organizational and institutional aspects of irrigation system management] Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. 65p.
Irrigation management ; Irrigated farming ; Farmer participation ; Training / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G226 KOR Record No: H021362)
252 KORGO, B. S. 1996. Manuel sur la gestion organisationnelle et institutionnelle des p�rim�tres irrigu�s (version Fran�aise) Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. 53p.
Irrigation programs ; Irrigation management ; Irrigation systems ; Farmer participation ; Training ; Cooperatives / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G226 KOR Record No: H021366)
Report, Projet d'appui institutionnel au Ministere de l'environnement et de l'eau pour la recherche-developpement en management de l'irrigation au Burkina Faso. Project no.F/BUF/DN-AI/DMI/90/3
253 KUIPER, D.; KHAN, M. A.; VAN OOSTRUM, J.; KHAN, M. R.; ROOVERS, N.; MEHMOOD UL HASSAN. 1996. Applying rapid appraisal of agricultural knowledge systems (RAAKS) for building inter-agency collaboration: Report on three RAAKS studies in the project "Managing Irrigation for Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture in Pakistan" Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. vii, 232p. (Report no.R-15)
Irrigation management ; Agricultural research ; Rapid rural appraisal ; Research institutes ; Institution building ; Watercourses / Pakistan / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 KUI Record No: H019734)
254 KUPER, M.; STROSSER, P. 1992. The appropriateness of canal water supplies: The response of the farmers - A case study in the Fordwah/Eastern Sadiqia area, Punjab, Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan. 38p.
Irrigation water ; Irrigation canals ; Water supply ; Farmer managed irrigation systems / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.2 G000 KUP Record No: H011185)
255 KUPER, M.; RENAULT, D.; REY, J.; POCHAT, R. (Eds.) 1995. Information techniques for irrigation systems: Selected proceedings of the Second International Network Meeting on Information Techniques for Irrigation Systems held in Lahore/Bahawalnagar, Pakistan, 5-8 December 1994. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v, 74p.
Irrigation management ; Irrigation systems ; Decision support tools ; Decision making ; Information systems ; Computer techniques ; Models ; Water management / Malaysia / Pakistan / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G000 KUP Record No: H016546)
256 KUPER, M. 1997. Irrigation management strategies for improved salinity and sodicity control. Lahore, Pakistan; Montpellier Cedex, France; Wageningen, Netherlands: IIMI. Pakistan National Program; Cemagref; Wageningen Agricultural University. Department of Water Resources. vi, 238p.
Sodic soils ; Soil degradation ; Groundwater ; Surface water ; Conjunctive use ; Irrigation systems ; Irrigation canals ; Flow control ; Irrigation operation ; Distributary canals ; Water delivery ; Mathematical models ; Irrigation management ; Farmer participation ; Crop production ; Linear programming ; Sensitivity analysis ; Simulation models ; Hydraulics ; Farming systems ; Water distribution ; Indicators ; Water allocation ; Salinity control ; Performance indexes ; Case studies / Pakistan / Punjab / Indus River Basin / Fordwah Distributary / Masood Distributary / Eastern Sadiqia / Chishtian Sub-division
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 KUP Record No: H021706)
Ph.D. Thesis, Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands
257 KYI, K. M. 1991. Performance evaluation measures: A test on their consistency, validity and relevance. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. i, 47p.
Performance evaluation ; Indicators ; Irrigation efficiency ; Irrigation management
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G000 KYI Record No: H009724)
258 LASHARI, B.; SKOGERBOE, G. V.; SIDDIQUI, R. 1997. Hydraulic characteristics of pilot distributaries in the Mirpurkhas, Sanghar and Nawabshah districts, Sindh, Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. Report of pilot project for Farmer-managed Irrigated Agriculture under the Left Bank Outfall Drain, Stage I Project. vii, 189p. (Report no.R-28)
Discharge frequency ; Hydraulics ; Flow ; Water loss ; Seepage ; Water distribution / Pakistan / Sindh / Mirpurkhas / Sanghar / Nawabshah
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 LAS Record No: H009212)
259 LAURAYA, F. M.; WIJAYARATNA, C. M.; VERMILLION, D. L. (Eds.) 1994. Information support systems for farmer managed irrigation: Selected Proceedings of the Asian Regional Workshop on the Inventory of Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems and Management Information Systems, Tagytay City, Philippines, 13-15 October 1992. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. iv, 305p.
Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Irrigation management ; Information systems ; Communal irrigation systems ; Management Information Systems ; Case studies / Philippines / Indonesia / Malaysia / Thailand / Nepal / Bangladesh / Portugal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G570 LAU Record No: H014762)
260 LAURAYA, F. M.; SALA, A. L. R. 1995. Performance determinants of irrigators associations in national irrigation systems in Bicol, the Philippines: An analysis. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xxix, 82p. (IIMI country paper, the Philippines no.4)
Irrigation management ; Irrigation systems ; Performance ; Privatization ; Case studies ; Gender ; Households ; Farmers' associations ; Agricultural production / Philippines / Bicol
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G732 LAU Record No: H013940)
(File size: 6.69 MB)
261 LAURAYA, F. M.; SALA, A. L. R.; WIJAYARATNA, C. M. 1996. Research interventions to strengthen irrigators' associations. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xii, 156p. (IIMI country paper, The Philippines no.7)
Irrigation management ; Water distribution ; Financing ; Data collection ; Operations ; Maintenance ; Performance indexes ; Privatization ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Institution building ; Farmers' associations ; Training ; Participatory management ; Leadership / Philippines / Bicol
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G732 LAU Record No: H019759)
262 LEGOUPIL, J. C.; SALLY, H.; POUYA, A. M. (Eds.) 1993. Actes du Seminaire Atelier, Quel environnement pour le developpement de l'irrigation au Burkina Faso?, Les ler, 2 et 3 Fevrier, 1993, a Ouagadougou. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI; DEP. 223p.
Irrigation management ; Environment ; Development policy / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G226 LEG Record No: H013106)
263 LEVINE, G. 1992. Review and analysis of the research program of the International Irrigation Management Institute. IIMI. Consultant report. iv, 39p.
Research policy ; Agricultural research ; Research institutes ; Irrigation programs ; Performance evaluation
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G000 LEV Record No: H011559)
264 LEVINE, G.; GARC�S-RESTREPO, C. 1999. El desempe�o de los sistemas de riego y sus implicaciones para la agricultura Mexicana. [Irrigation systems performance and its implications for Mexico's agriculture] Mexico City, DF, Mexico: IIMI. Mexico Program. xvii, 37p. (IWMI Serie Latinoamericana no.11)
Performance evaluation ; Agriculture ; Irrigation management / Mexico / Upper Lerma River
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G404 LEV Record No: H025362)
265 LEVU, S.; ASSAHABA, F. A.; AMADOU, B.; ABDOURAHAMANE, S.; MOUSSA, I. 1994. Rapport du diagnostic social de Saga. Niamey, Niger: IIMI. Project report, 21 August 1993 to 1 January 1994. 88p. + annexes.
Irrigation management ; Rice ; Social aspects / Niger
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G212 LEV Record No: H005341)
(File size: 6.49 MB)
266 LITRICO, X.; KHAN, M. A.; RASHID, M.; ASGHAR, S. 1995. Report on the field test performed on Fordwah Branch, Chishtian Subdivision. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI, Pakistan. 13p.
Irrigation canals ; Field tests ; Flow control / Pakistan / Fordwah Eastern Sadiqia / Sutlej River
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 LIT Record No: H017500)
267 LONSWAY, K. A.; ABDOURAHMANE, A. T. (Eds.) 1995. Les actes de l'atelier sur: Approaches methodologiques du projet management de l'irrigation au Niger, du ler au 2 Novembre 1994 - Niamey. Niamey, Niger: IIMI. Project report, 2 November 1994. 95p.
Irrigation management ; Project appraisal ; Water management ; Social aspects ; Economic aspects / Niger
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G212 LON Record No: H005369)
(File size: 5.89 MB)
268 MAHMOOD, K. 1996. Hydraulic characteristics of irrigation channels in the Malik Sub-division, Sadiqia Division, Fordwah Eastern Sadiqia Irrigation and Drainage Project. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. IIMI Pakistan report. vii, 133p. (Report no.R-17)
Irrigation management ; Hydraulics ; Channel improvement ; Drainage ; Flow discharge / Pakistan / Fordwah Eastern Sadiqia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 MAH Record No: H009191)
269 MAL, J. M. 1992. The roughness coefficient: An indirect witness to observe a canal: A methodology based on the use of a simulation model of flow in irrigation canals. Le coefficient de rughosit,: Un t,moin indirect pour observer un canal: Une d,sarche fond,e sur l'utilisation d'un mod,le de simulation d',coulesent dans les canaux d'irrigation. Cedex, France; Colombo, Sri Lanka: ENGREF; IIMI. xii, 75p. + annex.
Irrigation canals ; Flow measurement ; Simulation models
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G744 MAL Record No: H010845)
(File size: 6.33 MB)
270 MALIK, S. M.; WAHEED-UZ-ZAMAN; KUPER, M. 1996. Farmers' organized behavior in irrigated agriculture in Pakistan's Punjab: A case study of six watercourse command areas in Junejwala Minor, Lower Chenab Canal System. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. ix, 47p. (IIMI working paper no.39)
Irrigated farming ; Irrigation systems ; Farmer participation ; Farmers' associations ; Water users' associations ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Watercourses ; Canals ; Case studies ; Social aspects ; Land tenure ; Leadership ; Conflict ; Irrigation effects / Pakistan / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 MAL Record No: H018426)
271 MANDAL, M. A. S.; PARKER, D. E. 1995. Evolution and implications of decreased public involvement in minor irrigation management in Bangladesh. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v, 22p. (Short report series on locally managed irrigation, no.11)
Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Irrigation management ; Farmer participation ; Small scale systems ; Public sector ; Private sector ; Privatization / Bangladesh
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G584 MAN Record No: H016921)
272 MANIKANDAN, S.; MARIMUTHU, S. 1995. Water users' association in Kedar Tank: Farmers' experience. Ahmedabad, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIM; IIMI. 24p. (Status of irrigation management transfer in India)
Water users' associations ; Farmer participation ; Irrigation management ; Tank irrigation / India / Kedar Tank
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 MAN Record No: H019437)
273 MANOR, S.; PATAMATAMKUL, S.; OLIN, M. (Eds.) 1990. Role of social organizers in assisting farmer-managed irrigation systems: Proceedings of a regional workshop of the Farmer-Managed Irrigation Systems Network held at Khon Kaen, Thailand from 15-20 May 1989. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xi, 143p.
Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Rural sociology ; Social participation ; Organizations
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G000 MAN Record No: H006896)
274 MANOR, S.; CHAMBOULEYRON, J. (Eds.) 1993. Performance measurement in farmer-managed irrigation systems: Proceedings of an International Workshop of the Farmer-Managed Irrigation Systems Network, Mendoza, Argentina, 12-15 November 1991. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xxxvii, 266p.
Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Performance evaluation ; Performance indexes ; Irrigation management ; Case studies ; Water distribution ; Social aspects ; Water users' associations ; Tube wells / Indonesia / Pakistan / Bolivia / Israel / Mexico / Peru / Venezuela / Andean Region / Philippines / Nepal / Sri Lanka / India / Egypt / Portugal / Tanzania / Argentina / China / Bangladesh
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.6.2 G000 MAN Record No: H013492)
(File size: 8.00 MB)
275 MARAMBE, B.; SANGAKKARA, U. R.; HAQ, K. A. (Eds.) 1996. Crop diversification strategies for minor irrigation schemes: Proceedings of the workshop organized by the Irrigation Research Management Unit, Irrigation Department and the Sri Lanka National Program, International Irrigation Management Institute, held at the Irrigation Department, Colombo, Sri Lanka on 20 February 1996. Colombo, Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka. Irrigation Department. IRMU; IIMI. SLNP. xii, 78p.
Irrigation programs ; Irrigation management ; Small scale systems ; Crops ; Diversification ; Rice ; Cropping systems ; Constraints ; Social aspects ; Economic aspects ; Field crops ; Crop production ; Labor ; Farmers' attitudes ; Water management ; Groundwater / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.2 G744 MAR Record No: H019767)
The last few decades Sri Lanka has made detennined efforts for crop diversification to raise farm production and improve the quality of life of the farmers. Significant progress has also been made and a large area has been brought under different crops, especially, chili and big onion, two very important cash crops. Most of these developments have occurred in medium and major schemes resulting in significant increases in the cropping intensity as well as in the participation of farmers. Minor schemes which command around 42 percent of the total irrigated area of the country, however did not benefit much from the crop diversification program and their cropping intensity to fluctuate between 80 percent and 90 percent for nearly half a century. At the same time, because of increasingly reduced return from rice farming, many farmers in these schemes are looking for off farm employment to make a living. To understand the technical and socioeconomic dynamics and develop strategies for crop diversification in minor schemes, the Irrigation Research Management Unit (IRMU) of the Irrigation Department (ID) in collaboration with the Sri Lanka National Program (SLNP) of the International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI) organized a consultation workshop on strategies for Crop diversification in Minor Irrigation Schemes. This volume is the report of the proceedings of the above workshop held at the Irrigation Department, Colombo, Sri Lanka on 20 February, 1996. The workshop provided an opportunity to the participants from different organizations to exchange experiences and identify new approaches to crop diversification.
276 MARIMUTHU, S. 1995. Water users association in A9 Mahilancheri Channel (Saliperi) Cauvery-Valappar Project: Farmers' experience. Ahmedabad, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIM; IIMI. 15p. (Status of irrigation management transfer in India)
Water users' associations ; Farmer participation ; Irrigation management ; Open channels ; Maintenance ; Water distribution ; Cropping systems / India / Tamil Nadu / Valappar River / Saliperi Village / Mahilancheri Channel / Kudimaramathu
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 MAR Record No: H019436)
277 MARLET, S. 1997. Salinization of the irrigated soils in the Punjab (Pakistan) Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. Consultancy report. iv, 32p. (Report no.C-9)
Soil salinity ; Alkalinity ; Models ; Groundwater ; Water quality ; Irrigation water ; Simulation ; Evaporation ; Tube wells ; Sodic soils ; Water management / Pakistan / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 MAR Record No: H021105)
278 MARTIN, E. D.; YODER, R. 1987. Institutions for irrigation management in farmer-managed systems: Examples from the hills of Nepal. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 19 p. (IIMI research paper no. 5 / IIMI pub. 86-31)
Irrigation management ; Institutions ; Farmer managed irrigation systems / Nepal
(Location: IWMI-India Call no: IIMI RP No. 5 Record No: H003019)
The paper examines farmer organizations and property rights which have evolved as institutions in Nepal that enable collective management of water for agricultural production.
279 MEERBACH, P. D. B. J. 1997. Relating farmers' practices to cotton yields in the South-Punjab, Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan. National Program. viii, 93p. (IIMI Pakistan report no.R-31)
Irrigation practices ; Models ; Cotton ; Crop yield ; Plant growth ; Water stress ; Farming systems ; Soils ; Tillage ; Fertilizers ; Plant diseases ; Pest control ; Irrigation effects ; Salinity ; Sodic soils ; Alkalinity ; Water allocation / Pakistan / South Punjab / Hasilpur Region
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.2 G730 MEE Record No: H021297)
280 MEMON, A. A.; BALOUCH, W.; TALPUR, G. M.; NADEEM, M.; MEMON, B. H.; LASHARI, B.; BHATTI, M. A.; SKOGERBOE, G. V. 1997. Maintenance plans for irrigation facilities of pilot distributaries in Sindh Province, Pakistan: Volume three - Bareji Distributary, Mirpurkhas District. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. v, 61p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-40.3)
Irrigation management ; Maintenance ; Planning ; Irrigation canals ; Distributary canals ; Watercourses ; Water lifting ; Flow ; Measurement / Pakistan / Sindh Province / Mirpurkhas District / Bareji Distributary
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G730 MEM Record No: H022621)
281 MEMON, Y.; UL HASSAN, M.; BANDARAGODA, D. J. 1997. Socio-economic baseline survey for three pilot distributaries in Sindh Province, Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. Hyderabad Office. viii, 112p. (Report no.R-36)
Watercourses ; Irrigation systems ; Water users' associations ; Surveys ; Farm size ; Water distribution ; Performance ; Equity ; Institution building ; Cotton ; Waterlogging ; Salinity ; Water quality ; Groundwater ; Drainage ; Agricultural production ; Sugarcane ; Farming systems / Pakistan / Sindh / Nawabshah / Sangham / Mirpurkhas
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 MEM Record No: H009247)
282 MERREY, D. J.; WOLF, J. M. 1986. Irrigation management in Pakistan: Four papers. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 66 p. (IIMI research paper no.4)
Irrigation management ; Financing ; Case studies ; Sociological analysis ; Policy ; Agricultural development / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI RP No. 4 Record No: H001898)
283 MERREY, D. J.; RAO, P. S.; MARTIN, E. 1988. Irrigation management research in Sri Lanka: A review of selected literature. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 52p. (IIMI occasional paper / IIMI pub 88-08)
Irrigation management ; Research ; Irrigation systems ; Rehabilitation ; Financing ; Resource management ; Policy ; Farmer participation ; Farmer-agency interactions / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7 G744 MER Record No: H003528)
This paper reviews literature in four topic areas of relevance to Sri Lanka: system operations and performance, organization and management of irrigation systems, rehabilitation and modernization of irrigation systems, and resource generation and mobilization. A review on crop diversification issues is included as an Appendix. Most of the literature reviewed concentrates on large irrigation schemes and focusses on literature published since 1978. The paper attempts to identify, for each of the four topics, the progress made and lessons learned, and to suggest research questions that ought to be addressed.
284 MERREY, D. J.; JINAPALA, K. 1988. On physical remodeling and institution strengthening: An evaluation of the implications of the pilot field channel experience for the rehabilitation project at Uda Walawe, Sri Lanka. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 14p. (IIMI working paper no.7)
Institution building ; Rehabilitation ; Models ; Irrigation design / Sri Lanka / Uda Walawe
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI WP no.7 Record No: H004826)
This paper is a substantially revised version of a draft paper previously circulated to some officials in Sri Lanka. The title of that paper was "Testing a New Field Channel Design: A Pilot Project of the Uda Walawe Rehabilitation Project, Sri Lanka. It was reviewed by the International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI) - Sri Lanka Consultative" Consultative Committee at its January 1988 meeting; as the minutes of that meeting indicate, the Committee members recognized- the significance of the main findings of the draft report, and agreed that physical rehabilitation by itself could be counter productive unless supported by proper institutional changes. The paper is based on periodic observations (approximately weekly) of farmers' use of a rehabilitated pilot field channel (FC), and interviews with both farmers and field level officials, over two seasons in the Uda Walawe Scheme, Sri Lanka.
285 MERREY, D. J. 1997. Expanding the frontiers of irrigation management research: Results of research and development at the International Irrigation Management Institute, 1984 to 1995. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xlii, 228p.
Irrigation management ; Performance evaluation ; Research ; Water management ; Canals ; Indicators ; Design ; Operation ; Irrigation systems ; Conjunctive use ; Groundwater ; Surface water ; Salinity ; Waterlogging ; Rehabilitation ; Modernization ; Policy ; Gender ; Health ; Waterborne diseases ; Malaria ; Environment ; Case studies ; Watersheds ; Training ; Institution building ; Participatory management ; Irrigation management transfer ; Farmer managed irrigation systems / Africa / Burkina Faso / Sri Lanka / Pakistan / India / Sudan / West Africa / Egypt / USA / Niger / Asia / Philippines / China / Indonesia / Nepal / Bangladesh / Colombia / Mahi Kadana / Bihar / Gujarat / Uda Walawe / Kirindi Oya / Gezira / Rahad / Fordwah / Chattis Mauja
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G000 MER Record No: H022082)
This volume reviews the findings and results of research of the International Irrigation Management Institute during its first decade. The book also reviews several of the institute�s major institutional strengthening activities.
286 MIRANDA, S. M. 1989. Irrigation management for crop diversification in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka: A synthesis of IIMI's research. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xvi, 103p.
Irrigation management ; Irrigation practices ; Irrigation systems ; Intensive cropping ; Diversification ; Constraints ; Incentives ; Research ; Rice ; Irrigated farming ; Rain ; Water use ; Water supply ; Water users ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Communication ; Equity ; Soil moisture ; Drainage ; Crop yield ; Production costs / Indonesia / Philippines / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.2 G662 MIR, F094 Record No: H005729)
This paper is a synthesis of IIMI's research on irrigation management for crop diversification in Indonesia, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. It provides some conclusions and recommendations, the potentials and constraints to more intensive non-rice production during the drier part of the year in irrigation systems that have been developed primarily for rice production. The research results obtained from selected irrigation systems sites in the three countries from 1985 to date were analyzed and compared by establishing common reference points where they existed, such as common constraints, potentials and institutional arrangements and by explaining differences based on observed data for each system. Relevant secondary data other than from the research sites were located to shed further insight in the synthesis.
287 MIRANDA, S. M.; MAGLINAO, A. R. (Eds.) 1992. Management arrangements for accommodating nonrice crops in rice-based irrigation systems: Proceedings of the First Progress Review and Coordination Workshop of the Research Network on Irrigation Management for Crop Diversification in Rice-Based Systems (IMCD), held in Quezon City, the Philippines, 10-14 December 1990. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. viii, 203p.
Irrigation management ; Crops ; Diversification ; Rice ; Irrigated farming ; Policy ; Research / Sri Lanka / Bangladesh / India / Indonesia / Malaysia / Nepal / Philippines / Thailand
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.2 G000 MIR Record No: H012007)
The country reports presented at the workshop focused on the experience of the different countries on irrigation management for rice-based cropping as these relate to planning, implementation, monitoring an evaluation both at the system and farm levels. The special papers presented discussed research and policy issues on irrigation management for crop diversification.
288 MIRANDA, S. M.; MAGLINAO, A. R. (Eds.) 1993. Promoting crop diversification in rice-based irrigation systems: Proceedings of the Second Progress Review and Coordination Workshop of the Research Network on Irrigation Management for Crop Diversification in Rice-Based Systems (IMCD) held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia from 9 to 12 September 1991. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xii, 163p.
Rice ; Crops ; Diversification ; Crop-based irrigation ; Irrigation management ; Research / Bangladesh / India / Indonesia / Malaysia / Nepal / Philippines / Sri Lanka / Thailand / Vietnam
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.2 G570 MIR Record No: H013482)
Country reports presented at the workshop discussing the relevant experiences on irrigation and irrigation management, irrigated rice-based farming and crop diversification, programs/strategies and problems related to promoting crop diversification, and linkages with national, regional and international agencies and institutions
289 MIRANDA, S. M.; MAGLINAO, A. R. (Eds.) 1993. Irrigation management for rice-based farming systems in Bangladesh, Indonesia and the Philippines: Proceedings of the Tri-Country Workshop held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, 12-14 November 1990. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xi, 357p.
Irrigation management ; Farming systems ; Rice ; Irrigation systems / Bangladesh / Indonesia / Philippines
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G570 MIR Record No: H013401)
290 MISHRA, V. S.; MOLDEN, D. J. 1996. Management turnover in the West Gandak Irrigation System, Nepal. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v, 18p. (Short report series on locally managed irrigation no.14)
Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Farmers' associations ; Water users' associations ; Irrigation management ; Privatization ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Institution building ; Resource management ; Performance ; Irrigated farming / Nepal / West Gandak
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G726 MIS Record No: H018428)
291 MISTRY, S. A. 1995. Water users' association in Right Bank Canal of Pingot Medium Irrigation Project: Farmers' experience. Ahmedabad, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIM; IIMI. 32p. (Status of irrigation management transfer in India)
Water users' associations ; Irrigation programs ; Irrigation canals / India / Pingot Medium Irrigation Project
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 MIS Record No: H019457)
292 MOENCH, M. 1996. Groundwater policy: Issues and alternatives in India. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. x, 61p. (IIMI country paper, India no.2)
Groundwater management ; Groundwater extraction ; Water policy ; Monitoring ; Environment ; Poverty ; Aquifers ; Case studies ; Salinity ; Salt water intrusion ; Water quality ; Pollution ; Water market ; Water use efficiency / South Asia / India
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.6.3 G635 MOE Record No: H018552)
This paper reviews policy-related issues discussed in recent conferences that will affect groundwater development and management efforts in South Asia. Emphasis is given to policy issues surrounding emerging groundwater depletion and quality concerns, and issues concerning the equitable development of groundwater for poverty alleviation. The paper outlines the range of services that depend on groundwater resources and outlines the range of services that depend on groundwater resources to provide these services, and the complications stemming from the fragmented approach taken to water management throughout the region. A range of responses dealing with the management of the physical system is identified. In conclusion , the paper discusses institutional frameworks through which management responses could be implemented, in relation to both the range of approaches theoretically applicable and the existing institutional frameworks in place throughout South Asia
293 MORAGODA, R.; GROENFELDT, D. 1989. Organizational aspects of irrigation management in Kalankuttiya block, Mahaweli system H, Sri Lanka during the 1986 dry season. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. iii, 30p. (IIMI working paper no.11)
Irrigation management ; Organizations ; Water distribution ; Privatization ; Maintenance ; Agricultural economics / Sri Lanka / Mahaweli Project / Kalankuttiya
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI/WP/No.11 Record No: H004330)
Field research on water flows and agricultural production in the Kalankuttiya Block of Mahaweli System H was initiated by IIMI staff in mid-1985 during Yala (dry season). The primary focus was to understand the effects of irrigation management practices on crop diversification from rice to "other food crops" (OFCs) such as chili, lentil, soybean, and onion. Faced with immanent self-sufficiency in rice production, but continuing large-scale imports of non-rice food crops, the government is trying to promote the cultivation of OFCs, which require intermittent irrigation, in schemes designed primarily for rice cultivation and more or less continuous water flows.
294 MORAGODA, R.; GROENFELDT, D. 1990. Organizational aspects of improved irrigation management: Kalankuttiya Block, Mahaweli system H, Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. vii, 27p. (IIMI working paper no.19)
Irrigation management ; Water distribution ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Privatization / Sri Lanka / Mahaweli Project / Kalankuttiya
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI WP No.19 Record No: H006343)
This report documents part of an operational experiment in Kalankuttiya Block of Mahaweli System H during the 1987 yala (dry season). The experiment or "action research" was conducted by the International Irrigation Management Insti tute (IIMI) in cooperation with the Mahaweli Economic Agency of the Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka. The experiment was the outgrowth of studies which focused on constraints to non-rice crops during the dry season. Careful monitoring of irrigation and cropping patterns in selected areas of the system, conducted from yala 1985, had documented three important constraints to di versified crops: 1) inadequate water control at the secondary and tertiary levels of the system, 2) lack of organization for water sharing from the secondary level downward, and 3) poor conununication between farmers and agency staff regarding water delivery schedules
295 MOULAYE, A. A.; ALMADJIR, R.; MAMAN, L. 1994. Rapport du diagnostic approfondi du p,rimStre rizicole de Saga. Niamey, Niger: IIMI. Project report, 23 September 1992 to 31 May 1993. 106p. + annexes.
Irrigation management ; Agricultural production ; Hydraulics / Niger
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G212 MOU Record No: H010025)
296 MOULAYE, A. A.; ALMADJIR, R.; MAMANE, L. 1994. Rapport du diagnostic approfondi des p,rimStres de Kourani-Baria I et II, Fiat � Niamey, le Juin 1994. Niamey, Niger: IIMI. 60p.
Irrigation management ; Diagnostic techniques ; Research ; Hydrology ; Agriculture ; Social aspects ; Drainage / Niger
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G212 MOU Record No: H005319)
297 MUHAMMAD, D. 1998. Legal framework for irrigation management in Punjab and Sindh Provinces, Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. v, 91p. (IIMI-Pakistan consultancy report no.C-11)
Legislation ; Irrigation management ; Participatory management ; Water users' associations ; Farmers' associations / Pakistan / Punjab / Sindh
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 MUH Record No: H023179)
298 MUNIR, S.; KALWIJ, I. M.; BROUWER, M. 1999. Assessment of water distribution at watercourse and minor level of Bahadurwah Minor. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. ix, 57p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-91)
Irrigation management ; Watercourses ; Soils ; Water distribution ; Equity ; Water conveyance ; Water loss ; Discharges ; Measurement ; Measuring instruments ; Velocity ; Irrigation practices ; Irrigated farming ; Crop yield ; Tube wells / Pakistan / Bahadurwah / Sirajwah
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 MUN Record No: H024734)
299 MURALIDARAN, V.; KRISHNA,K. V. S. M. 1993. The dynamics of irrigation system performance. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. x, 68p. (Working paper no.25)
Irrigation management ; Canal irrigation ; Project appraisal ; Performance ; Water control ; Water allocation ; Water delivery ; Water distribution ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Cropping systems ; Agricultural production ; Conjunctive use / India / Gujarat / Mahi-Kadana Project
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI WP, IIMI 631.7.8 G635 MUR Record No: H013635)
300 MURRAY-RUST, D. H.; SNELLEN, W. B. 1991. Performance assessment diagnosis: Final report. IIMI; ILRI; IHE. xii, 139p.
Performance evaluation ; Irrigation design ; Irrigation efficiency
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G000 MUR Record No: H009588)
301 MURRAY-RUST, D. H.; SNELLEN, W. B. 1993. Irrigation system performance assessment and diagnosis. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xx, 148p.
Performance evaluation ; Irrigation programs ; Irrigation management ; Irrigation systems ; Case studies ; Hydraulics ; Management ; Environmental effects / Asia / Africa / South America
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G000 MUR Record No: H012809)
Frame work for use in assessment of irrigation system performance and diagnosis of the primary causes of different levels of performance actually achieved . The framework is tested using 15 case studies of irrigation performance in a range of countries in Asia, Africa and South America with a number of different design and management environments.
302 MURRAY-RUST, D. H.; VERMILLION, D. L. 1995; 1991. Improving irrigation management through better information: Testing practical options in Indonesia. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 51p.; 47p. (IIMI Indonesia country paper no.1 / IIMI working paper no.34)
Information services ; Irrigable land ; Performance evaluation ; Monitoring ; Water users' associations ; Water allocation ; Irrigation management ; Irrigated sites ; Water delivery ; Economic aspects ; Benefits ; Mapping ; Labor / Indonesia / West Java / Cerebon
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI CP, IIMI 631.7.1 G662 MUR Record No: H001793)
303 MURRAY-RUST, D. H.; GULATI, O. T.; SAKTHIVADIVEL, R.; PRAJAPATI, V. B.; SHUKLA, P. L. 1994. Improving irrigation performance through the use of management information systems: The case of Mahi Kadana, Gujarat, India. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xix, 85p. (IIMI country paper - India no.1)
Water management ; Water distribution ; Cropping systems ; Rotation ; Performance evaluation ; Performance indexes ; Data collection ; Databases ; Canal irrigation ; Management Information Systems / India / Gujarat
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G642 MUR Record No: H014695)
This paper describes the development and implementation of a management information system for the Mahi Kadana irrigation project in Gujarat , India. It describes the sequential process of modification of field -level data collection procedures by low level staff of the Gujarat Irrigation department, the development of improved methods for communicating these field-level data in a timely and efficient manner to managers at section and subdivision levels, and the development of a data processing package that transfers field-level data into information to be used by managers in improving performance into the future.
The second part of the paper demonstrates how the output from the computer can be used to develop performance reports.
304 MUTUWATTE, L. P.; KONRADSEN, F.; RENAULT, D.; SHARMA, S. K.; GULATI, O. T.; KUMARA, W. A. U. 1997. Water-related environmental factors and malaria transmission in Mahi Kadana, Gujarat, India. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. vii, 19p. (IIMI working paper no.41)
Irrigation water ; Waterborne diseases ; Malaria ; GIS ; Environment ; Rain ; Rice ; Groundwater management ; Case studies ; Health ; Statistical analysis / India / Gujarat
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G635 MUT Record No: H020537)
Analysis of the spatial and temporal relationship between malaria incidence and selected water-related environmental parameters . The analysis is based upon the use of secondary information. GIS was used to generate input into statistical analysis and to map out the parameters for a visual analysis. The paper discusses the quality of the data used and the possibilities for using GIS in healthrelated research.
305 NAGATA, K. 1994. Evolution of land improvement districts in Japan. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v, 16p. (Short report series on locally managed irrigation no.6)
Irrigation management ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Land development ; Legal aspects ; Legislation ; Water users' associations / Japan
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G696 NAG Record No: H014764)
306 NEELAVALLI, B. 1995. Water users' association in Panchanthangipatti Tank: A farmers' experience. Ahmedabad, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIM; IIMI. 9p. (Status of irrigation management transfer in India)
Water users' associations ; Farmers' associations ; Farmer participation ; Farmers' attitudes ; Irrigation management ; Privatization ; Tank irrigation / India / Tamil Nadu
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 NEE Record No: H019438)
307 NEELAVALLI, B. 1995. Water users' association in Pillayarkulam Tank: Farmers' experience. Ahmedabad, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIM; IIMI. 8p. (Status of irrigation management transfer in India)
Water users' associations ; Farmers' associations ; Farmer participation ; Farmers' attitudes ; Irrigation management ; Tank irrigation ; Maintenance / India / Tamil Nadu
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 NEE Record No: H019439)
308 NEPAL. WATER AND ENERGY COMMISSION SECRETARIAT; IIMI. 1990. Assistance to Farmer-managed irrigation systems: Results, lessons and recommendations from an action-research project. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xi, 44p. (IIMI country paper - Nepal no.3)
Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Farmer participation ; Project appraisal ; Privatization ; Rehabilitation / Nepal
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G726 NEP Record No: H007386)
309 NIJMAN, C. 1993. A management perspective on the performance of the irrigation subsector. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI; Wageningen Agricultural University. xxx, 272p.
Irrigation management ; Performance evaluation ; Research methods ; Investment planning ; Decision making
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G000 NIJ Record No: H013173)
This study adopts two objectives : !) the identification of generalized directions of management change for performance improvement in the irrigation subsector and 2) the testing of an analytical framework for irrigation management.
310 NWA, E. U.; PRADHAN, P. (Eds.) 1993. Irrigation research priorities for Nigeria: Proceedings of a National Seminar held at the University of Ilorin, Nigeria from 20 to 23 April, 1993. Kano, Nigeria: IIMI. xiii, 104p.
Irrigation management ; Research priorities ; Policy ; Irrigated farming / Nigeria
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G214 NWA Record No: H012796)
The seminar highlights the problems facing irrigation development in Nigeria. The research priorities needed to solve them and the need to develop sustainable irrigation for the country are discussed. Unanimously adopted recommendations and action programs are: A. Irrigation research priorities: 1. Irrigation performance assessment; 2. Economic issues; 3. Technological issues; 4. Institutional framework for irrigation management; 5. Environmental issues; 6. Sociological issues. B. Framework for irrigation research and a pilot project. C. Irrigation research networking.
311 OSWALD, O. 1992. An expert system for the diagnosis of tank irrigated systems: A feasibility study. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 44p. (IIMI working paper no.22)
Irrigation systems ; Feasibility studies ; Tank irrigation ; Diagnostic techniques ; Problem analysis / India / Tamil Nadu
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G635 OSW Record No: H011650)
Part of a thesis titled: "An expert system for the diagnosis of tank irrigated systems : a feasibility study". This working paper is an analysis intended to bring understanding of the system, to provide an evaluation of its performance with reference to some stated objectives and optionally to recommend how the expected objectives can be achieved by removing the bottlenecks in the system.
312 OUATTARA, M.; KY, F. DE S. 1997. Manuel sur la gestion comptable et financi�re des p�rim�tres irrigu�s (version Fran�aise) Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkino Faso. 49p.
Financing ; Economic aspects ; Irrigation management ; Irrigation programs / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.4 G226 OUA Record No: H025881)
Report, Project d'appui institutionnel au Ministere de l'environnement et de l'eau pour la recherche-developpement en management de i'rrigation au Burkina Faso. Project no.F/BUF/DN-AI/DMI/90/3.
313 OUATTARA, S.; ZIDA, Z.; DEMBELE, Y. 1996. Manuel sur la gestion agronomique d'un p�rim�tre irrigu� (version Fran�aise) Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. 65p.
Irrigated farming ; Crop production ; Rice ; Vegetables ; Fertilizers / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.2 G226 OUA Record No: H021367)
Report, Projet d'appui institutionnel au Ministere de l'environnement et de l'eau pour la recherche-developpement en management de l'irrigation au Burkina Faso. Project no.F/BUF/DN-AI/DMI/90/3
314 PAKISTAN. MINISTRY OF FOOD, AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK. SOIL SURVEY OF PAKISTAN; IIMI. PAKISTAN. 1996. Detailed soil survey of eight watercourse command areas in Chishtian and Hasalpur tehsils. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. IIMI Pakistan report. iii, 107p. (Report no.R-19)
Irrigation management ; Hydraulics ; Channel improvement ; Watercourses ; Soil surveys ; Hydrology ; Climate ; Mapping ; Hydraulics ; Infiltration / Pakistan / Fordwah / Azim
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 SOI Record No: H009192)
315 PANABOKKE, C. R. 1989. Irrigation management for crop diversification in Sri Lanka: A synthesis in current research. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xv, 54p. (IIMI country paper - Sri Lanka no.3)
Irrigation management ; Crop yield ; Diversification ; Farmer-agency interactions ; On-farm research ; Water delivery ; Water supply ; Weirs ; Communication / Sri Lanka / Dewahuwa / Kalankuttiya / Mahaweli Project
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G744 PAN Record No: H005714)
The need to understand the technical and socioeconomic constraints in irrigation management for diversified cropping underlies this study. The main constraints identified include the unreliability and inequality of supply at the secondary and tertiary levels of the irrigation system, the lack of organization and management for sharing water below the secondary level, and the poor communication between agency staff and farmers in water delivery scheduling. Intervention studies have shown that flow measurements combined with regularly scheduled rotations and regular meetings between agency staff and farmers can enhance the management capacity of both. Because of the greater economic risks faced by farmers in growing non-rice crops as compared to rice, an assured market and a competitive price are indispensable for promoting diversified cropping.
316 PANABOKKE, C. R.; HAQ, K. A.; SAMARASEKERA, B. M. .S. (Eds.) 1997. Seasonal planning procedures to improve irrigation management performance: How Kirindi Oya experience can be transferred to NIRP schemes. Proceedings of the Workshop on Seasonal Planning Procedures to Improve Irrigation Management Performance: How Kirindi Oya experience of IIMI/ID can be transferred to NIRP schemes, held at the Irrigation Department, Colombo, Sri Lanka, on 16 May 1994. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. ix, 105p.
Irrigation management ; Irrigation systems ; Maintenance ; Crops ; Diversification ; Settlement ; Salinity ; Water use efficiency ; Resource management ; Rehabilitation ; Performance / Sri Lanka / Kirindi Oya / Lunuganvehera / Wirawila / Ellegala Irrigation System
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G744 PAN Record No: H020984)
The worshop was to assess the Kirindi Oya experiences with respect to the different problems and successes relating to social and instituaional stratergies that were promoted at Kirindi Oya. It deals with the seasonal planing procedures to improve irrigation management performance emphasizing how the Kirindi Oya experiences of IIMI and the Irrigation Department can be trasferred to NIRP schemes.
317 PANT, S. R.; VALERA, A.; PRADHAN, U. (Eds.) 1992. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Participatory Management in Agency-managed Irrigation Systems in Nepal, Lazimpat, Kathmandu, Nepal, 29-30 April 1992. Kathmandu, Nepal: Department of Irrigation; IIMI. Nepal Field Operations. vii, 184p.
Irrigation management ; Government managed irrigation systems ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Farmer participation / Nepal / Sirsia Dudhaura / Mahakali Irrigation Project / Banganga / Pithuwa Irrigation Project / Handetar
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G726 PAN Record No: H011543)
318 PARADE, S. D. 1995. Water users' association in Minor 10 (Shevare), Bhima Project: Farmers' experience. Ahmedabad, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIM; IIMI. 11p. (Status of irrigation management transfer in India)
Water distribution ; Water rates ; Water users' associations ; Farmers' associations ; Privatization ; Irrigation canals / India / Maharashtra / Bhima River
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 PAR Record No: H019440)
319 PATEL, J. S. 1995. Water users' association in Bhestan Minor (Mohini), Ukai Kakrapar Project: Farmers' experience. Ahmedabad, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIM; IIMI. 14p. (Status of irrigation management transfer in India)
Irrigation management ; Cooperatives ; Farmers' attitudes ; Leadership ; Water distribution / India / Choryasi Taluka / Surat District / Mohini Village
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 PAT Record No: H019441)
320 PATEL, K. K. 1995. Water users' association in Anklav Subminor of Mahi Kadana Project: Farmers' experience. Ahmedabad, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIM; IIMI. 12p. (Status of irrigation management transfer in India)
Water users' associations ; Cooperatives ; Farmers' attitudes ; Irrigation canals ; Water distribution / India / Anklav Village / Mahi Kadana Project
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 PAT Record No: H019442)
321 PATIL, D. R. 1995. Water users' association in Minor 7, Mula Project: Farmers' experience. Ahmedabad, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIM; IIMI. 26p. (Status of irrigation management transfer in India)
Water users' associations ; Irrigation programs / India / Mula Project
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 PAT Record No: H019456)
322 PATLE, P. K. 1995. Water users' association in Kadoli Lift Irrigation Scheme: Farmers' experience. Ahmedabad, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIM; IIMI. 16p. (Status of irrigation management transfer in India)
Water users' associations ; Low lift irrigation ; Irrigation programs ; Cooperatives ; Sugarcane / India / Kadoli Village
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 PAT Record No: H019443)
323 PATLE, P. K. 1995. Water users' association in Phulewadi Lift Irrigation Scheme: Farmers' experience. Ahmedabad, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIM; IIMI. 17p. (Status of irrigation management transfer in India)
Water users' associations ; Low lift irrigation ; Irrigation programs ; Farmers' attitudes / India / Phulewadi Village
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 PAT Record No: H019444)
324 PATOLE, S. D. 1995. Water users' association in Hadshi Minor Irrigation Project: Farmers' experience. Ahmedabad, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIM; IIMI. 8p. (Status of irrigation management transfer in India)
Water users' associations ; Irrigation canals ; Maintenance / India / Hadshi Village
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 PAT Record No: H019445)
325 PATOLE, S. D. 1995. Water users' association in Parunde Minor Irrigation Project: Farmers' experience. Ahmedabad, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIM; IIMI. 10p. (Status of irrigation management transfer in India)
Water users' associations ; Irrigation programs ; Water distribution ; Farmer participation ; Income / India / Parunde Village
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 PAT Record No: H019446)
326 PETIT, M. J. 1994. Trends in international agricultural research: Crises and challenges. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 10p.
Agricultural research ; Agricultural production ; Financing ; Development banks ; Irrigation ; Research institutes
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 630.72 G000 PET Record No: H026373)
Keynote address given at the Tenth Anniversary Celebrations of IIMI, 01 December 1994.
327 PINTUS, F. 1995. Impact of irrigation, salinity and cultural practices on wheat yields: A study of Fordwah/Eastern Sadiqia area, Punjab - Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan. 66p. (IIMI-Pakistan student reports no.5)
Irrigation effects ; Salinity ; Wheat ; Plant growth ; Yields ; Irrigation practices ; Irrigated farming ; Farming systems ; Fertilizers / Pakistan / Fordwah / Eastern Sadiqia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.2 G730 PIN Record No: H017552)
328 PINTUS, F. 1995. Impact of irrigation, salinity and cultural practices on wheat yields: A study of Fordwah/Eastern Sadiqia area, Punjab - Pakistan: Annexes. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan. 89p. (IIMI-Pakistan student reports no.6)
Wheat ; Yields ; Irrigated farming ; Farming systems ; Soil analysis ; Fertilizers / Pakistan / Fordwah / Eastern Sadiqia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.2 G730 PIN Record No: H017553)
329 PINTUS, F. 1997. Impact of irrigation, salinity and cultural practices on wheat yields in Southeastern Punjab: A study of Fordwah/Eastern Sadiqia area, Punjab - Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. 66p. (IIMI-Pakistan reports no.R-30)
Irrigation effects ; Salinity ; Wheat ; Plant growth ; Yields ; Irrigation practices ; Irrigated farming ; Farming systems ; Fertilizers / Pakistan / Fordwah / Eastern Sadiqia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.2 G730 PIN Record No: H009220)
330 PIRZADA, P. A.; KHATRI, M.; HAIDER, S. D. 1997. Preliminary business plan for Dhoro Naro Minor. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. ix, 125p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-41.1)
Irrigation management ; Irrigation canals ; Distributary canals ; Watercourses ; Social aspects ; Economic aspects ; Crops ; Water users' associations ; Drainage ; Salinity ; Tube wells ; Farm income ; Analysis ; Expenditure ; Infrastructure ; Costs ; Water distribution ; Equity ; Water shortage ; Farmers' attitudes ; Waterlogging ; Statistical analysis ; Cost benefit analysis / Pakistan / Sindh / Dhoro Naro Minor
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.4 G730 PIR Record No: H022622)
331 PONGPUT, K.; ALURRALDE, J. C.; SKOGERBOE, G. V. 1998. Scheduling model for crop-based irrigation operations. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. ix, 64p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report R-72)
Crop-based irrigation ; Irrigation operation ; Irrigation scheduling ; Models ; Water delivery ; Irrigation canals ; Flow control ; Water control ; Water requirements ; Crop production ; Evapotranspiration / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 PON Record No: H024419)
332 POUYA, A. M.; SALLY, H. (Eds.) 1994. Les objectifs et les performances des petits p�rim�tres irrigu�s autour des barrages: Actes de l'atelier national, Ouagadougou, 08-10 Juin 1994. [Proceedings of National Workshop on Objectives and Performance of Small-Scale Reservoir-based Irrigation Schemes, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 8-10 June 1994] Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. 156p.
Irrigation management ; Performance evaluation ; Dams ; Indicators / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G226 POU Record No: H015864)
333 PRADHAN, P. 1989. Irrigation development in Bhutan. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. vii, 17p. (IIMI working paper no.13)
Irrigation management ; Financing ; Agriculture ; Resource management ; Water distribution / Bhutan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI WP No.13 Record No: H005727)
334 PRADHAN, P. 1989. Increasing agricultural production in Nepal: Role of low-cost irrigation development through farmer participation. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xiv, 59p. (IIMI country paper Nepal no.2)
Agricultural production ; Farmer participation ; Irrigated farming ; Benefits ; Cost recovery ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Farmer managed irrigation systems / Nepal
(Location: IWMI-PAK Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G726 PRA Record No: H005909)
This book reveals that Nepal irrigation policy directives and resources must be channeled to encourage the participation of beneficiaries and to focus the functions of the Department of Irrigation on a management perspective . The low cost approaches recommended in the paper include : 1) incorporating farmer participation in operation and management,
2) considering lower cost structures in surface irrigation and underground water development and, 3) improving the management of irrigation systems
335 PRADHAN, P. 1989. Patterns of irrigation organization in Nepal: A comparative study of 21 farmer-managed irrigation systems. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xvi, 121p. (IIMI country paper. Nepal - no.1)
Irrigation systems ; Organizations ; Water users ; Privatization ; Water allocation ; Resource management ; Farmer managed irrigation systems / Nepal
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G726 PRA Record No: H005910)
336 PRADHAN, P. 1996. Distributary level water users associations in pilot projects for farmer-managed irrigated agriculture, Punjab and Sindh Provinces, Pakistan: Consultancy report. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan. Consultancy report. iii, 34p. (Report no.C-5)
Water users' associations ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Irrigated farming ; Participatory management ; Social organization ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Farmer participation ; Irrigation management / Pakistan / Punjab / Sindh
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 PRA Record No: H009186)
337 PRADHAN, R.; VON BENDA-BECKMANN, F; VON BENDA-BECKMANN, K.; SPIERTZ, H. L. J.; KHADKA, S. S.; HAQ, K. A. 1997. Water rights, conflict and policy: Proceedings of a workshop held in Kathmandu, Nepal, January 22-24, 1996. Eds. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xiv, 250p.
Irrigation ; Irrigation management ; Water rights ; Water law ; Conflict ; Farmers' associations / Nepal / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ, IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G726 PRA Record No: H020123)
338 PRADHAN, U.; VALERA, A.; RANA, S. (Eds.) 1992. Role of NGOs in irrigation development and management in Nepal: Proceedings of the National Workshop on the Role of NGOs in Irrigation Development and Management in Nepal, Nepal Administrative Staff College, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal, 29-30 September 1992. Kathmandu, Nepal: IIMI. Nepal; Udaya-Himalaya Network. vii, 132p.; 64p.
Agricultural manpower ; Non-governmental organizations ; Rural development ; Irrigation management / Nepal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G726 PRA Record No: H011658)
339 PRAJAPATI, S. M. 1995. Water users' association in Left Bank Canal of Baldeva Medium Irrigation Project: Farmers' experience. Ahmedabad, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIM; IIMI. 16p. (Status of irrigation management transfer in India)
Water users' associations ; Cooperatives ; Irrigation programs ; Benefits ; Water distribution ; Maintenance / India / Baldeva Village
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 PRA Record No: H019447)
340 PURKEY, D. R.; VERMILLION, D. 1995. Lift irrigation in West Africa: Challenges for sustainable local management. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. ix, 51p. (IIMI Working paper no.33)
Irrigation management ; Water resources ; Low lift irrigation ; Privatization ; Social aspects ; Economic aspects ; Technology ; Groundwater development ; Surface water ; Environment ; Sustainability ; Policy ; Climate / West Africa / Burkina Faso / Cameroon / Chad / Gambia / Mali / Mauritania / Niger / Nigeria / Senegal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G190 PUR Record No: H016109)
341 RABY, N.; MERREY, D. J. 1989. Professional management in irrigation systems: A case study of performance control in Mahaweli System H, Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xviii, 95p. (IIMI country paper - Sri Lanka no.1)
Performance evaluation ; Control systems ; Case studies ; Monitoring ; Decision making ; Water management ; Irrigation management / Sri Lanka / Mahaweli Project
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G744 RAB Record No: H005713)
Taking System H of the Mahaweli Program in Sri Lanka as a case study, this paper investigates a field still largely unexplored - the agency and its capacity to manage an irrigation system.
342 RAO, P. S.; ABEYWICKREMA, N. 1992. Review of IIMI's experience in strengthening national capacity for irrigation management and research. Parts 1 and II. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 44p.; 141p.
Irrigation management ; Research ; Institution building ; Training / Sri Lanka / Bangladesh / India / Indonesia / Morocco / Nepal / Niger / Nigeria / Pakistan / Philippines / Sudan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G000 RAO Record No: H011504)
Over the past few years IIMI has acquired a rich and rewarding storehouse of experience in its relations with national partners and collaborating agencies, some of which are unique and innovative. The Management Committee therefore decided that IIMI collects and documents this experience for future reference and consideration by senior management, and the Board of Governors. As the first phase in this effort, Regional Representative West Africa, and all Heads of Field Operations and Project Leaders were asked to list and inventorise their experience with national partners and other collaborating agencies in their work operations. This included both formal, official as well as informal relationships which contributed to strengthen better understanding and impact on national programs. Known activities were to be listed with some degree of description, whereas additional information was to be provided on lesser known and informal activities. The report of these experiences was presented initially to the Management Committee Meeting of February 1992. In February 1992, the Management Committee decided that based on past experience, a more comprehensive document which recognized the need to generate a conceptual framework to strengthen national capacities, be developed. This set in motion a second phase of work. In March 1992, Director Pakistan, Regional Representative West Africa, Heads of Field Operations (present and former) and Project Leaders in Field Operations were requested to provide an internal review of achievements to date and recommendations in their efforts at strengthening national capacities. Specific examples of country experience, assessment of the circumstances that made it possible, and the environment that fostered close relationships facilitating the strengthening of national capacity were to be provided.
343 RAO, P. S. 1993. Review of selected literature on indicators of irrigation performance. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xiii, 75p.
Performance evaluation ; Irrigation efficiency ; Water delivery ; Irrigation systems ; Equity ; Irrigated farming ; Agriculture ; Sustainability ; Social aspects ; Indicators
(Location: IWMI-SEA Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G000 RAO Record No: H013467)
344 REHMAN, A.; REHMAN, G.; MUNAWWAR, H. Z. 1997. Salinity management alternatives for the Rechna Doab, Punjab, Pakistan: Volume eight - Options for sustainability: Sector level allocations and investments. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. viii, 103p. (IIMI Pakistan report no.R-21.8)
Irrigation management ; Soil salinity ; Agricultural development ; Performance evaluation ; Water balance ; Intensive cropping ; Groundwater ; Simulation models ; Crop yield ; Irrigation canals ; Irrigated farming / Pakistan / Punjab / Rechna Doab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 REH Record No: H009241)
345 REHMAN, A.; REHMAN, G. 1998. Waterlogging and salinity management in the Sindh Province, Pakistan. Volume three. Strategy for resource allocations and management across the hydrological divides. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. v, 59p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-70.3)
Water resource management ; Resource allocation ; River basins ; Performance evaluation ; Simulation models ; Hydrology ; Irrigation canals ; Crop yield ; Water requirements ; Water balance ; Groundwater ; Recharge ; Investment / Pakistan / Sindh Province / Indus Basin
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 REH Record No: H024981)
346 REHMAN, G.; JEHANGIR, W. A.; REHMAN, A.; ASLAM, M.; SKOGERBOE, G. V. 1997. Salinity management alternatives for the Rechna Doab, Punjab, Pakistan: Volume one - Principal findings and implications for sustainable irrigated agriculture. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. xii, 89p. (IIMI Pakistan report no.R-21.1)
Irrigation management ; Salinity ; Agricultural development ; Waterlogging ; Water supply ; Land reclamation ; Groundwater ; Models ; Tube wells ; Water resources development ; Sustainable agriculture / Pakistan / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 REH Record No: H009234)
347 REHMAN, G.; HUSSAIN, A.; MUNAWWAR, H. Z. 1997. Salinity management alternatives for the Rechna Doab, Punjab, Pakistan: Volume seven - Initiative for upscaling: Irrigation subdivision as the building block. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. xvi, 237p. (IIMI Pakistan report no.R-21.7)
Irrigation management ; Soil salinity ; Agricultural development ; Resource management ; Crop production ; Intensive cropping ; Cotton ; Wheat ; Rice ; Sugarcane ; Irrigated farming / Pakistan / Punjab / Rechna Doab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 REH Record No: H009240)
348 REHMAN, G.; ASLAM, M.; JEHANGIR, W. A.; REHMAN, A.; HUSSAIN, A.; ALI, N.; MUNAWWAR, H. Z. 1997. Salinity management alternatives for the Rechna Doab, Punjab, Pakistan: Volume three - Development of procedural and analytical links. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. v, 67p. (IIMI Pakistan report no.R-21.3)
Irrigation management ; Soil salinity ; Agricultural development ; Models ; Water quality ; Groundwater ; Flow ; Tube wells ; Economic aspects ; Surveys / Pakistan / Punjab / Rechna Doab / Indus basin
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 REH Record No: H009236)
349 REHMAN, G.; MUNAWWAR, H. Z.; HUSSAIN, A. 1997. Salinity management alternatives for the Rechna Doab, Punjab, Pakistan: Volume two - History of irrigated agriculture. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. x, 145p. (IIMI Pakistan report no.R-21.2)
Irrigation management ; Soil salinity ; Agricultural development ; History ; Irrigated farming ; Sustainability ; Land degradation ; Farming ; Water resources / Pakistan / Punjab / Rechna Doab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 REH Record No: H009235)
350 REHMAN, G.; HUSSAIN, A.; HAMID, A.; ALMAS, A. S.; TABASSUM, M.; NOMANI, M. A.; YOUSAF, K. 1998. Waterlogging and salinity management in the Sindh Province. Volume One - The irrigated landscape: Resource availability across the hydrological divides. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. xxii, 222p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-70.1)
Irrigation management ; River basins ; Irrigated farming ; Climate ; Irrigation systems ; Irrigation canals ; Discharges ; Water balance ; Waterlogging ; Salinity ; Groundwater development ; Tube wells ; Water table ; Drainage ; Public sector ; Land reclamation / Pakistan / Sindh Province / Indus Basin / Rohri / Larkana / Shikarpur / Hairdin / North Dadu / Ghotki / East Khairpur / Sukkur Barrage
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 REH Record No: H024974)
351 REHMAN, G.; HUSSAIN, A.; HAMID, A.; ALMAS, A. S.; TABASSUM, M.; NOMANI, M. A.; YOUSAF, K. 1998. Waterlogging and salinity management in the Sindh Province. Volume One - The irrigated landscape: Resource availability across the hydrological divides - Annexes. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. v.p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-70.1)
Hydrology ; Land classification ; Soils ; Irrigation canals / Pakistan / Sindh Province / Ghotki Canal Command / Begari Canal Command / Desert Canal Command / Dadu Canal Command / Rice Canal Command / North West Canal Command / Khairpur East Canal Command / Khairpur West Canal Command / Rohri Canal Command / Nara Canal Command / Jamrao Canal Command / Fuleli Canal Command / Pinyari Canal Command / Akram Wah (Lined Channel) Command
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 REH Record No: H024975)
352 REY, J. 1990. Field application of the Kirindi Oya right bank main canal simulation model: Some preliminary results. IIMI. 51p. + annex.
Computer techniques ; Simulation models ; Irrigation canals ; Field tests ; Stream flow / Sri Lanka / Kirindi Oya
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G744 REY Record No: H008928)
353 REY, J.; HEMAKUMARA, M.; MOHANRAJAH, S.; JUNAID, M. H. 1993. Introduction of monitoring activities at the main-canal level: A study of the Kirindi Oya right bank main canal -- Maha 1991/92. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. ix, 66p. (IIMI working paper no.23)
Irrigation canals ; Monitoring ; Irrigation management ; Water conveyance ; Decision making ; Indicators ; Water management ; Canal irrigation / Sri Lanka / Kirindi Oya
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G744 REY Record No: H012030)
The research activity described in this working paper is a joint effort undertaken by the International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI) and the Irrigation Department of Sri Lanka. Two of the authors, S. Mohanrajah (Resident Engineer, Irrigation Department) and M. H. Junaid (Additional Engineer, Irrigation Department), were responsible for the management of the Right Bank Main Canal (RBMC) in Kirindi Oya during the season, maha 1991/92. The monitoring network introduced under their supervision, with the active collaboration of the field staff, proved to be of significant benefit for the effective accomplishment of their day-to-day tasks of canal management. This led the authors to the conclusion that disseminating this experience even at an early stage could be of some interest to others seeking the improvement of the management of manually operated irrigation canals. Emphasis has deliberately been put on methods rather than on thorough, a posteriori analysis of data. Thus, ideas suggesting how to use simple flow data to compute indicators and derive management information has been preferred to the in-depth analysis of the data. The authors also hope to convey their intimate conviction of the usefulness of real collaborative action-research between "outside catalysts" and managers in charge of irrigation systems through this paper.
354 REY, J.; HEMAKUMARA, H. M. 1994. Decision support system (DSS) for water distribution management: Theory and practice. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. vii, 44p. (Working paper no.31)
Decision support tools ; Irrigation canals ; Water delivery ; Water management ; Information systems ; Computer techniques ; Decision making ; Case studies / Sri Lanka / Kirindi Oya
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G744 REY Record No: H015117)
The impact of information techniques in all economic activities has been tremendous during the past decade. However, the potential of the multiple management methods and technologies derived from this field has not been fully realized in the irrigation sector. One area of application of information techniques concern the design and installation of Decision Support Systems (DSS). This area, used for the particular activities relating to the management of water in irrigation schemes, constitutes the theoretical background of this paper
355 ROZENKNOP, A.; LOISEL, C. 1996. Developpement d'un systeme d'aide a la gestion des canaux d'irrigation. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Unpublished report of a 3 months training course. 65p.
Information systems ; Canal irrigation ; Flow regulators ; Decision support tools ; Databases / Sri Lanka / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 ROZ Record No: H019742)
The aim of this 3 months training course was to re-program and develop an irrigation management information system created in 1992 for local use in Sri Lanka. The main points of the new version are: ability to manage and to have hydraulic simulations via SIC on a network of branched canals; much more user friendly; direct application is possible in several parts of Pakistan, facilities for installation and opportunities to adapt. After a short description of the background, this report studies the global interest of computerizing an information system for irrigation canal management. Part 3 explains in the main what data are required and how they are stored in tables. Part 4 advises a list of further improvements.
356 SAKTHIVADIVEL, R.; MERREY, D. J. 1992. Flow measurements at drop structures for irrigation system management in Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xiv, 54p. (IIMI country paper - Sri Lanka, no.10)
Irrigation management ; Water distribution ; Irrigation operation ; Hydraulic structures ; Flow measurement ; Calibrations / Sri Lanka / Giritale / Kirindi Oya
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G744 SAK Record No: H012114)
The method suggested in this manual provides a simplified procedure for calibrating and/or updating drop structure curves. The convenience of the proposed method outweighs the lack of rigor and precision, and in any event, the resulting degree of accuracy appears sufficient for most operational purposes.
357 SAKTHIVADIVEL, R.; FERNANDO, N.; PANABOKKE, C. R.; WIJAYARATNA, C. M. 1996. Nature of small tank cascade systems and a framework for rehabilitation of tanks within them. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. (IIMI country paper; Sri Lanka, no.13)
Tank irrigation ; Water resource management ; Irrigated farming ; Small scale systems ; Hydrology ; Surface water ; Groundwater ; Rehabilitation / Sri Lanka / Anuradhapura
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.7 G744 SAK Record No: H018073)
This report presents a methodology for planning the rehabilitation and improvement of small-scale irrigation systems within the context of the water basin when information on hydrology and water use is inadequate. It was developed for planning the rehabilitation and improvement of small tank systems in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. The methodology is useful to those undertaking irrigation rehabilitation projects in similar circumstances and it may also be extended to water resources planning in many other circumstances.
358 SAKTHIVADIVEL, R.; FERNANDO, N.; PANABOKKE, C. R.; JINAPALA, K.; WIJAYARATNA, C. M.; BANDULA SIRIMAL, R. B. 1996. Natural resources management study of North Central Province Sri Lanka. Final report - Main report. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xxv, 232p.
Tank irrigation ; Rehabilitation ; Water resources ; Groundwater ; Surface water ; Water quality ; River basin development ; Land use ; Irrigation programs ; Development Projects ; Watersheds ; Water resources development ; Simulation models ; Rural development ; Farmers' associations ; Farmer participation ; Participatory rural appraisal ; Mapping ; Cost benefit analysis / Sri Lanka / North Central Province / Mahaweli Project / Anuradhapura / Polonnaruwa
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.7 G744 SAK Record No: H018555)
(File size: 8.91 MB)
Pre-project technical assistance study for proposed Area Development Project of North Central Province, prepared for RH&H Consult/ADB
359 SAKTHIVADIVEL, R.; PANABOKKE, C. R.; SENARATNE, A.; FERNANDO, N.; JINAPALA, K. 1997. Identification of Hydrologically Endowed Small Tanks for Rehabilitation and Agrowell Development Potential in the Cascades of Anuradhapura District, North Central Province, Sri Lanka - Main report. Volume 1. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 133p.
Rehabilitation ; Tank irrigation ; Hydrology ; Simulation models ; Surveys ; Water resources development ; Development projects ; Groundwater ; Wells ; Participatory rural appraisal / Sri Lanka / Anuradhapura / Makichchawa Cascade
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.7 G744 IIM Record No: H021248)
(File size: 4.60 MB)
360 SALLY, H.; BERTHERY, D.; CERTAIN, F.; DURBEC, A. 1989. Calibration of the Kirindi Oya RBMC mathematical flow simulation model: Description of the field measurement campaign and preliminary results. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 26p. (IIMI working paper no.10)
Calibrations ; Mathematical models ; Simulation models ; Privatization ; Measurement ; Research / Sri Lanka / Kirindi Oya
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI/WP/No.10 Record No: H005406)
(File size: 2.85 MB)
The purpose of this paper is to document the field measurement campaign carried out in the Kirirrli Oya RBMC with a view to calibrating the mathematical model. The preliminary analysis leading to estimates of some of the hydraulic parameters needed by the model is also described.
361 SALLY, H. 1987. Mathematical modeling of the Kalankuttiya branch canal application of software "Mistral/Simutra" Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 17p.
Computer techniques ; Mathematical models ; Irrigation canals / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G744 SAL Record No: H008482)
The International Water Management Institute contracted with the French consulting firm, SOGREAH, to furnish us with their Micro-computer software package for flow simulation in canals, "MISTRAL/ SIMUTRA". The objective of this paper is to describe the software, its data requirements, output, and potential use through a discussion of its application to the Kalankuttiya branch canal in the Mahaweli System H in the North-Central Province of Sri Lanka.
362 SALLY, H. (Ed.) 1997. Am�liorer les performances des p�rim�tres irrigu�s: Les actes du S�minaire R�gional du Projet Management de l'Irrigation au Burkina Faso, 24-26 Juillet 1996, Ouagadougou. [Proceedings of regional workshop on performance improvement of irrigation systems, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 24-26 July 1996] Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. iv, 280p.
Performance evaluation ; Irrigation management ; Social aspects ; Organizational dynamics ; Water management ; Maintenance ; Agronomy ; Training ; Information ; Communication / Burkina Faso / Niger
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G226 SAL Record No: H017061)
The main purpose of the workshop was to share the results and findings of, and obtain feedback on, the 5 years of work carried out under the IIMI-BF project. The workshop was attended by nearly 70 participants from Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger.
363 SALOMON, M.; SEEGERS, S. 1995. Rapid appraisal of agricultural knowledge systems (RAAKS) and its use in irrigation management research: Report on the training workshop. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. 131p. + annexes.
Irrigation management ; Agricultural research ; Rapid rural appraisal ; Participatory rural appraisal ; Training ; Human resource development / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G730 SAL Record No: H019738)
364 SANDWIDI, A. Z. 1996. Sebr sen guls ne moor n na wilg ko-waandem baoog koom la a te-tumds zaabo. [Manual on the management of water and hydraulic structures of an irrigation system] Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. 41p.
Irrigation management ; Irrigation systems ; Irrigation canals ; Hydraulics ; Water distribution / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G226 SAN Record No: H021363)
365 SANDWIDI, J. P. 1996. Manuel sur la gestion de l'eau et des infrastructures d'un p�rim�tre irrigu� (version Fran�aise) [Manual on the management of water and hydraulic structures of an irrigation system - French version] Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. 36p.
Irrigation management ; Irrigation systems ; Irrigation canals ; Irrigation practices ; Water distribution ; Environmental effects ; Performance evaluation / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G226 SAN Record No: H021365)
Report, Projet d'appui institutionnel au Ministere de l'environnement et de l'eau pour la recherche-developpement en management de l'irrigation au Burkina Faso. Project no.F/BUF/DN-AI/DMI/90/3
366 SARWAR, S.; NAFEES, H. M.; SHAFIQUE, M. S. 1997. Fluctuations in canal water supplies (A case study) Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. Unpublished report. vi, 72p. (Report no.R-27)
Irrigation management ; Water allocation ; Canals ; Water distribution ; Water supply ; Performance evaluation ; Irrigated farming ; Irrigation systems / Pakistan / Chishtian Sub-Division / Fordwah distributary
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 SAR Record No: H009211)
367 SELVAM, V. 1995. Water users' association in Vagaikulam Tank, North Kodaimelalagian Channel, Tambraparani Project: Farmers' experience. Ahmedabad, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIM; IIMI. 15p. (Status of irrigation management transfer in India)
Water users' associations ; Tank irrigation ; Water distribution / India / Tamil Nadu / Vagaikulam Village
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 SEL Record No: H019449)
368 SELVAM, V. 1995. Water users' association in Vagaikulam Tank, North Kodaimelalagian Channel, Tambraparani Project: Farmers' experience. Ahmedabad, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIM; IIMI. 28p. (Status of irrigation management transfer in India)
Water users' associations ; Irrigation programs ; Tank irrigation ; Open channels / India / Vagaikulam Tank / Kodaimelalagian Channel / Tambraparani Project
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 SEL Record No: H019454)
369 SENARATNE, A. 1997. Ground water study of 50 cascades - Volume III: Final report - Use of ground-water to alleviate water deficit during dry season (Yala) in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. Report on the project "Identification of Hydrologically Endowed Small Tanks for Rehabilitation and Agrowell Development Potential in the Cascades of Anuradhapura District, North Central Province, Sri Lanka" iv, 47p.
Groundwater ; Recharge ; Water balance ; Water deficit ; Geology ; Hydrology ; Wells ; Design ; Environmental effects ; Water table ; Catchment areas ; Tank irrigation ; Surveys / Sri Lanka / Anuradhapura
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.7 G744 IIM Record No: H021250)
370 SENEVIRATNE, A. 1987. The hydraulic civilization of the ancient Rajarata in Sri Lanka. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 107 p.
Arid zones ; History ; Hydraulics ; Irrigation / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI-631.7 G744 SEN Record No: H002499)
371 SHAFIQ, M.S.; SARWAR, S.; ASGHAR, M. N.; AMIN, A.; IIMI. PAKISTAN NATIONAL PROGRAM. 1998. Method of shallow corrugations for the sowing and irrigation of close growing crops on flat basin. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. 6p.
Basin irrigation ; Crop production ; Farming systems ; Experiments / Pakistan / Hasilpur
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 IIM Record No: H023011)
372 SHAFIQUE, M. S.; LASHARI, B.; BHATTI, M. A.; SKOGERBOE, G. V. 1997. Monitoring and evaluation of irrigation and drainage facilities for pilot distributaries in Sindh Province, Pakistan: Volume one - Objectives, stakeholders, approach and methodology. Interim report. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. iv, 22p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-39.1)
Monitoring ; Evaluation ; Irrigation management ; Privatization ; Irrigation canals ; Distributary canals ; Drainage ; Small scale systems ; Farmers' associations ; Institutions ; Non-governmental organizations ; Data collection ; Flow discharge ; Performance indexes ; Water table ; Water quality ; Tube wells ; Efficiency / Pakistan / Sindh Province
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G730 SHA Record No: H022615)
373 SHAFIQUE, M. S.; BUKHARI, N. H.; HAFEEZ, M. M. 1998. Development of a modified low-cost pitot tube for measuring pump discharges. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. vi, 62p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-55)
Pumps ; Groundwater extraction ; Discharges ; Water measurement ; Velocity ; Pipes ; Flow measurement ; Weirs / Sudan / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 SHA Record No: H022926)
374 SHAFIQUE, M. S.; BUKHARI, N. H.; HAFEEZ, M. M. 1998. Manual for measuring pump discharges with a low-cost easy-to-use pitot tube. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. v, 38p. (IIMI-Pakistan report no.T-8)
Pipes ; Pumps ; Velocity ; Discharges ; Flow measurement ; Measuring instruments ; Hydraulics
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 SHA Record No: H023754)
375 SHANAN, L.; BERKOWICZ, S. 1995. The context of locally managed irrigation in Israel: Policies, planning and performance. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v, 21p. (Short report series on locally managed irrigation no.10)
Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Performance evaluation ; Planning ; Development policy ; Water costs ; Water law ; Water rights ; Local management ; Water resources development ; Water distribution / Israel
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G694 SHA Record No: H016570)
376 SHEPHERD, K. J. 1991. A role for self-management in the modernization of irrigation systems: A South Australian case study. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 19p. (Appendix)
Modernization ; Irrigation management ; Case studies ; Policy / Australia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.7 G922 SHE Record No: H012180)
377 SIAL, N. H.; KHATRI, M.; HAIDER, S. D. 1997. Preliminary business plan for Heran Distributary. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. ix, 121p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-41.3)
Irrigation management ; Irrigation canals ; Distributary canals ; Social aspects ; Economic aspects ; Gender ; Water users' associations ; Farm income ; Analysis ; Data collection ; Waterlogging ; Salinity ; Expenditure ; Infrastructure ; Operating costs ; Maintenance ; Water distribution ; Equity / Pakistan / Heran Distributary
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.4 G730 SIA Record No: H022624)
378 SIVANANDHAM, K. 1995. Water users' association in Dusi Mamandur Tank: Farmers' experience. Ahmedabad, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIM; IIMI. 16p. (Status of irrigation management transfer in India)
Water users' associations ; Tank irrigation ; Water distribution ; Water allocation ; Maintenance / India / Tamil Nadu / Dusi Mamandur Tank
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 SIV Record No: H019448)
379 SIVANANDHAM, K. 1995. Water users' association in Dusi Mamandur Tank: Farmers' experience. Ahmedabad, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIM; IIMI. 24p. (Status of irrigation management transfer in India)
Water users' associations ; Tank irrigation / India / Dusi Mamandur Tank
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 SIV Record No: H019455)
380 SKOGERBOE, G. V.; BANDARAGODA, D. J. 1998. Towards environmentally sustainable agriculture in the Indus Basin Irrigation System - Final report. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Programme. ix, 154p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-77)
Irrigation systems ; Surface irrigation ; Irrigation programs ; Irrigation management ; Environmental sustainability ; River basins ; Institutional change ; Water users' associations ; Decentralization ; Distributary canals ; Canal regulation techniques ; Water distribution ; Water allocation ; Equity ; Information systems ; Irrigation scheduling ; Watercourses ; Maintenance ; Social organization ; Flow measurement ; Irrigation practices ; Basin irrigation ; Crop production ; Furrow irrigation ; Cotton ; Crop yield ; Waterlogging ; Salinity control ; Conjunctive use ; Surface water ; Groundwater ; Farmers' attitudes ; Decision support tools / Pakistan / Indus Basin / Punjab Province / Ravi / Chenab / Fordwah Eastern Sadiqia / Rechna Doab / North West Frontier Province / Balochistan Province / Sindh Province / Hakra Branch Canal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 SKO Record No: H024892)
381 SKOGERBOE, G. V.; HABIB, Z. 1997. Action plan for operations support of the Pehur High-Level Canal (PHLC) Project: 1 January 1995 to 31 December 2001 submitted to Irrigation Department North West Frontier Province. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. 25p. (IIMI Pakistan planning report no.P-6)
Irrigation canals ; Operations ; Maintenance ; Water allocation ; Performance evaluation ; Simulation models ; Flow control ; Organizations / Pakistan / Pehur
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7.1 G730 SKO Record No: H030080)
382 SMALL, L. E.; BARKER, R. 1985. Research priorities for irrigation management in Asia; An overview of research in irrigation management in Asia. Digana Village, Kandy, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 20p. (IIMI research paper no.1)
Irrigation management ; Research / Asia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI RP no.1 Record No: H000815)
Presents two papers that provide interpretive summaries of the discussion and results of the Workshop on the Research Priorities for Irrigation Management in Asia held from 6-11 January 1985 at the headquarters of the International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI) in Digana Village near Kandy, Sri Lanka. Dr. Small's paper, "Research priorities for irrigation management in Asia," provides a conceptual framework for irrigation management research and outlines criteria for IIMI's selection of research topics. "An overview of research in irrigation management in Asia" by Dr. Barker summarizes the conceptual evolution of irrigation management in terms of both conventional disciplinary and holistic, systems-oriented approaches.
383 SMALL, L. E.; ADRIANO, M. S.; MARTIN, E. M. 1986. Regional study on irrigation service fees: Final report. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v.p.
Financing ; Policy ; Investment policy ; Irrigation / Indonesia / Korea Republic / Nepal / Philippines / Thailand
(Location: IWMI-PAK Call no: IIMI 631.7.4 G000 SMA Record No: H002244)
A report submitted to the Asian Development Bank by IIMI under the ADB Technical Assistance for a Regional Study on Irrigation Service Fees
384 SMALL, L. E.; ADRIANO, M. S.; MARTIN, E. D.; BHATIA, R.; SHIM, Y. K.; PRADHAN, P. 1989. Financing irrigation services: A literature review and selected case studies from Asia. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. ix, 286p.
Irrigation management ; Irrigation operation ; Financing ; Resource management ; Rehabilitation ; User charges ; Maintenance costs ; Operating costs / Asia / Indonesia / Korea Republic / Nepal / Philippines / India
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.4 G570 SMA Record No: H005735)
This study results from a two years' intensive research into a hitherto unexplored area of irrigation management - the aspect of financing irrigation in some Asian countries. The authors have analyzed the relationship between investment costs, level of irrigation fees, cropping intensity, type of crop, and secondary income. The studies conclude that the quality of irrigation system operations and maintenance is affected not only by the amount of resources made available to operate and maintain systems, but also by the institutional arrangements under which they are provided.
385 SMALL, L. E.; BARKER, R. 1986. Themes prioritaires de recherches sur le management de l'irrigation en Asie; Apercu general de la recherche sur le management de l'irrigation en Asie. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 22p. (IIMI document de recherche no.1)
Irrigation management ; Research / Asia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7 G570 SMA Record No: H003627)
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386 SMETS, S. M. P. 1996. Modeling the effects of irrigation management on soil salinity and crop transpiration at the field level. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. xi, 135p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report R-4 / IIMI Pakistan student report no.12)
Water management ; Models ; Environment ; Soil salinity ; Irrigation management ; Calibrations ; Flow ; Groundwater ; Sensitivity analysis / Pakistan / Fordwah Eastern Sadiqia / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 SME Record No: H009152)
387 SOHANI, A. 1997. Financial feasibility analysis of operation and maintenance costs for water users federations on three pilot distributaries in Province of Sindh, Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. vi, 117p. (Report no.R-34)
Irrigation management ; Water users' associations ; Water distribution ; Financing ; Feasibility studies ; Costs ; Maintenance ; Operations / Pakistan / Sindh
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.4 G730 SOH Record No: H009245)
388 SOMASIRI, S. 1995. Macro-catchment modeling and management studies: Final report. Colombo, Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka. Irrigation Department. IRMU; IIMI. SLNP. x, 53p.
Water management ; Catchment areas ; Catchment yield ; Water balance ; Runoff ; Simulation models ; Tank irrigation ; Rain ; Land use ; Evapotranspiration ; Legislation ; Irrigation programs / Sri Lanka / Nachchaduwa / Huruluwewa
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G744 SOM Record No: H019760)
389 SOOMRO, A. R.; MANGRIO, M. A.; BHARCHOOND, Z.; MARI, F. M.; PIRZADA, P. A.; LASHARI, B.; BHATTI, M. A.; SKOGERBOE, G. V. 1997. Maintenance plans for irrigation facilities of pilot distributaries in Sindh Province, Pakistan: Volume one - Dhoro Naro Minor, Nawabshah District. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. vi, 101p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-40.1)
Irrigation management ; Maintenance ; Planning ; Irrigation canals ; Distributary canals ; Flow control ; Canal regulation techniques ; Flow ; Measurement ; Equity ; Water distribution ; Discharges ; Measurement ; Seepage ; Sedimentation ; Costs / Pakistan / Sindh Province / Nawabshah District / Dhoro Naro Minor
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G730 SOO Record No: H022619)
390 SOTOMAYOR, J. V.; GARCES, C. 1996. Proyecto de fortalecimiento institutional sobre manejo del recurso agua en la Region Andina: Anexo 3: Perfil de riego de la Republic Ecuador. [Project on Institutional Strengthening for Water Management in the Andean Region: Annex 3 - Profile of irrigation: Ecuador] Cali, Colombia: IIMI. Mexico. Six-month progress report, No.2 ( 28 September 1995 - March 1996) 38 p. + annexes.
Institution building ; Irrigation management ; Water management ; Project appraisal / Ecuador
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G505 GAR Record No: H019017)
Annex #2 of 7
391 SOTOMAYOR, J. V.; GARCES, C. 1995. Proyecto de fortalecimiento institutional sobre manejo del recurso agua en la Region Andina: Anexo 4 - Estudios sobre transferencia del manejo del riego en la Republica del Ecuador: Informe preliminar. [Project on Institutional Strengthening for Water Management in the Andean Region: Annex 4: Irrigation management transfer in the Republic of Ecuador - Preliminary information] Cali, Colombia: IIMI. Mexico. Six-month progress report, No.2 ( 28 September 1995 - March 1996) 26p.
Institution building ; Irrigation management ; Water management ; Project appraisal / Ecuador
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G505 GAR Record No: H019018)
Annex #4 of 7
392 SRIVASTAVA, L. P.; BREWER, J. D. 1994. Irrigation management transfer at Paliganj Canal Bihar, India. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v, 20p.; 24p. + map. (Short report series on locally managed irrigation, no.7)
Canal irrigation ; Irrigation management ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Maintenance ; Water distribution ; Farmers' associations ; Privatization / India / Bihar
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 SRI Record No: H013944)
393 STANBURY, P. 1989. Land settlement planning for improved irrigation management: A case study of the Kirindi Oya Irrigation and Settlement Project. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xx, 73p. (IIMI country paper - Sri Lanka no.4)
Land use ; Settlement patterns ; Irrigation management ; Irrigated farming ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Farmers' associations ; Economic aspects ; Irrigation programs ; Irrigable land ; Farmer participation / Sri Lanka / Kirindi Oya
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G744 STA Record No: H005728)
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This paper analyzes the impact of settlement policies on irrigation management in a new irrigated settlement scheme in southern Sri Lanka based on field research in 1988. It provides policy recommendations for improvements on this scheme and in future schemes.
394 STARKLOFF, R.; WAHEED-UZ-ZAMAN. 1999. Farmers' participation, empowerment and the institutional reform of Pakistan's irrigation and drainage sector: Key concepts and farmers' perceptions. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. vi, 83p. (IIMI Pakistan research report no.R-89)
Irrigation programs ; Farmer participation ; Drainage ; Farmers' attitudes ; Equity ; Social organization ; Water users' associations ; Farmers' associations ; Research methods ; Leadership ; Water distribution ; Maintenance ; Privatization ; Institution building / Pakistan / Fordwah Eastern Sadiqia South
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 STA Record No: H025505)
395 STEELE, P.; KONRADSEN, F.; IMBULANA, K. A. U. S. 1997. Irrigation, health and the environment: A literature review with examples from Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v, 25p. (IIMI discussion paper no.42)
Irrigation management ; Health ; Environment ; Water management / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G744 STE Record No: H004146)
This paper attempts to present the linkages between irrigated agriculture, human health, and the environment based on a review of data available from Sri Lanka. Section 2, presents the background by reviewing irrigation development in Sri Lanka. Section 3 presents an outline for selecting the key environmental impacts of irrigation development, and suggests physical and economic indicators to quantify these impacts. Section 4 presents the main data with a short explanation of the main irrigation, health, and environment relationships and a review of their current status in Sri Lanka. Section 5 presents the conclusions.
396 STROSSER, P.; KUPER, M. 1994. Water markets in the Fordwah/Eastern Sadiqia Area: An answer to perceived deficiencies in canal water supplies? Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. vii, 33p. (IIMI working paper no.30)
Water market ; Water supply ; Groundwater ; Surface irrigation ; Conjunctive use ; Tube well irrigation ; Agricultural production ; Water policy ; Pricing ; Water costs ; Farmer participation / Pakistan / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.4 G730 STR Record No: H015155)
This paper presents the results of a study on water markets in the Fordwah/Eastern Sadiqia Area, Punjab, Pakistan. The study stresses and quantifies the importance of water markets in the area. A first attempt is made to evaluate the the impact of water marketson the quality of irrigation services.
397 STROSSER, P. 1997. Analyzing alternative policy instruments for the irrigation sector: An assessment of the potential for water market development in the Chishtian Sub-division, Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan; Montpellier Cedex, France; Wageningen, Netherlands: IIMI. Pakistan National Program; Cemagref; Wageningen Agricultural University. Department of Water Resources. x, 243p.
Water market ; Irrigation management ; Economic aspects ; Simulation models ; Linear programming ; Stochastic process ; Water policy ; Surface water ; Groundwater ; Hydraulics ; Networks ; Farming systems ; Watercourses ; Water rates ; Irrigation water ; Distributary canals ; Water allocation ; Water distribution ; Salinity ; Sodic soils ; Aquifers ; Recharge / Pakistan / Punjab / Chishtian Sub-division / Fordwah Distributary / Azim Distributaries
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 STR Record No: H021705)
Ph.D. Thesis, Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands
398 STROSSER, P. (Ed.) 1998. The collaboration between IIMI and CEMAGREF in Pakistan: Proceedings of a one-day workshop, October 3, 1997, International Irrigation Management Institute, Lahore. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. ii, 82p. (IIMI Pakistan report no.R-47)
Irrigation management ; Decision support tools ; Operations ; Maintenance ; Irrigation canals ; Water distribution ; Sedimentation ; Satellite surveys ; Land use ; Mapping ; Remote sensing ; GIS ; Farming systems ; Water market ; Models ; Salinity ; Sodic soils ; Policy ; Agricultural production / Pakistan / Chishtian Subdivision / Fordwah Distributary
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 STR Record No: H022400)
399 SVENDSEN, M. 1987. Sustainability in irrigated agriculture. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 11p. (IIMI working paper no.4)
Irrigated farming ; Agriculture ; Irrigation efficiency ; Sustainability
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI WP No. 4 Record No: H002853)
400 SVENDSEN, M.; VERMILLION, D. 1994. Irrigation management transfer in the Columbia Basin: Lessons and international implications. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xix, 94p. (Research paper no.12)
Irrigation management ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Privatization ; Irrigation efficiency ; Irrigation effects ; Project appraisal ; Financing ; Developing countries / USA / Columbia Basin
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G430 SVE Record No: H014550)
401 SVENDSEN, M.; VERMILLION, D. 1993. La transferencia del manejo del riego en la cuenca del r�o Columbia, Estados Unidos de Am,rica: Lecciones y connotaciones internacionales. [Irrigation management transfer in the Columbia Basin: Lessons and international implications] Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xv, 98p.
Irrigation management ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Privatization ; Irrigation efficiency ; Irrigation effects ; Project appraisal ; Financing ; Developing countries / USA / Columbia Basin
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G430 SVE Record No: H016475)
402 SVENDSEN, M.; VERMILLION, D. L. 1996. Results of irrigation management transfer in the Columbia Basin Project, USA. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. In Vermillion, D. L. (Ed.), The privatization and self-management of irrigation. Final report submitted to the Deutsche Gesellschaft f?r Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH by IIMI. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. pp.10-25; 16p. (Short report series on locally managed irrigation, report no.15)
Irrigation management ; Privatization ; Farmer participation ; Irrigation programs ; Case studies ; River basin development ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Performance evaluation ; Policy ; Legal aspects ; Economic aspects / USA / Columbia Basin
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G000 VER, IIMI 631.7.3 G430 SVE Record No: H018485)
403 SVENDSEN, M.; NOTT, G. 1997. Irrigation management transfer in Turkey: Early experience with a national program under rapid implementation. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. vii, 17p. (Short report series on locally managed irrigation, no.17)
Irrigation management ; Privatization ; Operations ; Irrigation systems ; Participatory management ; Local management ; Cost recovery ; Conflict ; Agricultural production ; Cotton / Turkey
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G752 SVE Record No: H020828)
404 TAHIR, Z. 1997. Integration of agricultural commodity markets in the South Punjab, Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. vi, 44p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-29)
Agricultural economics ; Marketing ; Cotton ; Rice ; Wheat ; Prices / Pakistan / South Punjab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 338.1 G730 TAH Record No: H020865)
405 TAREEN, M. A. H.; MAHMOOD, K.; IQBAL, A.; KHAN, M. A.; KUPER, M. 1996. Water distribution at the secondary level in the Chishtian sub-division. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. iv, 179p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report R-5)
Water distribution ; Salinity ; Water loss ; Hydraulics ; Flow ; Canals ; Equity ; Watercourses ; Irrigation / Pakistan / Shishtian / Fordwah Eastern Sadiqia / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 TAR Record No: H009154)
406 TERPSTRA, A. 1998. Tenancy and irrigation water management in South-Eastern Punjab, Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. xii, 87p. (Report no.R-46)
Tenanacy ; Watercourses ; Decision making ; Sharecropping ; Land ownership ; Conflict ; Irrigation management ; Water management ; Tube wells ; Water rights ; Canals / Pakistan / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 TER Record No: H022284)
407 TIDKE, G. A. 1995. Water users' association in Minor 17, 18, 18A, 19, and Distributary 1, Waghad Project: Farmers' experience. Ahmedabad, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIM; IIMI. 13p. (Status of irrigation management transfer in India)
Water users' associations ; Privatization ; Irrigation canals ; Maintenance ; Water distribution / India / Waghad Dam
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 TID Record No: H019451)
408 TIFFEN, M. 1987. The dominance of the internal rate of return as a planning criterion and the treatment of o&m costs in feasibility studies. London, UK: ODI; IIMI. 19p. (ODI/IIMI Irrigation Management Network paper 87/1b)
Operating costs ; Maintenance costs ; Cost recovery ; Cost benefit analysis ; Farm income
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: ODI/IIMI 87/1b Record No: H002006)
409 TOVAR, J. G.; GARC�S-RESTREPO, C. 1996. Perfil de riego de la Rep�blica del Per�. Lima, Per�: IIMI; IPROGA. 35p. + annexes.
Irrigation ; Geology ; Climate ; Water resources ; Groundwater ; History ; Precipitation ; Natural resources ; Hydrology ; Institutions / Peru
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7 G530 TOV Record No: H020736)
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410 UL HAQ, A. 1998. Case study of the Punjab Irrigation Department: Consultancy report. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. x, 157p. (IIMI Pakistan report no.C-12)
Institutional development ; History ; Irrigation management ; Water rights ; Water distribution ; Irrigation scheduling ; Water rates ; Case studies ; Development aid ; Rivers ; Canals ; Flood control ; Drainage ; Dams ; Performance evaluation ; Performance indexes ; Financial resources ; Infrastructure ; Constraints ; Monitoring ; Communication ; Tube wells ; Surface drainage ; Maintenance ; Cost recovery ; Environmental effects ; Waterlogging ; Salinity ; Aquifers ; Effluents ; Water quality ; Water conservation ; Participatory management ; Legal aspects / Pakistan / Punjab / Indus Basin
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7.3 G730 ULH Record No: H030079)
411 UL HASSAN, M.; MEMON, Y. 1998. Study of Pakistan Pilot Project Farmer-Leaders to Nepal. Lahore. Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. iv, 49p. (Report no.R-43)
Farmer participation ; Irrigation management ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Irrigated farming ; Sustainable agriculture ; Institution building / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 ULH Record No: H006404)
412 UL HASSAN, M.; MIRZA, Z. I.; BANDARAGODA, D. J. 1998. Training farmers to organize farmers: Lessons learned in social organization for irrigated agriculture at Hakra 4-R Distributary. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. vii, 56p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-63)
Irrigation canals ; Distributary canals ; Farmers ; Social organization ; Training ; Water users' associations ; Maintenance ; Water allocation ; Water distribution ; Community development ; Leadership / Pakistan / Punjab / Fordwah Eastern Sadiqia Irrigation System / Hakra 4-R Distributary
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 ULH Record No: H023177)
413 UL HASSAN, M.; KHATRI, M. 1998. Preliminary business plan for the water users federation of the Hakra 4-R Distributary. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. xi, 111p. (IIMI-Pakistan report no.R-69)
Irrigation management ; Irrigation programs ; Planning ; Irrigation canals ; Distributary canals ; Watercourses ; Water users' associations ; Water rates ; Farm income ; Maintenance ; Infrastructure ; Institutions ; Waterlogging ; Salinity control ; Flood control ; Drainage / Pakistan / Punjab / Hakra
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 ULH Record No: H023753)
414 UL HASSAN, M.; PRADHAN, P. (Comp.) 1998. Coordinated services for irrigated agriculture in Pakistan: Proceedings of the National Workshop, Lahore, Pakistan, October 29-30, 1998. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. 96p. (IIMI Pakistan research report R-71)
Irrigated farming ; Institution building ; Farmers� associations ; Case studies / Pakistan / India / Sindh / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7.3 G730 ULH Record No: H030081)
415 UPASENA, W. J. J.; BREWER, J. D.; HAQ, K. A. (Eds.) 1997? Monitoring farmers' involvement in rehabilitation: Phase I - The case of five irrigation schemes under the National Irrigation Rehabilitation Project. Colombo, Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka. Irrigation Department. IRMU; IIMI. SLNP. xi, 95p. (IRMU research paper)
Irrigation management ; Rehabilitation ; Design ; Planning ; Farmer participation ; Monitoring ; Farmers' associations / Sri Lanka / Kurunegala / Kandy / Wennoruwa Wewa / Gampolawela Raja Ela / Udugoda Bandara Ela / Kobeigane Maha Wewa / Udawela Maha Ela
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.7 G744 UPA Record No: H019771)
416 USGODA ARACHCHI, T.; WEERASINGHE, A. D.; SAKTHIVADIVEL, R. 1997. Reservoir Operation Simulation (Extended) System - ROSES - Version 3.00: User manual. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 36 p.
Reservoirs ; Simulation models ; Computer techniques ; Irrigation ; Watersheds ; Water resources ; Tanks / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: R IIMI 631.7.1 G744 USG Record No: H009230)
417 VABRE, A. 1996. Methodologies for design, operation and maintenance of irrigation canals subject to sediment problems application to Pakistan - Final report. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. Thesis for the M.Sc. in Environmental Physics and Chemistry from the Nationale Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, France. x, 55p. (Report no.R-13)
Irrigation canals ; Design ; Irrigation operation ; Maintenance ; Sedimentation ; Hydrology ; Mathematical models ; Simulation models / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 VAB Record No: H019736)
418 VALERA, A. (Ed.) 1989. Crop diversification in irrigated agriculture in the Philippines: Proceedings of a national workshop, Puerto Azul Beach and Country Club Ternate Centre, The Philippines, 5 - 7 October 1988. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. x, 293p.
Cropping systems ; Diversification ; Irrigated farming ; Irrigation systems ; Social aspects ; Economic aspects ; Investment ; Farming systems ; Irrigation management / Philippines
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.2 G730 VAL Record No: H006093)
419 VALERA, A.; DESA, M. N. B. M. 1991. Design-management interactions of Malaysia's Kerian Irrigation Scheme. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xxv, 64p. (IIMI country paper - Malaysia no.1)
Irrigation design ; Irrigation management ; Performance evaluation ; Irrigation systems ; Agricultural production ; Farmer participation ; Case studies / Malaysia
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G714 VAL Record No: H010932)
This study of the Kerian irrigation scheme determines effects of the rehabilitation design and actual management interactions on performance and suggests ways to improve the existing level of system performance. The study also probes , among other things, such shortfalls as overly optimistic management assumptions and the declining interest of farmers in irrigated farming.
420 VALERA, A. 1992. Irrigation management for diversified cropping in rice-based systems in the Philippines. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xvi, 74p. (IIMI country paper - Philippines, no.1)
Irrigation management ; Diversification ; Crops ; Rice ; Water management ; Economic aspects / Philippines
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G732 VAL Record No: H011735)
421 VAN DAM, J. C.; ASLAM, M. 1997. Soil salinity and sodicity in relation to irrigation water quality, soil type and farmer management. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. Consultancy report. iv, 35p. (Report no.C-7)
Salinity ; Sodic soils ; Water quality ; Water management ; Farmers ; Simulation models ; Tube wells ; Leaching / Pakistan / Punjab / Chishtian Sub-Division
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 VAN Record No: H009209)
422 VAN KOPPEN, B. 2000. From bucket to basin: Managing river basins to alleviate water deprivation. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. ix, 34p.
Water resources ; Water scarcity ; Water policy ; Irrigated farming ; Water use efficiency ; Poverty ; Gender ; Women in development ; Rural development ; River basins ; Employment ; Irrigable land ; Water pollution ; Water users' associations / South Africa
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.2 G000 VAN Record No: H025886)
Poverty is increasingly recognized as a problem that needs to be brought to the center stage of mainstream water policy and intervention. Carrying buckets, drinking unsafe water, and also lacking the access to water to improve subminimal incomes are increasingly seen as important aspects of integrated water management at basin level. However, there are no agreed-upon concepts integrating poverty, gender, and water that: adequately define the nature of the problem for poor people; capture the multiple aspects and linkages in a comprehensive way; allow an analysis of the different processes in society that create and perpetuate the problem; orient policy makers in their efforts to alleviate water-related poverty. The aim of this paper, therefore, is to fill this gap by elaborating the concept of "water deprivation" and by highlighting the policy implications.
423 VAN WAYJEN, E. G. 1996. Study of water and salt balances for eight sample watercourse commands in Chishtian sub-division, Punjab, Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. iii, 33p. (IIMI-Pakistan consultancy report C-3)
Water balance ; Crops ; Salinity ; Watercourses ; Water requirements ; Sodic soils ; Irrigation ; Groundwater / Pakistan / Shishtian / Punjab
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G730 VAN Record No: H009155)
424 VANDER VELDE, E. J. 1989. Irrigation management in Pakistan mountain environment. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xiii, 33p. (IIMI country paper - Pakistan no.3)
Rural development ; Water management ; Research ; Irrigation management ; Irrigated farming ; Water supply / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 VAN Record No: H005715)
This paper is a preliminary effort to define the extent of irrigation in Pakistan's mountain regions. Attention is given to some changes already begun in this environment through new irrigation development activities. Important knowledge gaps that need to be filled by more systematic and multidisciplinary research are identified.
425 VEHMEYER, P. W.; ABBASI, R. U. R.; KHAN, M. A.; KHAN, A. H.; SKOGERBOE, G. V. 1998. Methodologies for developing downstream gauge ratings for operating canal discharge regulating structures. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. vi, 112p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-48)
Irrigation management ; Irrigation canals ; Flow control ; Downstream control ; Measurement ; Regression analysis ; Discharges / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 VEH Record No: H022923)
426 VELAIAH, V. 1995. Water users' association in Malayadipalayam Distributary of Parambikulam Aliyar Project: Farmers' experience. Ahmedabad, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIM; IIMI. 16p. (Status of irrigation management transfer in India)
Water users' associations ; Farmers' associations ; Water distribution ; Irrigation water / India / Tamil Nadu / Malayadipalayam
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 VEL Record No: H019452)
427 V�LEZ, E. P.; MORALES, J. C.; GARCIA, A. E.; PANTA, E. R.; SAENZ, E. M. (Eds.) 1996. Il Seminario Internacional Transferencia de los Sistemas de Riego, Organizado por El Colegio de Postgraduados (CP) IIMI, Guanajuato, Guanajuato, M�xico, del 16 al 19 de Julio de 1966. Montecillo, M�xico: IIMI Mexico. xliv, 395p.
Irrigation management ; Privatization ; Canals ; Diagnostic techniques ; Operations ; Rehabilitation ; GIS ; Legal aspects / Mexico / USA / Venezuela / Colombia / Holland / Argentina / Peru
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G404 VEL Record No: H009205)
428 VERHEIJEN, O. 1998. Community irrigation systems in the Province of Balochistan. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. vi, 91p. (IIMI-Pakistan report no.R-49)
Communal irrigation systems ; Irrigation programs ; Soils ; Climate ; Population ; Land use ; Land tenure ; Farm size ; Tenancy ; Sharecropping ; Crop production ; Cereals ; Vegetables ; Horticulture ; Water resources ; Infiltration ; Water rights ; Water distribution ; Water conveyance ; Maintenance ; Labor / Pakistan / Balochistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 VER Record No: H022540)
429 VERMILLION, D. 1987. Turning over irrigation systems from the government of Indonesia to farmers. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 16p. (IIMI working paper no.2)
Government managed irrigation systems ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Governmental interrelations ; Policy / Indonesia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI-87-15A Record No: H002794)
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430 VERMILLION, D. L. 1991. The turnover and self management of irrigation institutions in developing countries: A discussion paper for a new program of the International Irrigation Management Institute. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. ii, 46p.
Privatization ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Developing countries
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G000 VER Record No: H012748)
Discussion paper describing a new IIMI program for research, information and institutional support services concerning the turnover, privatization and self management of irrigation systems in developing countries.
431 VERMILLION, D. L.; MURRAY-RUST, D. H. 1995. Enhancing the manageability of rotational irrigation in Indonesia: A pilot experiment in West Java. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 46p. (IIMI Indonesia country paper no.2 / IIMI working paper no.36)
Irrigation scheduling ; Weirs ; Irrigation management ; Performance / Indonesia / West Java
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G662 VER Record No: H006176)
432 VERMILLION, D. L.; GARCES-RESTREPO, C. 1994. Irrigation management transfer in Colombia: A pilot experiment and its consequences. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v, 18p. (Short report series on locally managed irrigation no.5)
Irrigation management ; Farmers' associations ; Privatization ; Water users' associations ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Policy ; Farmers' attitudes / Colombia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G518 VER Record No: H014588)
433 VIMALADHARMA, K. (Comp.) 1990. A selected bibliography on small-scale irrigation systems in Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. vii, 27p.
Bibliographies ; Irrigation ; Small scale systems / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7016 G744 VIM Record No: H006463)
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434 WAHEED-UZ-ZAMAN. 1998. Self-help maintenance activities by the water users federation of Hakra 4-R distributary. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI Pakistan National Program. v, 48p. (Report no.R-44)
Maintenance ; Water distribution ; Water users' associations ; Planning ; Leadership ; Evaluation ; Indicators ; Economic aspects ; Resources mobilization / Pakistan / Haroonabad
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 WAH Record No: H022285)
435 WAHEED-UZ-ZAMAN; IQBAL, A.; HAMID, A.; SKOGERBOE, G. V. 1998. Water measurement training for subsystem management of Hakra 4-R Distributary by the Water Users Federation. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. xiii, 105p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-51)
Water measurement ; Irrigation canals ; Distributary canals ; Watercourses ; Flow control ; Discharges ; Measuring instruments ; Flow measurement ; Training ; Water distribution ; Farmers' associations ; Water users' associations ; Farmer participation / Pakistan / Hakra
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G730 WAH Record No: H022922)
436 WAHEED-UZ-ZAMAN; SULTAN, N.; ASGHAR, B.; KAMRAN, M. A. 1998. Formalization of Water Users Associations by farmer leaders of Hakra 4-R Distributary. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. xvii, 103p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-57)
Water users' associations ; Farmers' associations ; Farmers' attitudes ; Leadership ; Farmer participation ; Legal aspects ; Institution building ; Social status ; Tenancy ; Income ; Distributary canals / Pakistan / Hakra
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 WAH Record No: H023027)
437 WAHEED-UZ-ZAMAN; HAMID, A. 1998. Pre-takeover comparative performance of water users organizations of Hakra 4-R Distributary, Punjab, Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. x, 130p. (IIMI-Pakistan report no.R-68)
Irrigation management ; Irrigation programs ; Irrigation canals ; Distributary canals ; Watercourses ; Privatization ; Water users' associations ; Decision making ; Organizational development ; Maintenance ; Irrigation water ; Equity ; Conflict ; Performance indexes / Pakistan / Punjab / Hakra
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 WAH Record No: H023752)
438 WAHEED-UZ-ZAMAN. 1998. Impacts of farmer participation for water resources management in the Punjab Province, Pakistan: An analysis of process documentation for the Hakra 4-R Distributary. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. viii, 39p. (IIMI-Pakistan research report no.R-76)
Water resource management ; Irrigation management ; Distributary canals ; Farmers' associations ; Water users' associations ; Farmer participation ; Indicators ; Water distribution ; Maintenance ; Communication ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Organizational development ; Legal aspects ; Participatory management ; Conflict ; Leadership / Pakistan / Punjab Province
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G730 WAH Record No: H025423)
439 WAIJJEN, E. G. V.; BANDARAGODA, D. J. 1992. The Punjab desiltation campaign during 1992 canal closure period: Report of a process documentation study. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan. 32p. (Discussion paper 7)
Salinity ; Irrigation canals ; Maintenance / Pakistan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.2 G000 WAI Record No: H011184)
440 WATARA, M.; DE SALL KI, F. 1996. Ko-waandem bata zaab la b ligd geel nao-kendr sebre (sen lebg ne moor n gulse) Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. 34p.
Irrigated farming ; Irrigation management / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7 G226 WAT Record No: H021361)
441 WATER AND LAND MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE; WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT TRAINING CENTRE. 1992. Field research programme on conjunctive use management of surface and ground water in Madhya Ganga Command Area - A status report. New Delhi, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: Water and Land Management Institute; IIMI; WAPCOS. 31p.
Field tests ; On farm research ; Conjunctive use ; Groundwater management / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G000 WAT Record No: H009903)
442 WEERAKKODY, P. 1989. Farmer-officer coordination to achieve flexible irrigation scheduling: A case study from system H, Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xvi, 61p. (IIMI case study no.3)
Farmer agency interactions ; Farmers' associations ; Water distribution ; Farmer participation ; Irrigation scheduling ; Settlement ; Water management / Sri Lanka / Mahaweli Project
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI CS No.3 Record No: H005835)
The institutional and irrigation infrastructure of System H of the Mahaweli Multipurpose Development Project provides adequate opportunities for achieving a high standard of water management. A coordinated approach for achieving close cooperation between agency officials and farmers at the field channel and distributary channel levels, combined with a flexible delivery schedule, resulted in an improved field water use efficiency within the H5 subsystem. An equitable allocation of water to each field channel command area and an effective utilization of rainfall have also been achieved.
443 WEERAWARDENA, I. K.; UPASENA, W. J. J.; HAQ, K. A. (Eds.) 1996. Farmer participation in rehabilitation of NIRP schemes: Farmers' perspective - Proceedings of the Workshop on Farmer Participation in Rehabilitation of NIRP Schemes: Farmers' Perspective held in Galgamuwa, Sri Lanka on February 25, 1995. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. SLNP; Sri Lanka, Irrigation Department. IRMU. xi, 23p.
Irrigation management ; Farmer participation ; Rehabilitation ; Farmers' associations ; Planning ; Privatization ; Leadership ; Farmer-agency interactions / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.7 G744 WEE Record No: H019126)
Experiences from past rehabilitation projects have indicated that without effective farmer participation in the rehabilitation process, it is extremely difficult to achieve cost effective and quality rehabilitation. This led the National Irritation Rehabilitation Project (NIRP) to mandate farmer participation in planning, design and implementation of rehabilitation projects with the ultimate objective of handing over operation and maintenance (O&M) responsibilities of rehabilitated schemes to FOs.
Late in 1993, the Irrigation Research Management Unit (IRMU) carried out a rapid rural appraisal (RRA) of five NIRP schemes to evaluate the effectiveness of farmer participation. Results were presented in the workshop in October, 1994. At the recommendation of the workshop the study was expanded to cover a significantly larger sample size (20 more schemes) with a view to more thoroughly analyze issues raised. Preliminary results showed that farmers bear wide-ranging views on their participation in rehabilitation and takeover. This situation necessitated the need to consult farmers to draw on their views and opinions, to further strengthen the rehabilitation process being pursued by NI RP.
Many workshops and seminars have been held in the past to solicit opinions of experts on the subject including documenting experiences of the agency officials engaged in the implementation of rehabilitation projects. IRMU has taken a step forward by obtaining feedback directly from the farmer leaders on the issues that contribute to further strengthening farmer participation in the rehabilitation and turnover of NIRP schemes.
The workshop provided a forum to the farmer leaders to frankly and openly express their opinions and share their experiences. Proceedings of these discussions were meticulously recorded and this report provides the outcome of those discussions.
444 WESTER. P.; DURING, A.; OORTHUIZEN, J. 1995. Locally managed irrigation in the Senegal River Valley in the aftermath of state disengagement. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v, 21p. (Short report series on locally managed irrigation, no.9)
Irrigation management ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Communal irrigation systems ; Farmers' associations ; Privatization ; Irrigated farming ; Villages ; Farmers' attitudes ; Agricultural credit ; Financing / Senegal
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G218 WES Record No: H016786)
445 WIJAYARATNA, C. M.; VERMILLION, D. L. 1994. Irrigation management turnover in the Philippines: Strategy of the National Irrigation Administration. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. v, 23p. (Short report series on locally managed irrigation no.4)
Privatization ; Irrigation management ; Communal irrigation systems ; Farmers' associations ; Irrigation systems ; Costs / Philippines
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G732 WIJ Record No: H014218)
446 WIJAYARATNA, C. M.; PINTOR, E. M.; VALDEZ, D. M.; LAITOS, R. .W; SOLIS, V. V. 1996. Farmers organizing farmers: A methodological study of Farmer Irrigators' Organization Program in the Philippines. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xiv, 142p. (IIMI research paper no.13)
Irrigation management ; Irrigation systems ; Agricultural production ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Operations ; Maintenance ; Privatization ; Institution building ; Farmers' associations ; Research methods ; User charges ; Water delivery ; Water distribution ; Social aspects / Philippines
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G732 WIJ Record No: H019946)
The study, conducted in the Philippines, was aimed at developing and testing an integrated research methodology combining Process Documentation Research PDR and validation of PDR findings through a quick process of workshops and questionnaire surveys to assess the Farmer Irrigators' Organization Program (FIOP) country-wide. PDR using an action research mode, was confined to a small sample and provided continuous feedback during FIOP implementation. On the other hand, because of the large sample size and area covered the workshops and questionnaire surveys were useful in validating quantitatively the more qualitative PDR findings. The validation process was quick because it was guided by PDR results. Hence methods used are complementary to each other and can be integrated.
447 WIJAYARATNA, C. M.; VALDEZ, D. M. 1996. Participatory action research: Strengthening farmer organizations and agency-farmer relations. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xiii, 155p. (IIMI country paper, The Philippines no.6)
Irrigation management ; Irrigation systems ; Agricultural development ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Operations ; Maintenance ; Performance evaluation ; Institution building ; Farmers' associations ; Training ; Research methods ; Privatization / Philippines / Bicol / Western Visayas / Northern Mindanao
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G732 WIJ Record No: H019947)
448 WIJAYARATNA, C. M.; PANABOKKE, C. R.; ALUWIHARE, P. B.; CHARLES, S. H.; SAKTHIVADIVEL, R. 1996. Potential for diversified cropping in the rice lands of Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xiv, 105p. (IIMI country paper, Sri Lanka no.14)
Irrigation management ; Irrigated farming ; Rice ; Crops ; Diversification ; Crop production ; Yield ; Economic aspects ; Costs ; Farmer-agency interactions / Sri Lanka
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G744 WIJ Record No: H020028)
The main objective of this study was to examine and assess the potential for expanding the cultivation of OFCs on rice lands, based on data available over a decade (1982-92) in respect of extents cultivated as well as changes that have taken place on different categories of irrigated lands in the country. The study highlights the great weaknesses of the database on diversified cropping, including basic information such as extents and crop yields.. Establishment and maintenance of an accurate spatial database using a Geographic Information System (GIS) should therefore be given a high priority.
449 YODER, R.; PRADHAN, P.; MARTIN, E. D. 1988. Recommendations for consideration in the development of Nepal's irrigation master plan. Part I: Management of irrigation systems for effective O&M and resource mobilization; Part 2: Farmer-managed irrigation systems. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: IIMI. ii, 15p. (IIMI occasional paper / IIMI pub 88-10)
Irrigation management ; Resource management ; Irrigation operation ; Maintenance ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Irrigation efficiency ; Agricultural production / Nepal
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.8 G726 YOD Record No: H003722)
Presents recommendations for improving the effectiveness of operation and maintenance of agency-managed irrigation systems and for providing effective assistance to farmer-managed systems in Nepal. The paper sets out a series of recommendations with supporting arguments. These recommendations were discussed at an Irrigation Sector Coordination Meeting held in Kathmandu, Nepal, on 23 February 1988. The meeting was convened by the Ministry of Water Resources and was attended by representatives of a number of government departments and international agencies.
450 YODER, R. 1994. Locally managed irrigation systems: Essential tasks and implications for assistance, management transfer and turnover programs. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. vii, 97p. (Monograph no.3)
Irrigation management ; Irrigation systems ; Irrigation scheduling ; Privatization ; Farmer participation ; Water management ; Water rights ; Water allocation ; Resource management ; Organizational dynamics ; Conflict ; Communication ; Training / Nepal / Indonesia / Philippines
(Location: IWMI-SEA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G726 YOD Record No: H011888)
This monograph examines the construction, operation and maintenance tasks that shape the nature of locally managed irrigation systems. The objective of the book is to identify relevant experiences and lessons for staff who are responsible for working with locally managed systems in three types of programs: direct assistance to existing locally managed irrigation systems, turnover of public owned systems to local management, and transfer of partial management to farmer groups within larger systems that remain publicly controlled.
451 YODER, R. 1994. Organization and management by farmers in the Chhattis Mauja Irrigation System, Nepal. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xiii, 149p. (Research paper no.11)
Irrigation management ; Canal irrigation ; Water distribution ; Water allocation ; Decision making ; Agriculture ; Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Groundwater ; Percolation ; Drainage ; Seepage ; Performance ; Maintenance ; Cost benefit analysis ; Crop yield ; Rice ; Wheat ; Maize / Nepal
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G726 YOD Record No: H014962)
452 YODER, R. (Ed.) 1994. Designing irrigation structures for mountainous environments: A handbook of experience. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. 228p.
Irrigation management ; Irrigation design ; Mountains
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.1 G000 YOD Record No: H015392)
Handbook in which an attempt has been made to consolidate a large body of existing experience of mountain irrigation and to make it available to irrigation practitioners. Some of the experiences comes from designing new irrigation structures for mountainous sites and some of it comes from examining and analyzing traditional structures which mountain communities have evolved for themselves.
453 ZALA, M. J. 1995. Water users' association in Bhima Lift Irrigation Scheme: Farmers' experience. Ahmedabad, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIM; IIMI. 15p. (Status of irrigation management transfer in India)
Water users' associations ; Cooperatives ; Water distribution ; Low lift irrigation ; Irrigation canals ; Water rates ; Cropping systems / India / Bhima Village
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G635 ZAL Record No: H019453)
454 ZAPANTA, L. S.; MAGOS, A. P.; PADILLA, M. J.; DAQUILANEA-TANOY, A.; TORRES, A. A. 1995. Services of provincial irrigation offices to communal irrigation systems in Western Visayas, the Philippines. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. xviii, 115p. (IIMI country paper, the Philippines no.3)
Irrigation management ; Communal irrigation systems ; Farmer-agency interactions ; Maintenance ; Farmers' associations ; Institution building ; Agricultural development ; Training ; Water distribution ; Small-scale systems ; Privatization / Philippines
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G732 ZAP Record No: H017030)
455 ZUDA, A. Z; WATARA, A. S.; DEMB�L�, A. Y. 1996. Ko-waandem baoog koob tuum nao-kendre sebre. [Manual on the agronomic aspects of irrigation system management] Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. 66p.
Irrigation management ; Irrigated farming ; Rice ; Crop production / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.2 G226 ZID Record No: H021360)
456 ZWARTEVEEN, M. 1994. Gender issues, water issues: A gender perspective on irrigation management. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. vii, 62p. (Working paper no.32)
Women in development ; Gender differences ; Water use ; Irrigation management ; Irrigated farming ; Performance ; Planning ; Irrigation effects ; Poverty ; Households ; Agricultural production ; Settlement patterns / Africa / Asia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7088042 G000 ZWA Record No: H014611)